At Minnesota State University, Mankato, every graduate student completes a capstone for their program. Most programs include a thesis/dissertation or alternative plan paper (APP) option, but many programs provide other capstone opportunities.
This is a collection of Dissertations submitted by graduate students from various programs.
A dissertation is an extensive original research paper resulting in a significant contribution to new knowledge.
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Faculty and Student Perceptions of Effective Online Learning Environments, Kayla L. Westra
Student Perceptions of Academic Advising at Two-Year Colleges, Wayne T. Whitmore
Stakeholder Management in High School Athletics: An Individual-Level Analysis., Jennifer Zdroik
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Through the Looking Glass: Barriers and Coping Mechanisms Encountered by African American Women Presidents at Predominately White Institutions, Maria Louise Baxter-Nuamah
The Fertility Problem Inventory and Infertility-Related Stress: A Case Study, Staci Leigh Born
Feminist Identities: Career Choices and Experiences of College-Educated Women, Kerry Diekmann
A Validation of the Family Involvement Questionnaire-High School Version, Katlyn Ann Grover
A Phenomenological Investigation of Clinical Intuition among Alcohol and Drug Counselors, Zach Hansen
Linking Reading Assessment Data to Intervention Using the 4-Box Instructional Decision Making Model, Jeremy Husfeldt
Literacy Strategies Successfully Implemented by Secondary Social Studies Teachers, Kelly Killorn
A Phenomenological Study of the Experience of Counseling for Women with Addictions, Jennifer Karin Londgren
A Grounded Theory of Women's Leadership Experiences in Higher Education: Navigating from the Director Level, Laura Ann Maki
Students' Perceptions of Life Skill Development in Project-Based Learning Schools, Kimberly Ann Meyer
Investigating Stability Balls in the Classroom: Effects on Student Behavior and Academic Productivity, Natasha A. Olson
Early Career Principal Development: A qualitative case study of Principals' Perceptions of Participation in the Institute of Engaged Principal Leadership, Teri Marie Preisler
Increasing Paraprofessional Fidelity of Implementation Through Performance Feedback, Dana Nicole Shea
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Implementing Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports at the Secondary Level, Sheri L. Allen
The Identification of Successes and Barriers in Establishing Professional Learning Communities From Principals' Perspectives, Katie Carol Clarke
Leadership Curricula of Professional Athletic Training Programs, Elizabeth Drake
The Development of a Teacher-Rating Measure of Positive Behavior, Sara Ann Ebsen
Determining Effective/Ineffective: The Barriers Facing Minnesota Teacher Remediation, Matthew John Hillmann
Perspectives of Female Leaders in Athletic Training, Kyle Matthew Momsen
Experiences and Perspectives of Clinical Supervisors in Cross-Cultural Supervision: The Impact of Supervisor Race and Ethnicity, Masahiko Sato
Seclusion and Restraint Policy and Practice: Are We Doing the Right Thing?, Laura L. Strunk
Effects of a Cross-Age Peer Tutoring Intervention on English Language Oral Reading Fluency in a Belizean Grade School, Marcia Ruth Sytsma
Using a State-wide Survey to Determine the Impact of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports on Students' Self-Reported Perceptions, Feelings, and Behaviors, Rachel Youngblom
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Trait Emotional Intelligence, Perceived Discrimination, and Academic Achievement among African American and Latina/o High School Students: A Study of Academic Resilience, Nicholas Russell Abel
Contextual Pedagogy: A Praxis Engaging Black Male High School Students Toward Eliminating the Achievement Gap, Timothy Alan Berry
Building Self-Directed Teachers: A Case Study of Teachers' Perspectives of the Effects of Cognitive Coaching on Professional Practices, Kevin S. Bjerken
A Systematic Analysis of Paraprofessional Job Expectations: Development of the Paraprofessional Survey of Expectations Tool (P-SET), Angela Maxine Christenson
Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Function-based Behavior Intervention Planning in Positive Behavior Support, Brett William DeJager
Measuring Success for English Language Learners from a Multi-dimensional Perspective, Randy Haley
Assessing the "Goodness of Fit" Between Scholarly Assertions and Audience Interpretations of Media Images of Black Male Athletes, Emily J. Houghton
Organizational Culture as a Function of Institutional Type in Higher Education, Jason Alexis Kaufman
Choice Amount and Choice-Making in Children: A Comparison of Children with and without Symptoms of ADHD, Liesa Klein
An Examination of the Influence of Formative Self-Assessment on College Student Mastery Orientation in College Courses, Jamie Lynn Mahlberg
International and Cross-Cultural Application of the Good Behavior Game, Julene Douty Nolan
The Good Teacher: A Qualitative Analysis of Perceptions of Asian American Parents, Mariam Zia Qureshi
Building a Culture of Innovation: A Case Study in Digital Integration, Anthony H. VonBank
An Investigation of the Relationship Between School Failure and At-Risk Students' General Self-Efficacy, Academic Self-Efficacy, and Motivation, Marguerite Josephine Wentzel
Examining Culture and Structure: A Case Study of Three Middle Colleges, Anne F. Weyandt
Submissions from 2012
Student Teacher Perceptions of the Impact of Mentoring on Student Teaching, Lori Kay Bird
A National Study of the Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Student Conduct Administrators, Mary C. Dowd
Factors Influencing the Institutionalization of Diversity in Higher Education, Kelly S. Meier
Principal Perceptions of the Relevancy of the K-12 Minnesota Principal Competencies, Paul Peterson
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Freshman Student-Faculty Interactions and GPA: Predictors of Retention and Overall Satisfaction, Katelyn Romsa
Submissions from 2010
Emotional Intelligence and Cognitive Moral Development in Undergraduate Business Students, Elizabeth Pluskwik
Submissions from 1997
The Effects of Individual, Contextual, and Moral Intensity Factors on Environmental Ethical Decision Making, Brenda L. Flannery
Submissions from 1995
Fluorine-18 Production for PET and an Investigation of the Fluorine-18(p,alpha)Oxygen-15 Reaction with a Radioactive Beam, Andrew D. Roberts
Submissions from 1992
El espacio en los esperpentos de Valle-Inclán, Enrique Torner
Submissions from 1989
The Search for an Effective Treatment for Noncompliant Children with Multiple Other Problems: Testing for the Response Covariation Phenomenon, Daniel Houlihan