National Security Agency Wiretapping of U.S. Citizens During the Bush Presidency


CSU 285

Start Date

24-4-2006 3:15 PM

End Date

24-4-2006 4:45 PM

Student's Major

Accounting and Business Law

Student's College


Mentor's Name

Vicki Luoma

Mentor's Department

Accounting and Business Law

Mentor's College



George Bush's authorization to allow the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on some American citizens without a court order has raised numerous legal and ethical issues. Questions include whether Bush's actions were necessary and/or legal, whether and to what extent there should be Congressional and judicial oversight, whether it was legal for an NSA employee to talk to the media about classified information, and whether it was proper for the media to expose the President's policy. In addition to conducting legal research, I hope to gain insight on the propriety of Bush's actions by exploring people's attitudes towards national security, privacy, and government openness in a post 9/11 world.

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Apr 24th, 3:15 PM Apr 24th, 4:45 PM

National Security Agency Wiretapping of U.S. Citizens During the Bush Presidency

CSU 285

George Bush's authorization to allow the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on some American citizens without a court order has raised numerous legal and ethical issues. Questions include whether Bush's actions were necessary and/or legal, whether and to what extent there should be Congressional and judicial oversight, whether it was legal for an NSA employee to talk to the media about classified information, and whether it was proper for the media to expose the President's policy. In addition to conducting legal research, I hope to gain insight on the propriety of Bush's actions by exploring people's attitudes towards national security, privacy, and government openness in a post 9/11 world.

Recommended Citation

Peterson, Tim. "National Security Agency Wiretapping of U.S. Citizens During the Bush Presidency." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 24, 2006.