The Literature of the Latin American Dictatorships and the United States


CSU 203

Start Date

16-4-2013 11:10 AM

End Date

16-4-2013 12:10 PM

Student's Major

World Languages and Cultures

Student's College

Arts and Humanities

Mentor's Name

Adriana Gordillo

Mentor's Department

World Languages and Cultures

Mentor's College

Arts and Humanities


This study is important because the world is still under repressive regimes despite the spread of Democracy lately. This research has the goals to show how literature had an important role in politics of repressive regimes in Latin America. Certainly, through its denunciative character, this revolutionary literature showed that the promotion of egalitarian societies is only effective when the population cooperates freely and this is very important to know. To perform my study, I used academic sources such as documentaries, articles and books in order to understand the context at stake, as well as literary criticism that I discussed through close reading and critical analysis techniques. For example, novels and poems like Diamelia Eltit: El Padre Mio, Gionconda Belli: Hasta que seamos libres, Tomas Harris: Cipango. Based on these sources I learned that the Latin American dictatorships had an impact on the literature of this region. Among those ideas, literature presented the United States as the significant actor in these dictatorships. As a result, I concluded that the United States, via those dictatorships, did not only control this region politically but also, in doing so, lead to a revolutionary literature, which helped during this time to understand the foreign policy of the United Sates.

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Apr 16th, 11:10 AM Apr 16th, 12:10 PM

The Literature of the Latin American Dictatorships and the United States

CSU 203

This study is important because the world is still under repressive regimes despite the spread of Democracy lately. This research has the goals to show how literature had an important role in politics of repressive regimes in Latin America. Certainly, through its denunciative character, this revolutionary literature showed that the promotion of egalitarian societies is only effective when the population cooperates freely and this is very important to know. To perform my study, I used academic sources such as documentaries, articles and books in order to understand the context at stake, as well as literary criticism that I discussed through close reading and critical analysis techniques. For example, novels and poems like Diamelia Eltit: El Padre Mio, Gionconda Belli: Hasta que seamos libres, Tomas Harris: Cipango. Based on these sources I learned that the Latin American dictatorships had an impact on the literature of this region. Among those ideas, literature presented the United States as the significant actor in these dictatorships. As a result, I concluded that the United States, via those dictatorships, did not only control this region politically but also, in doing so, lead to a revolutionary literature, which helped during this time to understand the foreign policy of the United Sates.

Recommended Citation

Gobey, Desiree. "The Literature of the Latin American Dictatorships and the United States." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 16, 2013.