Occupational Values


CSU 253/4

Start Date

21-4-2008 8:00 AM

End Date

21-4-2008 10:00 AM

Student's Major

Accounting and Business Law

Student's College


Mentor's Name

Jane Baird

Mentor's Department

Accounting and Business Law

Mentor's College



The purpose of this project was to determine what job characteristics are currently valued by male and female junior and senior level accounting students. This research enabled us to evaluate the differing opinions between the sexes and also compare this current research to other similar research results completed previously. This research is important to employers and placement service personnel who must find out what types of qualities an employee would look for in an employer. It is also important to students' advisors who need to understand students' values in order to know how to direct them when entering the vast workforce.

This research was conducted using a 25 question survey given to 80 students. The study's results indicated that both males and females ranked job security as their number one occupational value. Males and females also agreed on their third value as "providing a feeling of accomplishment". The second most valued characteristic for females was "provides comfortable working conditions" as compared to "requires working on problems of central importance to the organization" for males. Males and females differed in their perceived importance of almost all other characteristics included in the study. These results demonstrated that campus recruiters hoping to lure top accounting graduates must address how their companies will provide for job security and for meaningful work experiences for their employees. In addition, recruiters should be aware of differences that males and females are looking for in an employer so that they can attract the best candidates.

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Apr 21st, 8:00 AM Apr 21st, 10:00 AM

Occupational Values

CSU 253/4

The purpose of this project was to determine what job characteristics are currently valued by male and female junior and senior level accounting students. This research enabled us to evaluate the differing opinions between the sexes and also compare this current research to other similar research results completed previously. This research is important to employers and placement service personnel who must find out what types of qualities an employee would look for in an employer. It is also important to students' advisors who need to understand students' values in order to know how to direct them when entering the vast workforce.

This research was conducted using a 25 question survey given to 80 students. The study's results indicated that both males and females ranked job security as their number one occupational value. Males and females also agreed on their third value as "providing a feeling of accomplishment". The second most valued characteristic for females was "provides comfortable working conditions" as compared to "requires working on problems of central importance to the organization" for males. Males and females differed in their perceived importance of almost all other characteristics included in the study. These results demonstrated that campus recruiters hoping to lure top accounting graduates must address how their companies will provide for job security and for meaningful work experiences for their employees. In addition, recruiters should be aware of differences that males and females are looking for in an employer so that they can attract the best candidates.

Recommended Citation

Herbst, Amber. "Occupational Values." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 21, 2008.