At Minnesota State University, Mankato, every graduate student completes a capstone for their program. Most programs include a thesis/dissertation or alternative plan paper (APP) option, but many programs provide other capstone opportunities.
Beginning in 2009, graduate students at Minnesota State University, Mankato could elect to have their alternative plan paper, thesis, dissertation or other capstone project made available online through a digital collection platform provided by Library Services. In 2014, these electronic submissions or ETDs were transferred into the Theses, Dissertations, and Other Capstone Projects collection in Cornerstone, the University's new institutional repository.
The development of this collection is ongoing as graduate students continue to elect to provide digital copies of their graduate theses, dissertations or other capstone projects to Cornerstone. If you are a former Minnesota State University, Mankato graduate student and wish to include your work in Cornerstone, please contact us .
Documents From 2017
Perceptions of Students With and Without Limited Formal Schooling, Sarah Schmidt de Carranza
The Making of a Virtual Monster: Ideological Criticism on the ISIS Hate and Extremism, Md Shah Jahan
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Development for an Optical Communication Simulator, Sratsav Ram Shrestha
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Characteristics and How Social Support Plays a Role, Stephanie Smith-Kellen
Size Effect of Clay Filler Particles on Mechanical Properties of Pultruded Polymer Composites Under Shear Loading, Jaysimha Reddy Sonti Reddy
Comparing Brief Acceptance and Control-Based Interventions: Evaluating Public Speaking Performance in Socially-Anxious Individuals, Samuel Spencer
The Impact of Active Aerodynamics on Motorcycles Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations, Aditya Sripathi
Investigating the Effects of Performance Feedback and Choice as a Writing Fluency Intervention, Samantha Jean Steinman
Instructional Design: How Secondary Teachers Promote Student Comprehension of Informational Text, Patti Strukel
Addressing Cognitive Decline: Evaluating the Effects of a Cognitive Training Program for Individuals with Mild to Moderate Cognitive Impairment, Katherine Ann Stypulkowski
Localization of FAM171B mRNA Expression In Mouse Brain Using In-Situ Hybridization, Ashani Kumudika Sudasinghe
Understanding Zoonotic Enteric Disease in Minnesota: A Spatio Temporal Analysis and Causal Theory Approach, Suchismita Swain
A Comparison of Physical Nursing Home Environment for Older Adults and Their Families, Phatt Thaitrong
Chroma Pneuma, Shayna Tietje
Expression of FAM171B Protein in Mouse Brain Tissue, Quan Tran
More than Skin Deep: An Analysis of Black Women's Experiences with Race, Skin Tone, and Cosmetics, Anne Yung Van
Process Parameter Optimization with Numerical modelling and Experimentation design of Binder Jet Additive Manufacturing, Sairam Vangapally
Multilingual Students' Perceptions of and Experiences with Instructor Feedback Methods in a U.S. First-Year Composition Class, Hong Thi Tuyet Vo
The Relationship Between Religiosity and Depression Among Sampled Kenyans In The Twin Cities Metro Area, Dorcas Waite
Painting the Persona, Reed Dean White
ADHD in Elementary School Students: Impact of Physical Activity on ADHD Symptoms, Jenny Wilcox
Reflected Academic Self-efficacy: How Teacher Behavior Influences Self-efficacy in the Classroom, John Martin Wildauer
Women’s Choice in College STEM Majors: Impact of Ability Tilt on Women Students’ Educational Choice, Audie Jane Willis
Documents From 2016
The Utilization of Morphological and Genetic Diagnostic Techniques for the Description of Trematode Species Collected from Waterbirds from Lake Winnibigoshish, Minnesota, USA, Tyler Joseph Achatz
Development and Evaluation of a Habitat Suitability Model for White-tailed Deer in an Agricultural Landscape, Eric Anstedt
