Evaluation of Pharmacogenomics and Its Applications to Biological Race


CSU 244

Start Date

25-4-2005 1:15 PM

End Date

25-4-2005 3:00 PM

Student's Major

Communication Studies

Student's College

Arts and Humanities

Mentor's Name

Jim Dimock

Mentor's Department

Communication Studies

Mentor's College

Arts and Humanities


Research in the area of pharmacogenomics has burgeoned as more information about the human genome has been discovered. Currently, researchers have combined pharmacogenomics with what is presently known about the biological differences between various races and are seeking to create and market medication for specific racial groups. A vast number of implications have arisen from this developing research, including the theory that further research in this direction will only further intensify racism. Additionally, researchers are faced with a continuum of race; mapping the genome not only in black and white, but also in the gray areas in between. Consequently, the concepts of unique biology, race, and pharmacogenomics must be explored collectively and respectively deserve our attention.

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Apr 25th, 1:15 PM Apr 25th, 3:00 PM

Evaluation of Pharmacogenomics and Its Applications to Biological Race

CSU 244

Research in the area of pharmacogenomics has burgeoned as more information about the human genome has been discovered. Currently, researchers have combined pharmacogenomics with what is presently known about the biological differences between various races and are seeking to create and market medication for specific racial groups. A vast number of implications have arisen from this developing research, including the theory that further research in this direction will only further intensify racism. Additionally, researchers are faced with a continuum of race; mapping the genome not only in black and white, but also in the gray areas in between. Consequently, the concepts of unique biology, race, and pharmacogenomics must be explored collectively and respectively deserve our attention.

Recommended Citation

Kofoed, Emily S.. "Evaluation of Pharmacogenomics and Its Applications to Biological Race." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 25, 2005.