At Minnesota State University, Mankato, every graduate student completes a capstone for their program. Most programs include a thesis/dissertation or alternative plan paper (APP) option, but many programs provide other capstone opportunities.
Beginning in 2009, graduate students at Minnesota State University, Mankato could elect to have their alternative plan paper, thesis, dissertation or other capstone project made available online through a digital collection platform provided by Library Services. In 2014, these electronic submissions or ETDs were transferred into the Theses, Dissertations, and Other Capstone Projects collection in Cornerstone, the University's new institutional repository.
The development of this collection is ongoing as graduate students continue to elect to provide digital copies of their graduate theses, dissertations or other capstone projects to Cornerstone. If you are a former Minnesota State University, Mankato graduate student and wish to include your work in Cornerstone, please contact us .
Documents From 2010
Behavioral Health Self-Efficacy of Nurses in a Rural Emergency Department, Alyssa Schlager
Investigating Compassion Fatigue and Burnout Rates Among Mental Health Professionals at Sioux Trails Mental Health Center, Lora Schoewe
Expanding the SEA Program: Course Conception, Rationale and a Plan for Implementation, Michelle Schulz
Anger Management for Adults: Developing an Evidence-Based Anger Management Program, Kari Velzke
Evidence-Based Strategies and Techniques for Children with ASD, Tanya Walerius
Does Organizational Culture Affect Employee's Readiness to Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices?, Joseph Waller
A "Pawsitive" Influence of Animals in Long-Term Care Facilities: Animal-Assisted Therapy at St. Peter Regional Treatment Center, Hannah L. Winkler
Defining Exemplary Children's Mental Health Services in Minnesota's Rural Communities, Melanie Wurtzberger
Innovative Mental Health Services in Rural Minnesota: Community-based Mobile Crisis Response Services, Rebecca A. Zuehlke
Documents From 2009
Developing Evidenced Based Practice for Social Emotional Screenings in Schools, Kim Anderson
Best Practices for Increasing Pro-social Behavior in Adolescents with Mental Health and Behavioral Disorders, Danielle Armbrust-Malone
School Improvement Programs, Kimberly Barry
Acute Psychiatric Group Therapy for Hospitalized Individuals with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness, Lindsey Bednar
Mental Health Relapse Prevention: What Does the Research Say?, Robin Bode
In Step with Our Parents: 3-Part Educational Series, Kate Boisen-MacDonald
Social Work Involvement in Supporting Survivors of an Unexpected Death in an Emergency Department, Jennifer E. Buchanan
Peer-to-Peer Mentoring Programs in the School Setting for Grades 7-12, Jennifer Crawford
Bring Mental Health Services Home: Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Adolescents and Their Families in Rural Minnesota, Laura Filzen
Minnesota State University Mankato Counseling Center: Needs Assessment Survey of College Student Parents, Katherine S. Fitzkappes
Summer Youth Housing Career Camp, Carol Goodemann
Effective Truancy Prevention Models, Nicole K. Hachfeld
Impact of Imagine Educational Program on Conflict Resolution on the Program Participants, Nargiz Hajiyeva
Fernbrook Family Center, Inc. Need Identification and Training, Catherine R. Johanneck
Pilot Test of a Quality Rating and Improvement System in Early Education Programs in Magadan, Russian Federation and in Minnesota, United States of America, Vera Grigoryevna Kashin
Minnesota Health Care Programs: Renville County Human Servics Outreach Project, Bethany Leindecker
The Importance of Worksite Supervisors in At-Risk Youths' Lives, Laura Luna
Increasing Referrals for Services through Collaboration with Community Agencies, Benjamin Mohr
LLMHS Elderly Services Outreach Program: Lincoln, Lyon & Murray Human Services, Jamie Olson
Frequent Users of the Emergency Department: A Policy Proposal, Tina Ann Olson
Assessment of Parenting Skills of Mothers in Court Ordered Substance Abuse Treatment, Barb Pieske
Implementation and Data Tracking of School-Linked Mental Health Services at a Rural Mental Health Agency, Jim Redmond
Social Work Ethics Computer-Based Training Minnesota State University, Mankato Department of Social Work, Rebecca Robinson-Wargelin
From a Consumer’s Perspective: What is Helpful for Residents of Four Bed Group Homes to Maintain Good Mental Health, Ronna R. Severson
Characteristics of Evidence-Based Parent-Training Programs, Peggy Sorensen
Best Practices for Vulnerable Adult Investigation Policies and Procedures at Blue Earth County, Anna Stindt
Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Electric Training Modules, Jennifer Stuehrenberg
Employing The Spectral Collocation Method in the Modeling of Laminar Tube Flow Dynamics, Corey Michael Thibeault
Parent Training, Support and Psychoeducational Groups as Evidence Based Practice in Children's Mental Health, Dorothy Wagner
Documents From 2008
Teaching Cultural Prototypes and Detecting Prototypical Errors of L2 Learners, Tina Bennett Mowrey
Documents From 2007
English Language Learners and Library Research, Jessica Schomberg
Stimulating Reading Excitement in Secondary Level English Language Learners, Rachael J. Schweigert
Documents From 2005
The Historical Geography of Good Thunder, Minnesota, 1870-2005, Robert L. Bothmann
A History of the Center for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Students on the Campus of Minnesota State University, Mankato, Kellian Clink
"Boxes": Exploring Gender Identity Through Performance, Desirée Dianne Rowe
Documents From 2000
A Dyke's Life: Sexual Identity and Gender Performance in Radclyffe Hall's The Well of Loneliness, Erica L. Ellsworth
Documents From 1999
An Experiential Curriculum for Elementary School in Japan, Tomoko Seki
Documents From 1996
Strategy Use in Process Writing: A Survey of ESL Students' Strategy Use in L1 Writing and in L2 Writing, Mei-Ya Jung
The Effects of Conditioning and Gender on Ratings of Perceived Exertion During Physical Exercise, Dr. Roberta A. Pellant
Documents From 1995
Origins of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in the Context of United States Strategic Interests in the Caribbean (1938-1950), Francisco J. Gonzalez Sosa
Documents From 1988
Funding of Women's Programs by Minnesota Foundations, Suzanne E. Runte
Documents From 1982
The Children's House: Review of a Decade of Prekindergarten Education in a Laboratory Setting on a University Campus, Darlene J. Janovy
Documents From 1980
Evidence from Science and Tradition Supporting a Two-Model (Evolution/Creation) Approach to Teaching the Origin of Life, Robert P. Gardner
Documents From 1967
Christian Iconography: A Search for Form in the Paintings of Kaul and Others, Marlin R. Kaul