Ethics of Document Design: A Survey of Technical Communication Students



Student's Major


Student's College

Arts and Humanities

Mentor's Name

Roland Nord

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Arts and Humanities


We attempted to replicate a study conducted by Sam Dragga'. Dragga administered a survey about ethical implications of document design to two groups of technical communicators - those working in industry and those teaching in academe. The same survey was administered to sections of technical communication students at the end of fall semester and at the beginning of spring semester. The survey^ contains seven brief scenarios involving document design. Participants were asked to rate the document design decisions on a 6-point scale (ranging from completely ethical to completely unethical) and to provide brief justifications for their responses. The results of our study and the Dragga study will be discussed.

' Dragga, Sam. 1996. "Is This Ethical?" A survey of opinion on principles and practices of document design. Technical Communications 43 (3): 255-65. ^ The survey is appended and available at http:// EthicsSurvev.doc.

This document is currently not available here.



Ethics of Document Design: A Survey of Technical Communication Students


We attempted to replicate a study conducted by Sam Dragga'. Dragga administered a survey about ethical implications of document design to two groups of technical communicators - those working in industry and those teaching in academe. The same survey was administered to sections of technical communication students at the end of fall semester and at the beginning of spring semester. The survey^ contains seven brief scenarios involving document design. Participants were asked to rate the document design decisions on a 6-point scale (ranging from completely ethical to completely unethical) and to provide brief justifications for their responses. The results of our study and the Dragga study will be discussed.

' Dragga, Sam. 1996. "Is This Ethical?" A survey of opinion on principles and practices of document design. Technical Communications 43 (3): 255-65. ^ The survey is appended and available at http:// EthicsSurvev.doc.