At Minnesota State University, Mankato, every graduate student completes a capstone for their program. Most programs include a thesis/dissertation or alternative plan paper (APP) option, but many programs provide other capstone opportunities.
Beginning in 2009, graduate students at Minnesota State University, Mankato could elect to have their alternative plan paper, thesis, dissertation or other capstone project made available online through a digital collection platform provided by Library Services. In 2014, these electronic submissions or ETDs were transferred into the Theses, Dissertations, and Other Capstone Projects collection in Cornerstone, the University's new institutional repository.
The development of this collection is ongoing as graduate students continue to elect to provide digital copies of their graduate theses, dissertations or other capstone projects to Cornerstone. If you are a former Minnesota State University, Mankato graduate student and wish to include your work in Cornerstone, please contact us .
Documents From 2014
"My Baby is a Dog": Exploration of Pet Parent Identity, Lacey Y. Boston
Allied Unshackling: British, Canadian, and American Prisoner of War Diplomacy during the Shackling Reprisals, 1942-43, Kiera Bridley
Physical Environment and Women's Physical Activity Behaviors, Beth Ann Brisky
Ethnic Names, Resumes, and Occupational stereotypes: Will D'Money Get the Job?, Tony Matthew Carthen
The Identification of Successes and Barriers in Establishing Professional Learning Communities From Principals' Perspectives, Katie Carol Clarke
Examining the Effectiveness of the After Action Review for Online and Face-to-Face Discussion Groups, William Cradick
All Things in All Ways, Amanda Nicole Crary
University Commitment: Test of a Three-Component Model, Brittany Davis
Best Practices for Implementing The Green House® Model at the Tomah Veterans Administration, Jesana Denter-Eckelberg
Factors that Affect the Decision-Making Process of African American Students, Marcella Genise Dial
Leadership Curricula of Professional Athletic Training Programs, Elizabeth Drake
Placebo Nocebo, Charles Francis Duda
An Investigation into the Effect of Power on Entrepreneurial Motivations, Jack Reed Durand
The Development of a Teacher-Rating Measure of Positive Behavior, Sara Ann Ebsen
The Scene Design For Kiss of the Spider Woman, Noah Jon Michael Files
Managing Rapeability: Women's Perceptions and Negotiations of the Fear of Sexual Assault, Jessica Friton
Developing Trauma-Informed Practice in a Community Mental Health Clinic: In the Child Welfare Context, Kelly Froehle
A Feasibility Study on a Men’s Cancer Support Group at the Mayo Clinic Health System, Mankato Andreas Cancer Center, Nicole Giersdorf
Personal Electronic Device Use in Face-to-Face Organizational Meetings: How it is Perceived and the Factors Influencing Perceptions, Kimber Goodwin
The Embodiment of Masculinity among Trans* Identified Men, Abby Marie Haak
Development and Enhancement to a Pilot Selection Battery for a University Aviation Program, Ryan Thomas Hanna
Overseas Assignments: Expatriate and Spousal Adjustment in the U.S. Air Force, Andrew R. Hayes
Plan B Emergency Contraception: Sampled University Students' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors, Natalie Hazel
"All the Single Ladies:" Single College-Educated Black Women's Perceptions of Marriage and Intimate Relationships, Brittany Henderson
Determining Effective/Ineffective: The Barriers Facing Minnesota Teacher Remediation, Matthew John Hillmann
The Roles of Social Support and Job Meaningfulness in the Disturbing Media Exposure-Job Strain Relationship, Hung T. Hoang
Crystal Structure and Superconductivity of YBa2Cu3O7-x, Brent Allen Howe
The Effects of Layer Thickness on Dry-Sliding Wear of Binder Jet Additively Manufactured Stainless Steel and Bronze Composite, Cody Ingenthron
Going Public: An Organizational Autoethnographic Exploration of the International Public Debate Association, Adam Matthew Key
Student Assessment of Professor Effectiveness, Roger Emil Knutson
Risk Perceptions of Cardiovascular Disease in College Students, Antonia Kolas
Usage of the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) With Hospital Inpatients, Jeni Kolstad
The Influence Of Religiosity On The Attitudes Towards Homosexuality Among College Students, Anastasiia Kuptsevych
And The Road Will Take You There: What the Cartographer Said, Cassandra Sharri Labairon
The Difference in Perception of Gerotranscendence between College Students and Healthy, Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Duc Viet Lai
The Changes in Major Diagnoses from DSM IV-TR to DSM 5: How to Talk to Clients About Changes in Their Diagnosis, Abigail Malterer
Defining Traditional American Indian Identity through Anishinaabe Cultural Perspective, Joshua Edward Maudrie
Toolkit for Mental Health Professionals, Social Workers, and Guidance Counselors Working with Immigrant and Refugee Students, Rojina Maya McCarthy
Sex Education Background of Students at MSU, Mankato Prior to Enrollment at the University, Natalie McConkey
A Dynamic, Distributed Hydrologic Model for the Blue Earth River Watershed, Minnesota With Implications Regarding Land Use and Water Quality, Michael L. Merlini
A Study of Refusal Strategies by American and International Students at an American University, Hiroko Tsuiki Moaveni
Perspectives of Female Leaders in Athletic Training, Kyle Matthew Momsen
Geographic Analysis of West Nile Virus in the Upper Minnesota River Valley: A GIS and Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Approach, Matthew Moore