Why Has Plan Implementation Been Ineffective in Ghana? A Case Study of Planning in Kwabre East District Assembly and Offinso Municipal Assembly, Gabriel Appiah
Body Memory, Juana Cecilia Arias
The Effect of an Email Intervention Tailored to Highly Ambitious Students on University Retention, Lauren Bahls
A Cross-sectional Study on Patients' Access to Healthcare in a Developing Nation, Pawan Bhandari
Cleaning up Minnesota's Archeological Record with MAID: The Minnesota Archeological Integrated Database, Andrew Allen Brown
Missing Voices: Journeys of Pre-Service Teacher Candidates and Graduates of Color in a Predominantly White Teacher Education Program, Robbie R. Burnett
A Dramaturgical Analysis of The Miracle Worker, Abby Butzer
North Minneapolis Residents' Knowledge and Awareness of Indoor Air Quality in Older Residences, Blisse Marie Cajacob
La actitud estoica como táctica de subversión y reconstrucción de la identidad femenina en tres novelas de Piedad Bonnett y Laura Restrepo, Deisy Esperanza Cañón
House of God: MA Thesis, Michael James Cimino
IT Centralization and the Innovation Value Chain in Higher Education: A Study for Promoting Key Innovations Through Innovation Management and Organizational Design, Edmund Udaya Clark
911,What's My Emergency? Emotional Labor, Work-Related Rumination, and Strain Outcomes in Emergency Medical Dispatchers, Jessica Lee Deselms
Study of Role of Meniscus and Viscous Forces During Liquid-Mediated Contacts Separation, Prabin Dhital
Impact of Stigma on Attitudes towards Seeking Professional Psychological Help for Depression, Anna Marie Dierks
Parent Participation in Child Therapeutic Settings, Robert Doss
The Impact of Pornography on the Genital Body Image and Sexual Self-Efficacy of Female College Students, Monica Elizondo
Fruit and Vegetable Availability, Nutrition Education and Access Amongst Food Pantries in California, Maine, Mississippi and South Dakota, Sarah L. Fowler
An Analysis of Reinforcers Maintaining Caregiving Behaviors of Long-Term Care Facility Staff, Sandra Garcia
Impression Management Strategies of College Professors with Disabilities, Chelsie Gaspar
Can You Hack It? Validating Predictors for IT Boot Camps, Courtney Gear
"Get Tough on Juvenile Criminals": An Assessment of Punitiveness and Punitive Attitudes, Richard Charles Gehrke
An Analysis of Western Medicine Mistrust Among Selected African Immigrant Women in Minnesota, Wanjiru Julie Gicheru
Cognitive Complexity, Mindfulness, and Reflection in Mental Health Professionals, Dharshini Goonetilleke
Jasmine Greenwaldt: Continuum, Jasmine Elise Greenwaldt
Land Cover Mapping and Change Analysis at the Tensleep Preserve in Wyoming, Tyler Richard Grupa
Intervention E-mails and Retention: How E-mails Tailored to Personality Impact an Undergraduate Student's Decision to Return to School or Not, John Kelly Heffernon
The Concept of Substrate Integrated E-plane Waveguide and Circuits, Danyang Huang
An Investigation into Native and Non Native English Speaking Instructors' Assessment of University ESL Student's Oral Presentation, Rubaiyat Jabeen
A Measure Theoretic Approach to Problems of Number Theory with Applications to the Proof of the Prime Number Theorem, Russell Lee Jahn
A 2X2 Polarization Switchable Patch Antenna Array For Polarization Modulation, Pengfei Ji
Mental Health of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Heterosexual, and Questioning Youth in Rural, Micropolitian, and Metropolitan Regions in Minnesota: Assessing Internalizing and Externalizing Self-report Behaviors, Jessica Louann Jorgenson
Spirituality in Higher Education: A Narrative Analysis of Its Use for Decision-Making, Jeffrey Francis Judge
Minnesota Collaborative Agreement: Potential for Dental Hygienists to Increase Direct Access for Underserved Populations, Rachel Jane Kashani-Legler
A Wavelet Transform Module for a Speech Recognition Virtual Machine, Euisung Kim
