Usability Testing: Impacts on Web Design



Student's Major


Student's College

Arts and Humanities

Mentor's Name

Roland Nord

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Arts and Humanities


Students from the Data Communications and Networks n (COMS 463) and Technical Documentation, Policies, and Procedures (ENG 4/577) developed a web site for the First Year Experience General Education Requirements. Early in the development cycle, usability testing was conducted to determine how usable the web site would be to the potential users. The method of testing consisted of a questionnaire and paper prototypes of the web pages. The test was conducted in three First Year Experience Seminars (FYEX 100) and in the Technical Documentation, Policies, and Procedures class. The testing revealed major navigational problems with the web site and numerous contextual errors that confused the users. The usability testing prompted the team to identify problems that otherwise would have been overlooked. The team revamped both the layout and the content structure of the website.

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Usability Testing: Impacts on Web Design


Students from the Data Communications and Networks n (COMS 463) and Technical Documentation, Policies, and Procedures (ENG 4/577) developed a web site for the First Year Experience General Education Requirements. Early in the development cycle, usability testing was conducted to determine how usable the web site would be to the potential users. The method of testing consisted of a questionnaire and paper prototypes of the web pages. The test was conducted in three First Year Experience Seminars (FYEX 100) and in the Technical Documentation, Policies, and Procedures class. The testing revealed major navigational problems with the web site and numerous contextual errors that confused the users. The usability testing prompted the team to identify problems that otherwise would have been overlooked. The team revamped both the layout and the content structure of the website.