Assessment of Women's Presence in International Relations Discourse


CSU 201

Start Date

21-4-2008 3:00 PM

End Date

21-4-2008 4:30 PM

Student's Major

Gender and Women's Studies

Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Cheryl Radeloff

Mentor's Department

Gender and Women's Studies

Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


It is a widely held belief that there is a lack of women's participation within International Relations and the field remains male dominated. This social phenomenon has been addressed by feminist theories of gendered divisions of labor and the marginalization of women's work within public and private spheres. This research examined the presence of women in four top International Relations journals; both a qualitative and quantitative content analysis was employed to compare the number of women and men contributors and analyze the content of their contributions.

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Apr 21st, 3:00 PM Apr 21st, 4:30 PM

Assessment of Women's Presence in International Relations Discourse

CSU 201

It is a widely held belief that there is a lack of women's participation within International Relations and the field remains male dominated. This social phenomenon has been addressed by feminist theories of gendered divisions of labor and the marginalization of women's work within public and private spheres. This research examined the presence of women in four top International Relations journals; both a qualitative and quantitative content analysis was employed to compare the number of women and men contributors and analyze the content of their contributions.

Recommended Citation

Pinilla, Laura. "Assessment of Women's Presence in International Relations Discourse." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 21, 2008.