This is a collection of works authored by students at Minnesota State University, Mankato.


Events from 2014

Family Support, Cassie Anderson, Becca Tomlinson, Katie Weidner, and Derek Wilfahrt

Family Waiting, Laura Anderson, Brianna Bickel, Samantha Broughten, and Britney Elwood


The Division of the Works Progression Administration (WPA) and their Various Influence on Various Art Forms, Kari Appel

Opinions and Perceptions Surrounding Cognitive Enhancer Use in a College Population, Benjamin Ardner


The Tax Treatment of Mixed Personal and Rental Use of Real Estate, Natsua Asai

Rubidium as Substitute for Potassium in Rat Cardiac Tissue, Bisola Asaolu and Mai Vue


Distinguishing Observed Inattentive Behaviors in the College Classroom as they Correlate to Brain Wave Activity Utilizing a Wireless Electroencephalograph, Christopher J. Aura and Matthew R. Stanton


County Government Structure and Expenditure, Dovlet H. Babajanov


The Belizean Environment, Lauren Marie Bach


Effect of Artificial Sweeteners on the Renin-Angiotensin System in Rats, Jacob Ball


Effect of Sweeteners on the Renin-Angiotensin System in Rats, Jacob Ball

Regulation of an Earthworm Eisenia fetida and the Regulation of its Nephridal Bacteria, Jeremy Balster


Victim Blaming, Protests, and Public Space: News Coverage of the Occupy Wall Street Sexual Assaults, Abigail Barefoot


College Student Perceptions of Mental Health Counseling at Minnesota State University, Mankato, Holly Barkeim


The Under-Representation of Minorities in Political Careers, Chelsea Barr and Ina Pae

What Makes a Construction Company Successful, Joseph Barton and Adam Mueller

Selected Language Skills of a Child with Asperger’s Syndrome, Kristina Barton


Beowulf: God, Men, and Monster, Emily Bartz


The Effect of Online Training on Teams, Ariel Becker

The Effect of Running a Diesel Engine on Diesel Fuel and Natural Gas, Mitchell Beckman, Marc Monson, Ramesh Timilsina, and Blake Whittemore


Marin Beck Honors Portfolio, Marin Elisabeth Beck


High Fat Diet Increased Serum Glutamate Dehydrogenase more than Chronic Acetaminophen Dosing in Female Mice, Elizabeth Ruth Behmer

Family Threat, Katelyn Benavidez, Jessica Johnson, Taylor Oldani, and Jacqueline Tucker


The Benefits of Exposure to Animals for Persons with Dementia: A Literature Review, Stephanie Bennett

Musical Aptitude and Tonal Languages, Laura Berg


Influence of Ultraviolet Radiation on Cell Wall Constituents in Reduced-Lignin Mutants of Corn and Sorghum, Brock Bermel


Thermal Conductivity of Alumina and Silica Nanofluids, Julian Bernal Castellanos


Applying Early Existential Critiques to Contemporary Themes in American Culture, Erik S. Berquist and Derek J. Skillings

How to Purchase an Existing Construction Company, James Besonen and Nicholas Miller


MSU Xtreme: Minnesota State University, Mankato's Entry into the "Clean Snowmobile Challenge 2001", Scott Betcher, Allen Caldwell, Nathan Lindeman, Brian Mandelkow, Dave Maniak, Randy Rohlf, James Skuya, Dennis Swanson, Aaron Wolff, Mark Brandl, Dan Dobesh, Ryan Erickson, Jeff Gillen, Jan Smith, and Jason Wilkie

Methods to Reduce Bacteria on Lettuce, Pradeep Bhandari and Eric Hermansen


Dreaming in Steps, Kelly Biers


Things to Ponder, Mandi Bingham

Interdisciplinary Experimentation, Ashton Bird and Dustin Swiers

Interdisciplinary Experimentation, Ashton Bird and Dustin Swiers


Sibley County Children’s Collaborative – Supporting Child Welfare through Collaboration, Jade Blekestad-Kral


The Impact of Race and Ethnicity on Sexual Violence: A Case Study on Underserved Populations in Minnesota, Lindsay Bolstad


Implementation of the READY! for Kindergarten Program, Sharon Bonnett

Genetic Role in Geotactic Behavior via Pigment Dispersion Factor (pdf) Pathway in Fruit Flies (Drosophila melanogaster), Laura Boon and Tatiana Soboleva


Training and Burnout Among Paraprofessionals Who Work with Children with EBD, Daniel Boston


"My Baby is a Dog": Exploration of Pet Parent Identity, Lacey Y. Boston

Analyzing the Effects of Isovaleraldehyde and Cuminaldehyde on DNA, Jenna Bowman

Segmental Overlay of the Algorithms of the Brain: A Computational Model of the Visual System, Scott Boyd


Production of Complex/Compounds Sentences in the Spontaneous Speech of Typically Developing Children and Children with Williams Syndrome, Maureen Boyle


Paint Book System Development, Dale Boynton

Opinions on Abortion: MSU Student Definitions of Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, and How They Identify, Audrey Brickley


Allied Unshackling: British, Canadian, and American Prisoner of War Diplomacy during the Shackling Reprisals, 1942-43, Kiera Bridley


The Hierarchy of Rococo Women Seen through Fashion Paintings, Sanda Brighidin


Physical Environment and Women's Physical Activity Behaviors, Beth Ann Brisky


The Effects of Divorce and its Associated Stressors on Children and Adolescents, Aaron Brownlee


