Costs of Implementing Open-Source Software


CSU 253

Start Date

24-4-2006 8:45 AM

End Date

24-4-2006 10:15 AM

Student's Major

Accounting and Business Law

Student's College


Mentor's Name

Robert Zelin

Mentor's Department

Accounting and Business Law

Mentor's College



Open-source software development has allowed for continuous improvement by allowing anyone to view the source code of programs, make improvements, and release the results. This has created a worldwide community of developers who create programs rivaling those of large corporations. The cost, in most cases, is nothing and available to download free from the Internet. Businesses have started to implement open-source software in their information systems, but many businesses remain reluctant to change to open-source because of problems involving security, support, and compatibility. There are many advantages of open-source software but careful analysis of costs associated with conversion, training, and security problems must be performed. Commercial software also has its benefits such as support, security patches, and compatibility but is expensive to license. In my presentation, I will compare the quantitative costs of switching from commercial software to open-source software and the long-term costs associated with the switch.

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Apr 24th, 8:45 AM Apr 24th, 10:15 AM

Costs of Implementing Open-Source Software

CSU 253

Open-source software development has allowed for continuous improvement by allowing anyone to view the source code of programs, make improvements, and release the results. This has created a worldwide community of developers who create programs rivaling those of large corporations. The cost, in most cases, is nothing and available to download free from the Internet. Businesses have started to implement open-source software in their information systems, but many businesses remain reluctant to change to open-source because of problems involving security, support, and compatibility. There are many advantages of open-source software but careful analysis of costs associated with conversion, training, and security problems must be performed. Commercial software also has its benefits such as support, security patches, and compatibility but is expensive to license. In my presentation, I will compare the quantitative costs of switching from commercial software to open-source software and the long-term costs associated with the switch.

Recommended Citation

Juliar, Timothy. "Costs of Implementing Open-Source Software." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 24, 2006.