Advanced Cartographic Workshop
Publication Date
Document Type
Start Date
15-10-2020 12:30 PM
End Date
15-10-2020 2:30 PM
Video of a virtual presentation given by Tim Kiser, Michigan State University Libraries, on advanced topics in cataloging cartographic materials. With the fundamental principles and basic methodology of cataloging a sheet map having been covered the previous day, participants were ready to tackle RDA/MARC-based treatment for notes fields, the special MARC 007 cartographic field, subject analysis and genre/form terms, and LC classification, plus the differences in cataloging atlases and globes versus sheet maps.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Kiser, T. (2020, October 13-16). Advanced cartographic workshop [Conference session]. 2020 OLAC Conference, Virtual.
2020 OLAC cartographic cataloging advanced-Kiser.pdf (11876 kB)
Copy of Choice of title process with RDA Instruction.doc (31 kB)
Choice of Title: Title Selection Process for Cartographic Resources
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Map Record Match Criteria When Looking for a Copy
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Scale Information Only - The Mathematical and Other Material Specific Details Area
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Titles for Cartographic Resources
US G-number map.pdf (546 kB)
Base Classification Numbers for Sheet Maps of U.S. States (from Class G in the LC Classification Schedule)
Advanced Cartographic Workshop
Video of a virtual presentation given by Tim Kiser, Michigan State University Libraries, on advanced topics in cataloging cartographic materials. With the fundamental principles and basic methodology of cataloging a sheet map having been covered the previous day, participants were ready to tackle RDA/MARC-based treatment for notes fields, the special MARC 007 cartographic field, subject analysis and genre/form terms, and LC classification, plus the differences in cataloging atlases and globes versus sheet maps.