Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Religious and Spiritual Struggles among Satanists, Trevor Flick
Physiological Indices of Anxiety and Self-Regulation Under Task Demands and Talk Aloud, Zachary Gerber
Impact of Atheist Identity Disclosure on Experience of Microaggressions in Therapy, Kimaya Khanolkar
Age-Related Microaggressions: A Semi-Replication, Stephanie Patt
A Qualitative Analysis of Community-Dwelling Older Adults’ Perspectives of Elderspeak, Katelynn Shimanski
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
An Exploration of Differences in Perceptions of Gerotranscendent Behaviors Between Younger and Older Adults, Gabrielle E. Anderson
Stress Levels of Bisexual Individuals in Mixed-Orientation Relationships, Amanda Bartley
Age-Related Microaggressions: A Follow-Up Descriptive Study, Hannah M. Lewis
Development of a Reinforcer Assessment: A Measure of Potential Reinforcers in the Lives of Older Adults, Nicole A. Praska
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Satanists’ Sexual Self-Concept, Samuel Danielson
The Expression of Satanist Identity: Does Visible Identification of Satanism Predict Discrimination and Depression?, Allyson Dudley
Age-Related Microaggressions: A Descriptive Study, Luke J. Gietzen
Examining Jealousy in Mixed-Orientation Relationships: An Experimental Vignette Study, Madison Marie Glende
Assessing the Appropriateness of the Cultural Formulation Interview in Conceptualizing Reverse Culture Shock, Katja Nielsen
An Investigation of the Perception of Elderspeak Among Community Dwelling Older Adults, Abby L. Teply
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Analyzing the Use of a Montessori-Based Activity & Its Effect on Engagement & Affect in Persons with Dementia: A Replication Study, Emilee J. Andersen
A Brief Zoom-Facilitated Mindful and Intuitive Eating Intervention to Decrease Disordered Eating, Jenna K. Anderson
Therapist Multicultural Orientation: Client Perceptions of Cultural Humility, Sexual Identity, and the Working Alliance, Todd L. Jennings
Joint Religiosity Among Satanists as a Predicator of Sexual Satisfaction, Tayler M. Lyng
Comparing the Acceptability of Treatment Rationales for Two Psychotherapies, Marin Gail Olson
Understanding Resident-to-Resident Conflicts in Long Term Care Settings from the Perspective of Administrative Staff, John F. Walker
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Understanding Communication Dynamics in Group Home Setting, Jacinta O. Anyanwu
An Evaluation of a Brief Mindfulness and Values Training on Cyber Bullying Behavior in College Students, Emily M. Boduch
The Effects of Cognitive Training on Behavioral Functioning in Persons with Dementia, Abigail J. Dye
The Effects of a Cognitive Training Program for Healthy Older Adults: A Program Evaluation Study, Jacklyn Gehling
Sex Trafficking: A Systematic Review of Operational Definitions, Firdavs Khaydarov
An Investigation into the Perceptions of Elderspeak and How It Effects Mood Among an Assisted Living Population, Paige T. Shoutz
Assessing Preferences for Montessori-Based Activities in Persons with Memory Impairment, Katelyn Danielle Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Assessing Facilitator Adherence for the Delivery of Cognitive Training Programs to Older Adults, Lydia Fry
Evaluation of a Cognitive Training Program and its Effects on Healthy Older Adults, Nathan Jensen
Teacher Awareness and Perceptions of Social Media Use and Cyberbullying in Belize, Abbey Linderholm
Comparison Between Brief Acceptance and Cognitive Interventions: Assessing Public Speaking Performance in Socially-Anxious Individuals, Soultana Mpoulkoura
The Effects and Experiences of Stigma in the Minneapolis Strip Club Industry, Machensey Shelgren
Evaluating the Effects of a Stimulus Equivalence Protocol to Teach Bullying Identification to School-Aged Children, Courtney Sowle
Impact of Self-Determined Motivation on Work Behavior and Response to Cognitive Remediation in Individuals with Schizophrenia, Desmond Spann
The Effects of Elderspeak on the Mood of Older Adults with Dementia: A Preliminary Report, Kenia Torres-Soto
Working Conditions for Erotic Dancers: A Review of Health and Safety Concerns from a Minneapolis Based Needs Assessment, Alexander Twohy
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Evaluation of a Cognitive Training Program for Older Adults with Mild to Moderate Cognitive Decline, Kelly Bergstrom
Transgender Individuals among an Online Adult Baby Diaper Lover Community Sample: An Exploratory Study, Elizabeth Gibson
Evaluating Stigmatizing Attitudes among Clinicians Toward People with ABDL and Pedophilic Interests, Katlyn Hanson
Bullying in Senior Living Facilities: Resident Perspectives, Kathryn Ira
The Effects of a Cognitive Training Program for Cognitively Intact Older Adults, Caroline Kinskey
An Examination of Inattentional Blindness in Law Enforcement, Gregory Lee
Differences in the Perceptions of Gerotranscendence Between Certified Nursing Assistants and Older Adults, Amanda Perera
Motivations, Expectations and Experiences of Genital Piercings in the Transgender Community: An Exploratory Study, Haley Peterson
College Males' Attitudes Toward Sexually-Explicit Material: An Experimental Study, Cody Schulte
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Effect of Clinician Competence and Religiosity on the Trainee Clinician’s Ability to Identify Problematic Sexual Behavior, Cody Butcher
Developing the Family Involvement Questionnaire (FIQ): A Measure of Family Involvement in the Lives of Residents at Long-Term Care Facilities, Christopher Thomas Fast
The Effects of Pornography on Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Men's Body Image: An Experimental Study, Neil Gleason
