This is a collection of works authored by students at Minnesota State University, Mankato.


Theses/Dissertations from 2014


Risk Perceptions of Cardiovascular Disease in College Students, Antonia Kolas


Men, Women and Children for Sale: The Dichotomy of Human Trafficking in the United States and Abroad, Elizabeth Kolbe


Usage of the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) With Hospital Inpatients, Jeni Kolstad

Optimization of the Presence of an Actin Capping Protein Transgene in Genetically Modified Mice, Tyler Koonst


Evaluation of Pretreatment Methods in the Production of Ethanol from Cattail Leaves, Kristen Krahmer and Elijah Wreh


Martin Luther Stands in History as a Leader of the Protestant Reformation, Nickie Kranz


Mathematical Modeling of Tick-Borne Encephalitis in Humans, Amanda Kriesel, Michael Meyer, and Geoffrey Peterson


From Runway to Museum: Creating Successful Exhibitions Showing the Interrelationship between Fashion and Art, Erica Kroening


Localization and Expression Level of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor after Partial Hepatectomy of WKY Rats, Adam Kronebusch and Tyler Koonst


The Effect of Interpersonal Relationships on the Body Image of First Year, Women of Color Studying at Predominately White Undergraduate Institutions, Lauren Kross


Comparison of Optimization Techniques in Large Scale Transportation Problems, Tapojit Kumar


The Influence Of Religiosity On The Attitudes Towards Homosexuality Among College Students, Anastasiia Kuptsevych


The Effects of Room Color on Stress Perception: Red versus Green Environments, Teresa M. Kutchma


And The Road Will Take You There: What the Cartographer Said, Cassandra Sharri Labairon


The Difference in Perception of Gerotranscendence between College Students and Healthy, Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Duc Viet Lai


Knowledge of HPV, Perception of Risk, and Intent to obtain HPV Vaccination among sampled Male University Students at Minnesota State University, Mankato, Lia Lambert

Anti-Japanese Propaganda in the United States During World War II: Characteristics and Effects, Lindsey Lancette


A Comparison of Risk-Taking Measures, Brittany Lang


Systemic Racism of the UNICEF Germany's Ads Depicting Children in Blackface, April Larson

Discourse as a Solution to Problems of Self-Definition and Self-Expression in Invisible Man, Benly Larson


Chromosome Counts for Packera paupercula Variety Gypsophila, Chad Larson


US Intervention in Russia 1918-1920: the Forgotten Mutiny, Austin Lee

Further Investigating the Reactivity of Citral and Octanal toward DNA, Brittany Leeder


Optimization of Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) Parameters for Selective Removal of MOSFET Gate Dielectric and Evaluation of its Physical and Electrical Properties, Hojoon Lee and Samuel Wood


Rubidium Uptake in Isolated Rat Cardiomyocytes, Jooyoung Lee, Jaekook Sim, and Karleen Doering


A New Look at Nonprofit Online Fundraising: Persuasion through the Means of Credibility and Psychological Consistency, Kaytlin LeMier


Relationship between Athletes and Role Models, Kaytlin LeMier


Critique of the Appropriation on Black Culture by White Suburban Youth, Julie Lemley


Gendered Construction of the Female Identity, Julie L. Lemley


The Basis of Self and Other in Gender Constructed Identity, Julie L. Lemley

Hydrogen Investigation, Cortney LeNeave, Jeffrey Allen, and Andrew Dunlay


What Constitutes a Welcoming Community? Mankato Leaders Go Beyond the 'Welcome Wagon' for New Immigrants, Sarah Lieske, Sadie Leidall, and Philip Munkvold

Rats Can Taste Degrees of “Sweetness” and Prefer Diet Sweetened with Artificial Sweetner or Sugar Over Plain Diet, Samantha List, Christopher Collins, and Kira Kirchberg


Analyzing the Missing Meal Gap Beyond Elementary School, Timothy Loney, Samantha Milheiser, and Brittney Wacholz

Designing a Logo for the First Step Mental Health App, Mackenzie Lopez, Joshua Martin, and James Faraday

Designing a Logo for the First Step Mental Health App, Mackenzie Lopez, Joshua Martin, and James Faraday


Effects of Thermal Boundary Conditions During Finite Element Modeling of Physical Vapor Transport, Wade Luhman

Selective Language Skills of Individuals with Autism, Haley Lutteke

Formula SAE Composite Intake System, Thomas Lutz and Garrett Luce

Design of a Power Substation: Technical Learning in the Context of an Industry-Sponsored Project, Michael Lynch and Tina Alaei


Narratives from the Former Soviet Union to the United States, Kimberly Maas


Reflections on the Conduct of Research with Human Subjects Across Two Cultures, Kimberly Maas

Photodegradation of Roundup Ready and Reduced-Lignin Corn Stover During Spring Thaw, Erika Magnusson


Applying the Systems Engineering Principles to the Design Process of a Mobile Aquaponics System, Brandy Maki, Sue Benolken, and Jim McCluskey

Ideology in Stone: Emotions Evoked by Fascist Architecture in Germany, Allison Maleska and Anna Rice


Identification of Soybean Lipoxygenase Products by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (Ge-Ms), Rehan Ahmad Malik


The Changes in Major Diagnoses from DSM IV-TR to DSM 5: How to Talk to Clients About Changes in Their Diagnosis, Abigail Malterer


First Step Mental Health App, Joshua Martin, James Faraday, and Mackenzie Lopez


Vascular Architecture of the Liver in SHR and WKY Rats, Charalette Mathwig and Kenneth Willaert