Social Welfare Policy Reform Since the 1990s: Comparison of the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic, Rebekah Buege

Researching the Differences and Commonalities of the Minnesotan Collegiate and Professional Dancer: a Documentary Exploring Individual Philosophies as the Dancer, Sydney Burch

Researching the Differences and Commonalities of the Minnesotan Collegiate and Professional Dancer: a Documentary Exploring Individual Philosophies as the Dancer, Sydney Burch


Implementing Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Elementary Classroom, Michelle Burke and Gretchen Hinrichs


Estrogenic effects on a protandrous hermaphroditic species: Amphiprion percula, Randall Burns and Katie Dose

Sun-Tracking vs. Stationary Solar Panel, John Burt, Tina Alaei, and Dan Schmitz


Characterization of Fall Leaves as a Source of Cellulosic Ethanol, Justin Burum


Wireless Location Determination: Using Existing 802.11 Wireless Networks to Determine a Users Location, Travis Calvert


William Blake: The Misunderstood Artist of the 19th Century, Jeannie Campe


Herd Immunity and the Necessity of Vaccinations: Modeling the Effects of MMR Vaccinations, Caitlyn Cardetti, Katie Groskreutz, and Melissa Zins


The Reality of Role-Playing Games: How Players Construct Reality through Language, Jessica Carlson


Ethnic Names, Resumes, and Occupational stereotypes: Will D'Money Get the Job?, Tony Matthew Carthen

Buying a Car in Today’s Society, Amber Cederholm and Hannah Englin

Determination of Protein Interactions in the Formation of Tubular Structures Using the Model Organism C. Elegans, Laura Chopp

Undergraduate Students’ Knowledge and Perceived Ability to Recognize Suicide Warning Signs, Karly Christensen


The Identification of Successes and Barriers in Establishing Professional Learning Communities From Principals' Perspectives, Katie Carol Clarke

The Effect of Artificial Sweeteners on Overeating and Weight Gain, Christopher Collins, Samantha List, Ivy Hakala, and Shelby Johnson


Expanding Art's Audience, Tony Connors

Expanding Art's Audience, Tony Connors


High School Students Tell All: Analyzing Facebook Confession Sites, Chelsea Conrad

How a Play Class Impacts Caregiver Child Interactions, Amy Cords, Alexa VanSickle, and Stephanie Feldman


Examining the Effectiveness of the After Action Review for Online and Face-to-Face Discussion Groups, William Cradick


All Things in All Ways, Amanda Nicole Crary


Classical Philology Gone Wild! The Use of Classical Texts in the Film All Quiet on the Western Front, Tysen Dauer


Re-Emerging Pietism: The Emerging Church as Postmodern Pietism, Tysen Dauer


The Place of Power: The Christian Acquisition of the Roman Basilica, Tysen Dauer


University Commitment: Test of a Three-Component Model, Brittany Davis


Best Practices for Implementing The Green House® Model at the Tomah Veterans Administration, Jesana Denter-Eckelberg


A Rhetorical Analysis of the Rethinking AIDS Website, Jennifer Dettmann


Factors that Affect the Decision-Making Process of African American Students, Marcella Genise Dial


Covering the 1972 Chisholm Campaign: Shaping Perceptions and Postponing Progress, Andrea Diekman


Three Dimensional Transient Asymmetric Flowfields in Physical Vapor Transport, Joseph Dobmeier


3D Printing of Stainless Steel for Engineering Applications, Michael Doyle


Leadership Curricula of Professional Athletic Training Programs, Elizabeth Drake


Fluid Properties in the Formation of High-Grade Iron Ore in Northern Minnesota, Elizabeth Drommerhausen


Characterizations of Proteins Interacting with the Alpha Subunit of Actin Capping Protein, Angelique DuCharme and Charity Zabel


Placebo Nocebo, Charles Francis Duda


An Investigation into the Effect of Power on Entrepreneurial Motivations, Jack Reed Durand

Optimization of Nucleic Acid Staining For Accurate Determination of Mycobacterium Avium Paratuberculosis Viability by Flow Cytometry, Dylan Eaton

Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on the Brown Midrib Mutation in Sorghum Bicolor and Zea, Maegan Eatwell


The Development of a Teacher-Rating Measure of Positive Behavior, Sara Ann Ebsen


Effects of Brownian Motion on the Millikan Oil Drop Experiment, Eric Ehler and Aaron Hanson


History of Women and Alternative Medicine, Megan Eineke

Family Anxiety, Alizabeth Elfering, Shannon Kelly, Hannah Peterson, and Victoria Swiontek


A Systematic Review of Neurofeedback Training to Treat ADHD in Children and Adolescents: A Child Welfare Perspective, Chad Ellis


Political Attitudes towards the Bush Administration by Ethnic and Racial Groups, Amber Elzen, Mai Inoue, and Julianna Koomen

Integration of Tablets in the Construction Industry, Daniel Endres and Aaron Umhoefer


Comparative Analysis of Urban Design and Criminal Behavior: A Study of New Urbanism and Defensible Space as they Pertain to Crime, Afton Enger

Evaluating the Effects of Task Interspersal Math Assignments for Students Receiving Behavioral Support, Raechel Erdman


An Ethnographic Study of the Communication Practices of a Recovering Alcoholic during the First Month of Sobriety, Lianna Erickson