This collection contains scholarly articles, reports and other publications authored by faculty members in the Department of Elementary and Literacy Education at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
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Submissions from 2016
10 Essential Instructional Elements for Students with Reading Difficulties: A Brain-Friendly Approach, Andrew P. Johnson
Academic Writing: Process and Product, Andrew P. Johnson
Code of Ethics for Teachers, Andrew P. Johnson
RTI Basics in 7 Minutes, Andrew P. Johnson
The Schema-Building Lesson Plan, Andrew P. Johnson
Whole Language: A Neurocognitive Approach to Reading Instruction, Andrew P. Johnson
How to Submit Manuscripts for Publication in US Scholarly Journals, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Multicultural Education in American Pedagogical Universities, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Comparison of Intercultural Competency between Russian and American University Students = Сравнение межкультурной компетенции студентов российских и американских университетов, Elizabeth J. Sandell, Olga Victorovna Klypa, Elizabeth A. Lohrenz, and Oleg Voskresensky
Submissions from 2015
Through the Looking Glass: Interculturalism in Action in Higher Education, Catriona J. Cunningham and Elizabeth J. Sandell
Direct Instruction: A Tool, Not an Approach to Reading Instruction, Andrew P. Johnson
Jump Start Faculty and PDS in edTPA Practice, Lori Piowlski, Beth Beschorner, and Lisa Vasquez
Plunging Beneath the Surface: Uncovering Internal Dispositions, Lori Piowlski and Karen Colum
The edTPA and PDS Collide in a Culture of Care (COC) Model, Lori Piowlski and Elizabeth Finsness
Where Cultural Competency Begins: Changes in Undergraduate Students' Intercultural Competency, Elizabeth J. Sandell and Samantha J. Tupy
Development of Culturally Proficient Practice Across a Teacher Preparation Program, Lisa Vasquez, Elizabeth J. Sandell, Beth Beschorner, and Lori Piowlski
Submissions from 2014
Do doggies go to heaven = ¿Los perritos van al cielo?- A story in English and Spanish, Luz Carime Bersh
Reading, Eye Movement, and the Brain, Andrew P. Johnson
Reading Intervention, Andrew P. Johnson
Teaching Reading Comprehension, Andrew P. Johnson
Providing the Fuel Needed to Blast Teacher Candidates into Employment, Lori Piowlski and Peggy Ballard
Submissions from 2013
American Dream? Snapshots of the Middle-Class, Luz Carime Bersh
The Curricular Value of Teaching about Immigration through Picture Book Thematic Text Sets, Luz Carime Bersh
Educational Psychology: Theories of Learning and Human Development, Andrew P. Johnson
Survival in Soviet Gulags: A Secondary Analysis, Kimberly M. Maas, Paul Prew, and Elizabeth J. Sandell
Kindergarten in Russia's Far East: The Effect of Climate, Elizabeth J. Sandell and Olga Victorovna Klypa
Submissions from 2012
Epistemological Shift in Empowering Teachers’ Action: Three Action Research Case Studies, Luz Carime Bersh
Action Research for Improving At-Risk Students' Literacy Skills: Supporting the Professional Development of Three Teachers Throught Their Journys Integrating Multiculturalism, Poetry and Technology for Literacy Intervention, Luz Carime Bersh, Pam Benton, Anita Lewis, and Magda Mackenzie-Parrales
A Short Guide to Action Research, Andrew P. Johnson
Submissions from 2010
Intersections of Teachers' Life Stories: Awakening Spirit Towards Emancipatory Education, Luz Carime Bersh
Making Connections in Elementary and Middle School Social Studies, Andrew P. Johnson
Writing Activity Objectives for Caring for and Educating Infants and Toddlers, Steven Reuter, Elizabeth J. Sandell, Amber Bissonette, Alyssa Nicholson-Hansen, and Amanda Sterna
Child Development and Behavior Guidance, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Global Guidelines Task Force, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Improving Academic Writing with the 6 + 1 Writing Traits, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Spice Your Lectures with Active Learning, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Using ACEI's Global Guidelines Assessment for Improving Early Education, Elizabeth J. Sandell, Belinda J. Hardin, and Sue C. Wortham
Overview of Curriculum Development in the Russian Federation, Elizabeth J. Sandell, Olga Victorovna Klypa, and Maria S. Taratukhina
ACEI Global Guidelines Train-the-Trainer, Elizabeth J. Sandell, D. Stegelin, and M. B. Trube
Submissions from 2009
Deconstructing Whiteness: Uncovering Prospective Teachers' Understandings of Their Culture–A Latina Professor's Perspective, Luz Carime Bersh
Teaching about Immigration through a Picture-Book's Thematic Text-Set, Luz Carime Bersh
The Value of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity in the Tenure and Promotion Process at Minnesota State University, Mankato, Anne E. Blackhurst, Gina L. Wenger, and Elizabeth J. Sandell
Chapter 4: Teaching Civic and Governement, and Economics, Andrew P. Johnson
Review of Research Designs Using Digital Images to Understand Children's Experience and Environment, Vera Grigoryevna Kashin and Elizabeth J. Sandell
