Selective Language Skills of Individuals with Autism


CSU Ballroom

Start Date

21-4-2014 2:00 PM

End Date

21-4-2014 3:30 PM

Student's Major

Speech, Hearing, and Rehabilitation Services

Student's College

Allied Health and Nursing

Mentor's Name

Bonnie Berg

Mentor's Email Address

Mentor's Department

Speech, Hearing, and Rehabilitation Services

Mentor's College

Allied Health and Nursing


The purpose of this research was to understand the selective language skills of individuals with Autism and learn how to complete qualitative research. After IRB approval and signed consent, an interview with the participant was conducted. I then wrote down the interview verbatim to collect data. This data emerged into becoming three categories and eleven codes. Based on the categories, codes and analysis of data, the following assertion was formed: when an individual is provided with the therapy needed, appropriate environment, and effective communication devices it is possible to experience improvements and positive gains in the development of social and life skills.

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Apr 21st, 2:00 PM Apr 21st, 3:30 PM

Selective Language Skills of Individuals with Autism

CSU Ballroom

The purpose of this research was to understand the selective language skills of individuals with Autism and learn how to complete qualitative research. After IRB approval and signed consent, an interview with the participant was conducted. I then wrote down the interview verbatim to collect data. This data emerged into becoming three categories and eleven codes. Based on the categories, codes and analysis of data, the following assertion was formed: when an individual is provided with the therapy needed, appropriate environment, and effective communication devices it is possible to experience improvements and positive gains in the development of social and life skills.

Recommended Citation

Lutteke, Haley. "Selective Language Skills of Individuals with Autism." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 21, 2014.