Representing Autistic Masculinity: Hegemonic Gender Performances in Contemporary Autism Films, James Samuel Kizer
The Relationship between College Students' Use of Facebook and their Feelings of Alienation from their Institution, Oleksandr Komarenko
Effects of Hydrology on the Growth and Recruitment of Stream Fish in the Eastern Broadleaf Province of Minnesota, Eric J. Krumm
Strategies of Student Activism: A Qualitative Study Examining Racial and Social Justice Organizing on a Midwest College Campus, Rebecca J. Lambert
Zooplanktonic Community Dynamics of the Minnesota River with an Ichthyoplankton Gear Comparison, Nathaniel Lederman
Human Papillomavirus and Human Herpesvirus-8: Knowledge, Perception of Risk and Barriers to Screening and Treatment among Selected Students at Africa University, Zimbabwe, Rujeko Olga Machinga
Physical Challenges in Forensics: An Autoethnography Advocating for Accommodations on Behalf of Speakers with Physical Challenges in Competitive Speech Environments, Elise McCauley Row
A Phenomenological Study of Professional and Practical Changes Experienced by Teachers Involved with Action Research in a Learning Community Master’s Program, Jay Dean Meiners
Prudence and Persistence: Personality in Student Retention, Logan J. Michels
Lithic, Megan Nelle Moriarty
Early Detection of Mountain Pine Beetle Damage in Ponderosa Pine Forests of the Black Hills Using Hyperspectral and WorldView-2 Data, Kyle Edward Mullen
Efficient Modeling and Simulation of Wavelength Division Multiplexing Dual Polarization QPSK Optical Fiber Transmission, Siva Kumar Raju Nadimpalli
Examination of the Antecedents, Reactions, and Outcomes to a Major Technology-driven Organizational Change, Ngoc Dinh Nguyen
Differential Gene Expression of Minnesota (MN) Hygienic Honeybees (Apis mellifera) Performing Hygienic Behavior, Eric Northrup
A Theory of Participation: Joining the Cast of 'Heavy Rain', Matthew Bryan Oliver
Slum or Sustainable Development? A Case Study of Sodom and Gomorrah in Accra, Ghana, Benjamin Effah Oppong
Effects of Computer Program Visualization Tools on Student Populations, Meghan Jayne Peterson
Actitud de los ciudadanos andaluces en cuanto al empleo del dialecto andaluz en los medios de comunicación audiovisuales, Victoriano Pimentel Rivas
Examining Early Childhood Gender Socialization Through Children’s Picture Books, Kendra Leigh Pospisil
Use of Bridging Strategy between the Ensemble Kalman Filter and Particle Filter for the Measurements with Various Quasi-Gaussian Noise, Sumathi Prabhakaran Jeyakumari
Training Coping Techniques to Reduce Statistics Anxiety, Brittany Prothe
Impact of the 2015 Earthquake on Women in Nepal, Christina Rajbhandari
Process Improvement by Lean Thinking in Trucking Industry, Abhiram Reddy Ramasahayam
A Floristic Study of the Oak Leaf Lake Unit of the Swan Lake Wildlife Management Area in Nicollet County, Minnesota, Heidi Rauenhorst
How Multilinguals Perceive Linguistic Interference, Amanda Ruskin
Perceptions of Female Sexual Pathology: The Role of Racial Biases in Clinical Decision Making, Jerusha Sanjeevi
Assessing the Effect of Personality Characteristics of Minnesota Golfers on the Brand Equity of Golf Drivers, Eric Schinella
Patient Empathy & Effects on Health Outcomes, Erin Elizabeth Schliesman
Closed for Business, Tyler Schrandt
Directing Time Stands Still, Michael Bradley Sheeks
Concerning the Interaction of Forms, Luke Splinter
Finding Parenthood- Parental Identity through Assisted Reproductive Methods and the Implications for Efficacy Based and Worth Based Self-Esteem, Ashley Rae Steckler
ArtScience, Dustin Swiers
El espacio como constructor de identidad en los cuentos de Julio Ramón Ribeyro, Anna Vanessa Torres Mallma
Are They Listening?: Revisiting Male Privilege and Defensive Learning in a Feminist Classroom, Cameron A. Tyrrell
Bullying in Senior Living Facilities: A Qualitative Study, Felicia Jo VandeNest