Methodological Development of Dynamic Dopamine Release Using [18F]desmethoxyfallypride

Document Type

Conference Abstract

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There is a need for an appropriate longer lived ligand for use in dopamine release experiments which would allow for a single bolus injection, a single dynamic scan, and include both baseline and activation conditions. To this end, dopamine release experiments using the dopamine D2-type receptor antagonist [18F]desmethoxyfallypride were performed for the purpose of methodological development of a single bolus and scan technique. The dopamine release was the response to an injection of d-amphetamine (rhesus) or to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) (human), which has been shown to non-invasively release dopamine (Strafella, 2001). [18F]Desmethoxyfallypride, like [11C]raclopride, is susceptible to competition from endogenous dopamine (Mukherjee, 1996), whereby dopamine released reduces available binding sites for the tracer. The observed reduction in tracer binding therefore indicates increased synaptic dopamine concentration. New implementation of the simplified reference region method (SRRM) (Lammertsma, 1996) provided the quantization of changes in binding potentials (BP).


Physics and Astronomy

Publication Title

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism


