Publication Date


Document Type

Lightning Talk

Start Date

24-10-2014 3:45 PM

End Date

24-10-2014 5:00 PM


Perhaps you've witnessed the absolute terror of the faculty who cherishes their time old VHS used in teaching. At the University of Connecticut (UConn), those who have an affinity with VHS are finding it increasingly difficult to show them because UConn no longer supports this technology in classrooms. Hence, teaching faculty must either bring their own VHS player or use those in the library. Adding to this faculty frustration, many VHS tapes' quality are beginning to degrade with time and continual use. To help faculty, the Libraries use Section 108, orphan works, to determine when to provide a digital DVD copy for instructional use only. This lightning talk will present how this program started and the workflow involved in changing a terrified faculty member into a happy one.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Oct 24th, 3:45 PM Oct 24th, 5:00 PM

Saving Orphans, One VHS at a Time: The Story of Section 108 at the University of Connecticut Libraries

Perhaps you've witnessed the absolute terror of the faculty who cherishes their time old VHS used in teaching. At the University of Connecticut (UConn), those who have an affinity with VHS are finding it increasingly difficult to show them because UConn no longer supports this technology in classrooms. Hence, teaching faculty must either bring their own VHS player or use those in the library. Adding to this faculty frustration, many VHS tapes' quality are beginning to degrade with time and continual use. To help faculty, the Libraries use Section 108, orphan works, to determine when to provide a digital DVD copy for instructional use only. This lightning talk will present how this program started and the workflow involved in changing a terrified faculty member into a happy one.