Wheelchair Bound Not Sex Bound: Reconstruction of Self and Sexual Identity after Spinal Cord Injury, Elisabeth Mumford
The Impact of Instructions: Perceptions of Note-taking and Awareness of Metacognitive Listening for ESL Students, Ayami Murakami
Landscape and Impervious Surface Mapping in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area using Feature Recognition and Decision Tree techniques, Philipp Nagel
Mental Health Services Among Children Involved in Child Welfare: Identifying Parental Views and Barriers to Accessing Services, Katrina Ohmann-Thai
Technology Initiative Assessment through Acceptance and Satisfaction: A Case Study, Virginia Otto
"It's Not About You": Exploring the Liminal Experiences of Graduate Forensic Coaches, Christopher Paul Outzen
Civil Commitment and Sex Offenders, Ashley Pederson
Attempting to Close the Digital Frontier: A Mixed-Methods Approach to the Study of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, Renee Lorene Pieschke
School Social Work as an Intervention in a Rural Setting IV Classroom Serving Students with Behavioral Needs, Melissa Pletcher
Legalization of Medical Marijuana in Minnesota: Implications for Rural Substance Treatment Centers, Ann Przybilla
The Influence of Father-Child Relationship on Adolescents' Mental Health, Yea Seul Pyun
Pursuit of Empowerment: The Evolution of the Romance Novel and Its Readership in Fifty Shades of Grey, Amy Elizabeth Quale
The Effects of Low-Level Ethanol Blends in 4-Stroke Small Non-Road Engines, Chris Reek
Training and Burnout Among Paraprofessionals Who Work with Children with Emotional Behavioral Disorders, Jenna Robinson
Manifestaciones del Teatro del Absurdo en las obras de Cristian Cortez, Angela Rocio Rodriguez-mora
CPT vs PE for PTSD? Literature Review on Efficacy of CPT and PE Based on Gender, Chronicity, and Race/Ethnicity, Christelle C. Sackey
Experiences and Perspectives of Clinical Supervisors in Cross-Cultural Supervision: The Impact of Supervisor Race and Ethnicity, Masahiko Sato
Recreating Paris in Les Miserables, Joel Schiebout
The Co-Occurrence of Multiple and Overlapping Demands among Women Leaving Prison, Jennifer Jo Schweitzer
Sampled University Students' Perceived Risk of Diabetes & Self-reported Diabetes Risk Factors, Ajibike R. Shodunke
Cochlear Development And Auditory Function In The Absence Of Thyroid Hormone Transporters Mct8 And Oatp1c1, Richard Sinn
Dirty Work: The Effects of Viewing Disturbing Media on Military Attorneys, Natalie Lynn Sokol
Reaching an Invisible Minority: A Survey of Admissions Department Leaders' Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Student Outreach Efforts and Campus Climate in the Upper Midwest, Pollard David Sorquist
University Students' Perceptions Of The Severity Of Binge Drinking, Lauren Eleanore Stone
Seclusion and Restraint Policy and Practice: Are We Doing the Right Thing?, Laura L. Strunk
Effects of a Cross-Age Peer Tutoring Intervention on English Language Oral Reading Fluency in a Belizean Grade School, Marcia Ruth Sytsma
Building a Predictive Model for Baseball Games, Jordan Robertson Tait
Breastfeeding knowledge, practice, attitudes, and influencing factors: Findings from a selected sample of breastfeeding mothers in Bemidji, Minnesota, Hadeel Adnan Tanash
Different Times in Different Places, Wesley Oates Taylor
[implied depth]*, Hope Thier
An Outreach Program Case Study: Assessing and Imparting Social Capital, Autumn Lynn Thompson
Responding to a Community Need: Mobile Crisis Program Training Manuals, Kelsey Tollefson
An In-Depth Look at Filial Play Therapy, Sam Tumberg
The Initial Response and Behavioral Patterns Exhibited by an Officer to a Weapon being drawn in a Traffic Stop Simulation, Samantha Josephine Tupy
Rwandan University EFL Teachers' Awareness and Attitudes Toward CLT and their Classroom Practices, Gaudence Uwamahoro
Implementing PBIS in a Rural Junior High School: Reducing Negative Behaviors and Gaining Future Teacher Buy-In, Kelly T. Vourlos
Moved to Move: Socially Contextualizing Women's Exercise Motivations, Dusti Rae Werner
Recognition of and Attitudes Toward, Intimate Partner Violence Among Sampled University Students, Samantha Maureen Wobschall
Using a State-wide Survey to Determine the Impact of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports on Students' Self-Reported Perceptions, Feelings, and Behaviors, Rachel Youngblom
Is Peer Health Education Healthy: Examining the Susceptibility of Peer Educators to Emotional Contagion, Lucas Joseph Youngvorst
DSM-IV-TR/DSM-5, An Evidence-Based Comparative Analysis with Focus on the Cultural Context of Mental Health Illness of: Bipolar Disorders, Depression, Autism Disorders, Anxiety and ADHD., Claudia Zendejas-Finley
Documents From 2013
Trait Emotional Intelligence, Perceived Discrimination, and Academic Achievement among African American and Latina/o High School Students: A Study of Academic Resilience, Nicholas Russell Abel
Selection System Prediction Of Safety: A Step Toward Zero Accidents In South African Mining, Rachel Aguilera-Vanderheyden
The Relationship between Musical Ability and the Perception and Production of L2 Prosodic Features, Jun Akiyoshi
Evidence-based Marketing Strategies to Increase Student Membership in a Professional Association, Laura Aldrich
Las jarchas y las moaxajas en la España musulmana, Aziz Oulad Amar
The Efficacy of the Girls on the Run Program to Improve Self-Worth, Body Image, and Behavioral and Emotional Functioning: A Longitudinal Study, Morgan Marie Ames
Examining Generational Differences across Organizational Factors that Relate to Turnover, Kimberly Asuncion