Advanced Video Workshop
Publication Date
Document Type
Start Date
15-10-2020 12:30 PM
End Date
15-10-2020 2:30 PM
Video of a virtual presentation given by Jay Weitz, Senior Consulting Database Specialist at OCLC on the more complicated aspects of cataloging videos. The workshop discussed the particulars surrounding title in video recordings, (including looking at parts, sections and supplements), the statement of responsibility, language, identifiers, and durations and awards notes.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Weitz, J. (2020, October 13-16). Advanced video workshop [Conference session]. 2020 OLAC Conference, Virtual.
VideoWorkshopAdvancedOLAC2020.pdf (1801 kB)
Advanced Video Workshop
Video of a virtual presentation given by Jay Weitz, Senior Consulting Database Specialist at OCLC on the more complicated aspects of cataloging videos. The workshop discussed the particulars surrounding title in video recordings, (including looking at parts, sections and supplements), the statement of responsibility, language, identifiers, and durations and awards notes.