Online teaching techniques often require specific resources to support faculty teaching and student learning. This repository will provide essential resources for faculty success in online teaching spaces.
Submissions from 2024
Online Teaching Rubric, Brooke N. Burk
Assessment and Feedback Strategies, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Course Access, Deletion, and Updates, Minnesota State University, Mankato
MediaSpace, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Online Meetings, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Teaching with D2L Brightspace, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Zoom, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Submissions from 2022
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with Universal Design for Learning and Antiracism, Jessica Schomberg and Elizabeth Harsma
Submissions from 2021
Assessment and Feedback Strategies: Online Proctoring Considerations, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth Harsma
Submissions from 2020
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with iPads and Other Mobiles, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with Social Media, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth Harsma
10 Strategies for Implementing Smart Technologies, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners in a Greener Classroom, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners in Blended and Online Classes, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners in Face-to-Face Classes, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners in Large Lecture Classes, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with D2L Brightspace, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with Interactive e-Learning Software, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with Office 365 / OneDrive, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with Online Collaboration, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with Qualtrics, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Students through Active Learning, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Assessment and Feedback Strategies: Audio Feedback, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Assessment and Feedback Strategies: Writing Rubrics, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Learning Theories: Experiential Learning, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
MNSU Online Exam Security, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Teaching Strategies: Alignment Mapping Your Course, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Submissions from 2019
Active Learning Strategies: Audience Response Systems, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Assessment and Feedback Strategies: Authentic/Performance Assessment, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Assessment and Feedback Strategies: Feedback, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Assessment and Feedback Strategies: Learning Analytics, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Learning Theories: Behaviorism, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Learning Theories: Cognitivism, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Learning Theories: Connectivism, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Learning Theories: Constructivism, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Learning Theories: Multimedia Learning Theory, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Learning Theories: Multiple Intelligences, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Learning Theories: Social Cognitivism, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Think, Pair, Share & Peer Instruction, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma