East Germany and the Reunification


CSU 253

Start Date

13-4-2004 8:45 AM

End Date

13-4-2004 10:15 AM

Student's Major


Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Larry Witherell

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


This project defines what East Germans expected of an all German reunification prior to 1991, and how these expectations are related to the popular dissatisfaction of the reunification in East Germany after the actual reunification in 1991. The project begins by examining what East Germans expected of a hypothetical reunification in the years 1949-1991. Then the project turns to examine the dissatisfaction with the reunification in East Germany in the years following 1991. The expectations prior to 1991 are compared with the dissatisfaction in post 1991 East Germany, thus determining whether or not the current dissatisfaction in East Germany is the direct cause of the expectations of East Germans being met.

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Apr 13th, 8:45 AM Apr 13th, 10:15 AM

East Germany and the Reunification

CSU 253

This project defines what East Germans expected of an all German reunification prior to 1991, and how these expectations are related to the popular dissatisfaction of the reunification in East Germany after the actual reunification in 1991. The project begins by examining what East Germans expected of a hypothetical reunification in the years 1949-1991. Then the project turns to examine the dissatisfaction with the reunification in East Germany in the years following 1991. The expectations prior to 1991 are compared with the dissatisfaction in post 1991 East Germany, thus determining whether or not the current dissatisfaction in East Germany is the direct cause of the expectations of East Germans being met.