Life Stories Between the Former Soviet Union and the United States, Kimberly M. Maas, Elizabeth J. Sandell, and Emily Boyd
Initial Teacher Licensure Programs at Minnesota State Univeristy, Mankato, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Pilot Test of a Quality Rating and Improvement System, Elizabeth J. Sandell, Vera G. Azarova, and Olga Victorovna Klypa
Flat Stanley: Join the Phenomenon!, Elizabeth J. Sandell, Mary C. Behrens, and Laura Linde
Using the ACEI's Global Guidelines Assessment for Improving Early Education, Elizabeth J. Sandell, Belinda J. Hardin, and Sue C. Wortham
Introduction to the Process of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Research with Human Subjects, Elizabeth J. Sandell, Patricia M. Hargrove, and Anne Blackhurst
Submissions from 2008
Professional Relationships in Early Childhood Careers, Mary C. Behrens and Elizabeth J. Sandell
Teaching Reading and Writing: A Guidebook for Tutoring and Remediating Students, Andrew P. Johnson
Submissions from 2007
Curriculum Strategies to Prepare Teacher Candidates for the Multicultural Classroom, Luz Carime Bersh
The Inner Curriculum: Activities to Develop Emotional Intelligence in General Education Classrooms, Andrew P. Johnson
Impact of International Education Experiences on Undergraduate Students, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Fostering Global-Mindedness in Teacher Preparation, Gail D. Zahn, Elizabeth J. Sandell, and Caryn E. Lindsey
Submissions from 2006
Theory-to-Practice through Service Learning: Lev Vygotsky, Howard Gardner, and Technology Education, Luz Carime Bersh and Prudence Cuper
"What are we learning here?" The Benefits and Challenges of Alternative Strategies to Build Communities in Teacher-Education Classrooms, Luz Carime Bersh and Prudence Cuper
Submissions from 2005
A Global Overview of Global Issues Affecting Women, Luz Carime Bersh
Submissions from 2004
Deconstructing Whiteness through Critical Writing: Getting College Students to Re-think their Racial Identity and their Relations with Racial Diversity, Luz Carime Bersh
Submissions from 2003
Female Images in Caldecott Award Books: Gender Readings through Visual Text, Luz Carime Bersh
Looking at Female Teacher Candidates' Beliefs Concerning Gender Roles: An Action Research in a Children's Literature Course, Luz Carime Bersh
A Short Guide to Academic Writing, Andrew P. Johnson
Submissions from 2002
What Every Teacher Should Know About Action Research, Andrew P. Johnson
Submissions from 2000
Up and Out: Using Thinking Skills to Enhance Learning, Andrew P. Johnson
Submissions from 1999
MELD, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Impact of the Earned Income Credit and the Working Family Credit on Limited Resource Families in Minnesota, Elizabeth J. Sandell and Donna Bailey
Submissions from 1997
Family Involvement Models in Early Childhood Education, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Family Involvement Models in Elementary Education, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Parents in the School, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Submissions from 1995
Review of Parent Education Resources for Adults with Low English Proficiency, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Submissions from 1990
MELD Special Curriculum: Blending Information and Support for Parents of Children with Special Needs, Elizabeth J. Sandell, Deborah Weiland, Ranae Hanson, Mary Nelson, and MELD
Submissions from 1989
Creative Learning: A Curriculum for Preprimary Children. Unit 8, Dinosaur Era and Fossils, Marjorie L. Oelerich, Jean Peterson, and Elizabeth J. Sandell
Ankylosaurus: the Armored Dinosaur, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Apatosaurus: the Deceptive Dinosaur, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Archaeopteryx: the First Bird, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Compsognathus: the Smallest Dinosaur, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Dimetrodon: the Sail-Backed Reptile, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Maiasaura: the Good Mother Dinosaur, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Submissions from 1988
Plesiosaurus: the Swimming Reptile, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Pteranodon: the Flying Reptile, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Seismosaurus: the Longest Dinosaur, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Stegosaurus: the Dinosaur with the Smallest Brain, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Triceratops: the Last Dinosaur, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Tyrannosaurus Rex: the Fierce Dinosaur, Elizabeth J. Sandell
Submissions from 1987
Creative Learning: A Curriculum for Preprimary Children: Unit 6: The Five Senses, Marjorie L. Oelerich, Jean Peterson, and Meredith S. Ring
Submissions from 1985
Creative Learning: A Curriculum for Preprimary Children: Volume 1, Marjorie L. Oelerich, Jean Peterson, and Meredith S. Ring
Submissions from 1984
Should Kindergarten Children Attend School All Day Every Day?, Marjorie L. Oelerich