What Cause Poverty in Africa?


CSU 201

Start Date

24-4-2006 3:15 AM

End Date

24-4-2006 4:45 AM

Student's Major


Student's College


Mentor's Name

Jackie Vieceli

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


Although it has been almost 46 years since most countries in Africa attained independence, there are no remarkable increases of growth or development that were achieved. Half of the populations live less than US$1 a day per person and AIDS is wide spreading. The UN classified majority of the countries in the continent as least developed. Many unsuccessful attempts were made, but the continent is doomed with a cycle of poverty. Thus, the post-independence years in Africa have been referred to as "the decades of lost development." With many poor countries, Africans nations are among many of the poorest countries in the world, and least-developed nations in the world. African nations have been understated by dictator, corrupt government, civil war, uncountable deaths, hunger, disease, nature deserters and underdevelopment, all totaling deep poverty. There is no evidence that conclude Africa's conditions are worn than two centuries ago, but there is clear evidence of poverty that caught the attention of the world. Since the July 0-8 summit and Live 8 concerts, the topic of African development and poverty has been publicly argued and received remarkable attention. While the focused of the attention was predominantly on more«fe better aid, debt relief and cured for AIDS & malaria, there is more insidious kind of problem faced by African that is extremely difficult to confront: An economic enslavement to the World Bank, WTO and IMF or "The Three Masters."

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Apr 24th, 3:15 AM Apr 24th, 4:45 AM

What Cause Poverty in Africa?

CSU 201

Although it has been almost 46 years since most countries in Africa attained independence, there are no remarkable increases of growth or development that were achieved. Half of the populations live less than US$1 a day per person and AIDS is wide spreading. The UN classified majority of the countries in the continent as least developed. Many unsuccessful attempts were made, but the continent is doomed with a cycle of poverty. Thus, the post-independence years in Africa have been referred to as "the decades of lost development." With many poor countries, Africans nations are among many of the poorest countries in the world, and least-developed nations in the world. African nations have been understated by dictator, corrupt government, civil war, uncountable deaths, hunger, disease, nature deserters and underdevelopment, all totaling deep poverty. There is no evidence that conclude Africa's conditions are worn than two centuries ago, but there is clear evidence of poverty that caught the attention of the world. Since the July 0-8 summit and Live 8 concerts, the topic of African development and poverty has been publicly argued and received remarkable attention. While the focused of the attention was predominantly on more«fe better aid, debt relief and cured for AIDS & malaria, there is more insidious kind of problem faced by African that is extremely difficult to confront: An economic enslavement to the World Bank, WTO and IMF or "The Three Masters."

Recommended Citation

Alimici, Mohamed A.. "What Cause Poverty in Africa?." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 24, 2006.