Analysis of the Nicollet County Law Enforcement, Court Services and Community Corrections Revenue and Expenditures: A Five Year Review


CSU 201

Start Date

24-4-2006 8:45 AM

End Date

24-4-2006 10:15 AM

Student's Major

Social Work

Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Christine Black-Hughes

Mentor's Department

Social Work

Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


The purpose of this research project is to respond to a request from the Nicollet County Criminal Research Committee (NCCRC). NCCRC is in the process of developing a county wide plan for the prevention, intervention, treatment, prosecution, defense and incarceration of criminal offenses. The NCCRC must have data that reflects past and current expenditures and revenues for Law Enforcement, Court Services and Community Corrections. The NCCRC determined that this analysis would occur from January 2000 to August 2005. By analyzing past trends, the NCCRC will be able to synthesize this data into a workable plan for the county. This presentation will compare national trends to the local expenditures, an evaluation of direct and indirect expenditures

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Apr 24th, 8:45 AM Apr 24th, 10:15 AM

Analysis of the Nicollet County Law Enforcement, Court Services and Community Corrections Revenue and Expenditures: A Five Year Review

CSU 201

The purpose of this research project is to respond to a request from the Nicollet County Criminal Research Committee (NCCRC). NCCRC is in the process of developing a county wide plan for the prevention, intervention, treatment, prosecution, defense and incarceration of criminal offenses. The NCCRC must have data that reflects past and current expenditures and revenues for Law Enforcement, Court Services and Community Corrections. The NCCRC determined that this analysis would occur from January 2000 to August 2005. By analyzing past trends, the NCCRC will be able to synthesize this data into a workable plan for the county. This presentation will compare national trends to the local expenditures, an evaluation of direct and indirect expenditures

Recommended Citation

Kaberle, Cheryl and Virginia Neal. "Analysis of the Nicollet County Law Enforcement, Court Services and Community Corrections Revenue and Expenditures: A Five Year Review." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 24, 2006.