Submissions from 2021
Student Focus Groups: Experiences Learning in FlexSync and Online Synchronous Courses, Brooke N. Burk
Student Reflection Questionnaire, Daniel Houlihan, Jacob Wessels, and Abbey Riese
Submissions from 2020
Faculty Focus Groups: Experiences Teaching FlexSync and Online Synchronous during Fall 2020, Brooke N. Burk
Strategies to Maintain Student Engagement, Brooke N. Burk
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners in a Greener Classroom, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners in Blended and Online Classes, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners in Face-to-Face Classes, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners in Large Lecture Classes, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners in Online Discussion, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with Audience Response Systems, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with D2L Brightspace, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with Interactive e-Learning Software, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with Lecture Capture, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with Office 365 / OneDrive, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with Online Collaboration, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with Online Meetings, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with Open Educational Resources, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Learners with Qualtrics, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Students through Active Learning, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
10 Strategies for Engaging Your Online Language Learners, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Effective Design: Creating Presentations, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Learning Theories: Experiential Learning, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Learning Theories: Socio-Constructivism, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
MNSU Guide to Writing Good Multiple Choice Quizzes and Exams, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
MNSU Online Exam Security, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Online Course Framework Checklist, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Quality Check for Online Courses, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Teaching Strategies: Alignment Mapping Your Course, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Teaching Strategies: Backward Design, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Teaching Strategies: Blended Learning and Flipped Instruction, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Teaching Strategies: Competency-based Instruction, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Teaching Strategies: Experiential Education, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Teaching Strategies: Games, Simulations and Gamification, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Teaching Strategies: Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT), Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Teaching Strategies: Problem-based Learning and Case-based Learning, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Teaching Strategies: Project-based Learning, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Teaching Strategies: Service Learning, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Teaching Strategies: Writing Measurable Learning Outcomes, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Faculty and Student Qualitative Analysis Report, Jacob Wessels and Daniel Houlihan
Faculty Needs Assessment: Part 2, Jacob Wessels and Daniel Houlihan
Student Reflection Questionnaire: Part 2, Jacob Wessels and Daniel Houlihan
Submissions from 2019
Learning Theories: Behaviorism, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Learning Theories: Cognitivism, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Learning Theories: Connectivism, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Learning Theories: Constructivism, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Learning Theories: Multimedia Learning Theory, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Learning Theories: Multiple Intelligences, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Learning Theories: Social Cognitivism, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, and Elizabeth A. Harsma
Submissions from 2013
Academic Language, Anne Dahlman
Active Learning and Assessment Strategies, Patricia Hoffman
Teaching & Learning: Presentations, Patricia Hoffman
Submissions from 2012
Standards for Authentic Instruction, Kathy Bertsch
Building a Collaborative Learning Environment, Stacey Van Gelderen
Applying Active Learning Strategies to Advanced Mathematics Courses, Ruijun Zhao