Gender Differences in Social Media Use and Cyberbullying in Belize, Grace Mariko Kasahara
A Survey Of Rewards For Teens: Extension, Replication, and 25-year Follow-up, Hunter King
Evaluation of a Mindfulness Intervention for Children with Emotion Regulation Difficulties, Stephanie Jo Pirsig
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Characteristics and How Social Support Plays a Role, Stephanie Smith-Kellen
Comparing Brief Acceptance and Control-Based Interventions: Evaluating Public Speaking Performance in Socially-Anxious Individuals, Samuel Spencer
Addressing Cognitive Decline: Evaluating the Effects of a Cognitive Training Program for Individuals with Mild to Moderate Cognitive Impairment, Katherine Ann Stypulkowski
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Parent Participation in Child Therapeutic Settings, Robert Doss
The Impact of Pornography on the Genital Body Image and Sexual Self-Efficacy of Female College Students, Monica Elizondo
An Analysis of Reinforcers Maintaining Caregiving Behaviors of Long-Term Care Facility Staff, Sandra Garcia
Mental Health of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Heterosexual, and Questioning Youth in Rural, Micropolitian, and Metropolitan Regions in Minnesota: Assessing Internalizing and Externalizing Self-report Behaviors, Jessica Louann Jorgenson
Perceptions of Female Sexual Pathology: The Role of Racial Biases in Clinical Decision Making, Jerusha Sanjeevi
Bullying in Senior Living Facilities: A Qualitative Study, Felicia Jo VandeNest
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Treating Public Speaking Anxiety: A Comparison of Exposure and Video Self-Modeling, Emily Marie Bartholomay
Evaluation of a Home Visiting Program Aimed at Facilitating Refugee and Immigrant Children's Acclimation and Development, Laurie Lynn Grad
Efficacy of a Cognitive Training Program for Individuals with Moderate Cognitive Impairment: Evaluating Cognition, Erica Catherine Johnson
Behavioral Implications of a Cognitive Training Program for Individuals with Moderate Cognitive Impariment, Joseph L.D. Kennedy
The Relationship Between Sexual Functioning and Sleep Quality in A Female Undergraduate Student Sample, Alexander Kuka
The Effect of Clinician Hardiness on Posttraumatic Growth and Trauma based on Vicarious Trauma Exposure, Maria Anne Stevens
Hook Up Culture: Changing the Structure of Future Relationships?, Elise Woik
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Symptom Severity, Treatment Acceptability, and Motivational Predictors Related to Patient Improvement for Insomnia, Shelby Marie Afflerbach
The Effects of Geriatric Sexual Orientation on Caregiver Reactions to Resident Sexual Behavior Within Long-Term Care Facilities, Andrew Jonathan Ahrendt
The Difference in Perception of Gerotranscendence between College Students and Healthy, Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Duc Viet Lai
The Influence of Father-Child Relationship on Adolescents' Mental Health, Yea Seul Pyun
The Initial Response and Behavioral Patterns Exhibited by an Officer to a Weapon being drawn in a Traffic Stop Simulation, Samantha Josephine Tupy
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
The Efficacy of the Girls on the Run Program to Improve Self-Worth, Body Image, and Behavioral and Emotional Functioning: A Longitudinal Study, Morgan Marie Ames
The Use of Video Self-Modeling to Treat Public Speaking Anxiety, Alicia Kruger
Role of Health Behaviors in Sexual Quality of Life Among Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Survivors, Keagan Lee McPherson
Empirical Evaluation of a Home Visiting Intervention Targeting Immigrant and Refugee Children, Jenna Marie Miller
The Puzzle of Paradoxical Insomnia, Kristina Peltz
Differences between Core and Animal Reminder Disgust Elicitation on a Core Disgust Avoidance Task--A Replication with Modifications, Matthew Schumann
The Use of Applications on Mobile Devices in a Midwestern Population, Sherry Werkmeister
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Devaluing Sex to Cope with Anxiety: A Comparative Investigation of Sexual Delay Discounting with High and Low Socially Phobic Populations, Miranda N. Bretz
Memory Priming in Elderly Individuals Diagnosed with Dementia, Jessica Lee Deselms
The BackPack Food Program's Effects on Self-Reported Hunger and On-Task Behavior, Meghan E. Ecker
An Examination of the Social Acceptability of Elderspeak by College Students and Community Dwelling Older Adults, Kasie Lynn Hummel
Determining Musical Preferences in Persons with Dementia: Comparing Caregiver Options to Stimulus Preference Assessment, Eva Christine Igler
Trust in the Mentor-Youth Relationship and its Correlates with Frequency of Contact, Parental Involvement, and Academic Improvements, Emily Jane Ness
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Evaluating Changes in Families with Members on Military Deployment, Jill Brink
A Multi-Method Approach to Risk Assessment among Women with Sexual Abuse Histories, Susan Elizabeth Drevo
The Illusion of Transparency and Public Speaking: A Study of Social Anxiety, Chelsea Gloth
The Effects of Amount of Contact, Relationship Quality, and Types of Activities on Child Social and Emotional Functioning in a Youth Mentoring Program, Dorothy Maria Lipski
A Functional Analysis of Elderspeak Use by Certified Nursing Assistants in Caregiving Situations, Nathaniel Joseph Lombardi
An Evaluation of Factors Leading to Mentor Satisfaction, Shannon Marie Martin
An Application of a High-P Low-P Procedure to Improve Recall Memory in Elderly Patients with Mild to Moderate Cognitive Impairment, Dawn Amber Seefeldt