Rates of Slope Erosion Near the New Sears Dormitory on the Campus of Minnesota State University, Mankato


CSU Ballroom

Start Date

21-4-2008 10:00 AM

End Date

21-4-2008 12:00 PM

Student's Major


Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Forrest Wilkerson

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Second Mentor's Name

Ginger Schmid

Second Mentor's Department


Second Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


The purpose of this project was to measure erosion rates on the slope adjacent to the new Sears Dormitory. Erosion rates were quantified by using dendrogeomorphic processes (tree coring), and the amount of root exposure of the trees. Forty three different trees were identified and located using a handheld Garmin 76csx GPS unit and the National Audobon Society Field Guide of North American Trees. Tree heights were determined with a tangent tree height gauge and a range finder, and the breast height diameter of all trees was measured using a Kenson measuring tape. A sample of trees was cored using a tree increment borer and transported to the lab for analysis. The cores were prepared and the age was defined by counting the rings of each core. After determining the age of the cored trees, the data was extrapolated to estimate tree age of all tree species within the study area by dividing the breast height by the estimated tree age to get an average growth rate in cm/yr. Vertical root exposure was divided by tree age to determine the minimum slope erosion rates in cm/yr. The results determined that the slope is eroding variably with a range of 0.06 cm/yr to 0.33 cm/yr. Using the minimum erosion rates, an estimate of when the building will be negatively impacted can be made. These minimal estimates maybe useful for future erosion mitigation efforts.

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Apr 21st, 10:00 AM Apr 21st, 12:00 PM

Rates of Slope Erosion Near the New Sears Dormitory on the Campus of Minnesota State University, Mankato

CSU Ballroom

The purpose of this project was to measure erosion rates on the slope adjacent to the new Sears Dormitory. Erosion rates were quantified by using dendrogeomorphic processes (tree coring), and the amount of root exposure of the trees. Forty three different trees were identified and located using a handheld Garmin 76csx GPS unit and the National Audobon Society Field Guide of North American Trees. Tree heights were determined with a tangent tree height gauge and a range finder, and the breast height diameter of all trees was measured using a Kenson measuring tape. A sample of trees was cored using a tree increment borer and transported to the lab for analysis. The cores were prepared and the age was defined by counting the rings of each core. After determining the age of the cored trees, the data was extrapolated to estimate tree age of all tree species within the study area by dividing the breast height by the estimated tree age to get an average growth rate in cm/yr. Vertical root exposure was divided by tree age to determine the minimum slope erosion rates in cm/yr. The results determined that the slope is eroding variably with a range of 0.06 cm/yr to 0.33 cm/yr. Using the minimum erosion rates, an estimate of when the building will be negatively impacted can be made. These minimal estimates maybe useful for future erosion mitigation efforts.

Recommended Citation

Gessner, Neil; Dan Krumwiede; and Dan O'Connor. "Rates of Slope Erosion Near the New Sears Dormitory on the Campus of Minnesota State University, Mankato." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 21, 2008.