Privatized Military Firms: A Detriment to the United States


CSU 244

Start Date

25-4-2005 1:15 PM

End Date

25-4-2005 3:00 PM

Student's Major

Communication Studies

Student's College

Arts and Humanities

Mentor's Name

Leah White

Mentor's Department

Communication Studies

Mentor's College

Arts and Humanities


Privatized Military Firms have quickly become a major part of the U.S. armed forces. The U.S. Government has turned more to Privatized Military Firms to provide security personnel to supplement diminished military recruitment. These armed civilians often resemble soldiers in their scope, armament and deployment yet are deficient in terms of accountability, responsibility and legitimacy. It is my contention the United States' use of Privatized Military Firms, in any context, constitutes an attack on everything the U.S. holds dear. Therefore, through appeal to news articles pertaining to the subject, I will argue the use of Privatized Military Firms must be stopped because they are a detriment to the U.S. Military; the employees who work for them and U.S. Governmental strength. After laying out these tenants it will become evident the best way to protect the United States from attack does not, in any way, involve Privatized Military Firms.

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Apr 25th, 1:15 PM Apr 25th, 3:00 PM

Privatized Military Firms: A Detriment to the United States

CSU 244

Privatized Military Firms have quickly become a major part of the U.S. armed forces. The U.S. Government has turned more to Privatized Military Firms to provide security personnel to supplement diminished military recruitment. These armed civilians often resemble soldiers in their scope, armament and deployment yet are deficient in terms of accountability, responsibility and legitimacy. It is my contention the United States' use of Privatized Military Firms, in any context, constitutes an attack on everything the U.S. holds dear. Therefore, through appeal to news articles pertaining to the subject, I will argue the use of Privatized Military Firms must be stopped because they are a detriment to the U.S. Military; the employees who work for them and U.S. Governmental strength. After laying out these tenants it will become evident the best way to protect the United States from attack does not, in any way, involve Privatized Military Firms.

Recommended Citation

Collie, Matthew M.. "Privatized Military Firms: A Detriment to the United States." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 25, 2005.