Impact Evaluation on the Parents Support and Outreach Program (PSOP) Olmsted County Child and Family Services, Lucy Matos


An Ordinary Congressman and an Extraordinary Scandal: Alex McMillan and Iran-Contra, Rob Matsick


Defining Traditional American Indian Identity through Anishinaabe Cultural Perspective, Joshua Edward Maudrie

Family Dynamics as Predictors of Eating Disorders in Children: A Systematic Review, Alexis McCall and Michelle Altmann


Toolkit for Mental Health Professionals, Social Workers, and Guidance Counselors Working with Immigrant and Refugee Students, Rojina Maya McCarthy


Sex Education Background of Students at MSU, Mankato Prior to Enrollment at the University, Natalie McConkey

Family Beliefs, Katie McDonald, Bridget Moore, Madison Alexander, and Liz Durkee


Consolidating Democracy or Stopping at Polyarchy? An Evaluation of the Chamorro Administration in Nicaragua (1990-1997), Roland D. McKay


Improvements to UHMWPE, Brooke McKelvogue


An Automatic Dialog System for Student Advising, Brian McMahan


Change in Cultural Competency among Students during an Intentional Human Relations, Camille McNabb and Samantha Tupy


Work in Progress - Peer Directed Learning in a Project Based Model, Andrew McNally


Computational Model of a Left Ventricle: Showing the Effects of Inertia on Cardiac Dyssynchrony, Andrew McNally, Matthew Korpela, Erin Lamke, and Matthew Hudson

Soft Communication Skills, Logan Medin and Abdullahi Abdulle


Role of the ApeE Esterase in the Growth of Salmonella on Phospholipids as Phosphate Sources, Stella Menuba


A Dynamic, Distributed Hydrologic Model for the Blue Earth River Watershed, Minnesota With Implications Regarding Land Use and Water Quality, Michael L. Merlini


Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS): Lessons Learned from the Implementation Process of an Evidence-Based Program, Tara Mershon

The Buzz on Malaria, Tyler Metzger


Risk Factors of Suicidal Phenomenon: Prevention and Intervention, Lisa M. Meyer


Community Assistance for Refugees and Gender Roles: What Could Make this C.A.R. run Better?, Nathan E. Meyer


A Study of Happiness, Rachel Mills


2014 Minnesota Undergraduate Scholars Posters at St. Paul Abstract Booklet, Minnesota Undergraduate Scholars


A Critical Analysis of Media Images Depicting the New Athletic Body Ideal and One Woman's Experience with Them, Kelsey Mischke


A Critical Analysis of Media Images Depicting the New Athletic Body Ideal and One Woman’s Experience with Them, Kelsey Mischke


A Study of Refusal Strategies by American and International Students at an American University, Hiroko Tsuiki Moaveni

Degradation of Aquatic Pollutants via Photoproduced Reactive Intermediates: Investigation of Factors that Determine which Reactive Intermediates are Produced, Abdikadir Mohamed


A Burkian Pentadic Analysis of MSU Riot Narratives, Joseph Mohrfeld


Wittgenstein, Kierkegaard and the Unspeakable, Joseph C. Mohrfeld


Carriage of Methicillin Resistance in Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci, Christa Moller


Perspectives of Female Leaders in Athletic Training, Kyle Matthew Momsen

Family Coordination, Laura Monson, Chelsey Peterson, Kelsey Przymus, and Jessica Rivard


Geographic Analysis of West Nile Virus in the Upper Minnesota River Valley: A GIS and Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Approach, Matthew Moore


The Effects of Minimalism/Indeterminacy on the Merce Cunningham and John Cage Collaboration, Janelle M. Morrison

Statistical Modeling on Effects of Lead Exposure on Children, Auriol Moteng


Poverty in the Twin Cities using GIS Studying, Je Moua

Documentation of Peripheral Intravenous Insertion Sites in the Hospital Medical Record, Allison Mumbleau


Wheelchair Bound Not Sex Bound: Reconstruction of Self and Sexual Identity after Spinal Cord Injury, Elisabeth Mumford


China and the Two Koreas: A New Era for the Rising Hegemon, Byeongho Mun


The Impact of Instructions: Perceptions of Note-taking and Awareness of Metacognitive Listening for ESL Students, Ayami Murakami


Landscape and Impervious Surface Mapping in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area using Feature Recognition and Decision Tree techniques, Philipp Nagel


Crossing Borders: Fatih Akin's Transnational Purpose, Drew Nelson

Functional Analysis and Paired Choice Assessments: Comparison and Behavior Intervention Planning, Jennifer Nelson

The Power of Global Connectivity and Indigenous Peoples in the Digital Age, Lucas Newbauer

Anti-icing Effectiveness on Pavements Research, Thu Nguyen and Andrew Pfeffer

Morphological Analysis of Chemical Elements in Fish Scales, Ethan Nichols, Natacha Tasha, and Henruka Abugre

Mapping the Spatial and Temporal Expression Pattern of Chst15 mRNA in the Cochlea of Euthyroid Mice Throughout Development, Andrew Nicholson and Cari Graber

Green Roof Design on the CORE Building, Peter Nickel


Poems, Amanda Nigon


Using Choice as a Writing Intervention to Investigate Gender Differences, Nicole Nohelty


Lessons in Liminal Space: Borders as Pedagogical Tools in No Country for Old Men, Steven Norton

Binding to Bovine Serum Albumin: Effects of Molecular Structure, Michael Ntoka