Responses of Minnesota Accounting Firms on Sarbanes-Oxley


CSU 255

Start Date

25-4-2006 8:45 AM

End Date

25-4-2006 10:15 AM

Student's Major

College of Business

Student's College


Mentor's Name

Iny Hwang

Mentor's Department

College of Business

Mentor's College



In July of 2002, President Bush signed an act' in response to Enron and WorldCom. Sarbanes-Oxley has affected the way many businesses report financial statements. This is a big issue for all accountants today since the development of this law affects all accounting firms and the way CEOs and CFOs approve of the statements. We plan to email and call accounting firms in Minnesota to see how Sarbanes-Oxley has affected the way their company has to report. We also plan to see if the companies have had to hire any new employees or add any new departments. During our presentation we plan to explain what Sarbanes-Oxley is and present our results.

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Apr 25th, 8:45 AM Apr 25th, 10:15 AM

Responses of Minnesota Accounting Firms on Sarbanes-Oxley

CSU 255

In July of 2002, President Bush signed an act' in response to Enron and WorldCom. Sarbanes-Oxley has affected the way many businesses report financial statements. This is a big issue for all accountants today since the development of this law affects all accounting firms and the way CEOs and CFOs approve of the statements. We plan to email and call accounting firms in Minnesota to see how Sarbanes-Oxley has affected the way their company has to report. We also plan to see if the companies have had to hire any new employees or add any new departments. During our presentation we plan to explain what Sarbanes-Oxley is and present our results.

Recommended Citation

Hellman, Joe and Dan Ristau. "Responses of Minnesota Accounting Firms on Sarbanes-Oxley." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 25, 2006.