I am Roller Derby: The Serious Leisure and Leisure Identity of Roller Derby Participants

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Roller derby is an international phenomenon, a form of serious leisure and an activity helping female participants define who they are. Thus, the purpose of this research study was: (a) to examine the phenomenon of roller derby on a larger scale to better understand the identity characteristics of roller derby participants in the USA and (b) to investigate the perceptions of serious leisure experience on leisure identity development. Through online distribution, a total of 582 Women's Flat Track Derby Association members across the USA completed the survey. The results of independent t-tests and ANOVA indicated that the level of seriousness and leisure identity did not vary with female participants’ age, race and education level. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that female participants’ level of systematic pursuit of roller derby could be predicted by their leisure identity. This is specifically true when considering self-identity and positive affectivity related to their experience in roller derby, while social identity was the last significant identity factor for participants.


Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Services

Publication Title

World Leisure Journal


