
“What Does a Rooster Say?” Growing up in Vietnam’s K–12 public school system, I found the mandatory textbooks overwhelming, a sentiment shared by my peers. As an educator and designer, I noticed a need for improvement in Vietnam’s current textbooks. Despite numerous reforms, they still don’t effectively cater to their primary audience: the students. The newer textbooks, especially for first graders, are visually dense and complex, causing concern among researchers, parents, and educators. This led to the idea of creating an alternative. Reflecting on the older textbooks from the '80s and '90s, while not perfect, they were more user-friendly with simpler illustrations and content. These served as the foundation for “Em và Tiếng Việt.” The show’s illustration draws inspiration from Vietnamese folk art woodblock prints, specifically Đông Hồ. The content and characters are rooted in Vietnamese and Eastern imagery. “Em và Tiếng Việt” aims to be a reader-friendly textbook for children, focusing on engaging visuals and improved content. The illustrations and subject matter resonate with Vietnamese children and are designed to complement other teaching materials. The information is presented in a logical order, introducing new concepts only after they’ve been introduced on previous pages. The layout is intentionally simple, allowing space for breathing and ensuring easy navigation for young readers, avoiding overwhelming them.


Ellen Scholdfield

Committee Member

Bradley Coulter

Committee Member

Matthew Willemsen

Committee Member

Rick Lybeck

Date of Degree




Document Type



Master of Arts (MA)

Program of Study



Creative Arts


Arts and Humanities

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.



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