Localization of Novel Protein FAM157A in HELA and HEK Cells


CSU Ballroom

Start Date

9-4-2012 10:00 AM

End Date

9-4-2012 11:30 AM

Student's Major

Biological Sciences

Student's College

Science, Engineering and Technology

Mentor's Name

Geoffrey Goellner

Mentor's Department

Biological Sciences

Mentor's College

Science, Engineering and Technology


We are interested in the FAM157A protein for a couple reasons. First, it is a novel protein that has recently been translated from our genome. This means that there is no information available as far as how this protein is involved in our cellular function. Secondly, the protein contains a region known as a polyQ region. Some of the proteins that contain a region such as this are associated with neurodegenerative diseases; like Huntington’s. This polyQ region can become expanded beyond normal lengths leading to the disease state. So FAM157A could be associated with a neurodegenerative disease, but we have no information on the cellular presence of the protein. In order to localize the protein in the cell, we decided to use immunofluorescent microscopy. This involves using an anti-body that will specifically bind our protein of interest, which we can then photograph. Our most promising results so far is that photographs not using our specific anti-body have almost negligible staining compared to ones using our anti-body. With these results, we know that FAM157A must be expressed in our cells and can move onto further localizing it to an organelle and function, ultimately leading to knowing how this protein affects our life.

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Apr 9th, 10:00 AM Apr 9th, 11:30 AM

Localization of Novel Protein FAM157A in HELA and HEK Cells

CSU Ballroom

We are interested in the FAM157A protein for a couple reasons. First, it is a novel protein that has recently been translated from our genome. This means that there is no information available as far as how this protein is involved in our cellular function. Secondly, the protein contains a region known as a polyQ region. Some of the proteins that contain a region such as this are associated with neurodegenerative diseases; like Huntington’s. This polyQ region can become expanded beyond normal lengths leading to the disease state. So FAM157A could be associated with a neurodegenerative disease, but we have no information on the cellular presence of the protein. In order to localize the protein in the cell, we decided to use immunofluorescent microscopy. This involves using an anti-body that will specifically bind our protein of interest, which we can then photograph. Our most promising results so far is that photographs not using our specific anti-body have almost negligible staining compared to ones using our anti-body. With these results, we know that FAM157A must be expressed in our cells and can move onto further localizing it to an organelle and function, ultimately leading to knowing how this protein affects our life.

Recommended Citation

Wolter, Jeremy and James Gilbert. "Localization of Novel Protein FAM157A in HELA and HEK Cells." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 9, 2012.