Ethnic Identity and Self-Esteem: The Moderating Effect of Self-Structure


CSU 201

Start Date

24-4-2006 8:45 AM

End Date

24-4-2006 10:15 AM

Student's Major


Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Vinai Norasakkunkit

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


Previous studies examining the predictive relationship between ethnic identity and self-esteem among Hispanic/Latino populations have revealed that in some cases, higher levels of ethnic identity have been associated with higher self-esteem, while in other cases, this relationship has been weak or non-existent. This study attempts to explain this inconsistency by examining the relationship between self-esteem and ethnic identity in Hispanic/Latino populations from a cross-cultural perspective, taking into account cultural models of self-structures. These culturally divergent selfstmctures have been established and well documented by cross-cultural studies between Eastern and Western cultures. Many Hispanic/Latino subgroups share cultural systems that emphasize the interdependent and collectivistic qualities that are found in many Eastern cultures. It follows that Hispanic/Latino culture may also share other implicit characteristics with Eastern cultures, including a more interdependent self-structure. For such a self-structure, both self-esteem and ethnic identity may be conceptualized differently than they are for an individualistic or independent self-structure. Thus, by including a measure of self-structure in the current study, it is expected that there will be an association between ethnic identity and self-esteem when the self-structure is more independent but not when the self-structure is more interdependent.

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Apr 24th, 8:45 AM Apr 24th, 10:15 AM

Ethnic Identity and Self-Esteem: The Moderating Effect of Self-Structure

CSU 201

Previous studies examining the predictive relationship between ethnic identity and self-esteem among Hispanic/Latino populations have revealed that in some cases, higher levels of ethnic identity have been associated with higher self-esteem, while in other cases, this relationship has been weak or non-existent. This study attempts to explain this inconsistency by examining the relationship between self-esteem and ethnic identity in Hispanic/Latino populations from a cross-cultural perspective, taking into account cultural models of self-structures. These culturally divergent selfstmctures have been established and well documented by cross-cultural studies between Eastern and Western cultures. Many Hispanic/Latino subgroups share cultural systems that emphasize the interdependent and collectivistic qualities that are found in many Eastern cultures. It follows that Hispanic/Latino culture may also share other implicit characteristics with Eastern cultures, including a more interdependent self-structure. For such a self-structure, both self-esteem and ethnic identity may be conceptualized differently than they are for an individualistic or independent self-structure. Thus, by including a measure of self-structure in the current study, it is expected that there will be an association between ethnic identity and self-esteem when the self-structure is more independent but not when the self-structure is more interdependent.

Recommended Citation

Harsma, Elizabeth A.. "Ethnic Identity and Self-Esteem: The Moderating Effect of Self-Structure." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 24, 2006.