At Minnesota State University, Mankato, every graduate student completes a capstone for their program. Most programs include a thesis/dissertation or alternative plan paper (APP) option, but many programs provide other capstone opportunities.
Beginning in 2009, graduate students at Minnesota State University, Mankato could elect to have their alternative plan paper, thesis, dissertation or other capstone project made available online through a digital collection platform provided by Library Services. In 2014, these electronic submissions or ETDs were transferred into the Theses, Dissertations, and Other Capstone Projects collection in Cornerstone, the University's new institutional repository.
The development of this collection is ongoing as graduate students continue to elect to provide digital copies of their graduate theses, dissertations or other capstone projects to Cornerstone. If you are a former Minnesota State University, Mankato graduate student and wish to include your work in Cornerstone, please contact us .
Documents From 2019
Certified Nursing Assistant Turnover & Impacts on Rural Skilled Nursing Facilities A Qualitative Study & Recommendations for Practitioners, Marisa E. Hansen
What Works and What Doesn't: An Analysis of Brand Engagment on Facebook, Laurie Hiebert
Evaluation of a Cognitive Training Program and its Effects on Healthy Older Adults, Nathan Jensen
A Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning of Genomic Data, Jongyun Jung
The Relationship Between Seasonal Breeding and Deiodinase Expression in the Green Anole Lizard, Hyejoo Kang
Effects of Psychological Need Satisfaction on Proactive Work Behaviors, Shota Kawasaki
Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media on Adolescent Well-Being., Katie Kennedy
Perceived Barriers of Homeschooled Students Moving into Higher Education: Case Stories and Qualitative Perspectives, Lizbeth Kliewer
Teaching Writing: Genre Lessons for Teaching Writing in the Homeschool High School Classroom and Beyond, Teagan R. Knoblich
Mass Wasting Investigation and Assessment in the Midwest: Case Study of the Minnesota River Valley, New Ulm to St. Peter, Minnesota, USA, Melissa Kohout
Teacher Awareness and Perceptions of Social Media Use and Cyberbullying in Belize, Abbey Linderholm
Adaptive Smoothing Parameter in Kernel Density Estimation and Parameter Estimation in Normal Mixture Distributions, Sabiha Mahzabeen
Assessing Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Hand Hygiene Among University Students, Linda Afia Mbroh
Cliff-Top Dunes in the Lower Chippewa River Valley of West-Central Wisconsin, Jason Millett
The Relationship of Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring and Hypertension Control, Durga Mishra
Comparison Between Brief Acceptance and Cognitive Interventions: Assessing Public Speaking Performance in Socially-Anxious Individuals, Soultana Mpoulkoura
Revoicing in Undergraduate Physics Education: A Case Study, Elizabeth Noël Olson
Thévenin Equivalent of Solar Cell Model, Chiedozie Osigwe
George Eliot’s Middlemarch and Florence Nightingale: Friendship and Respect Influences Reform in Sanitation, Hospitals, and the Training of Nurses, Kerrie A. Patterson
Evaluating the Effects of Tootling When Implemented in Special Education Classrooms Providing Behavior Supports, Jannine E. Ray
Flow Fields Past Grain Bins as it Relates to Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Placement Optimization, Jon Richter
The Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Social Communication: A Survey Study, Chey Maree Robertson
Children During the American Steamboat Era - A Museum Exhibit, Emily Ruoff
MATLAB GUI Based Educational Simulation Tool Box for Power Analysis, Tharuka Senevirathne
The Effects and Experiences of Stigma in the Minneapolis Strip Club Industry, Machensey Shelgren
Developing a Commercial Product Using a Consumer Grade 3D Printer, Calvin Smith
Evaluating the Effects of a Stimulus Equivalence Protocol to Teach Bullying Identification to School-Aged Children, Courtney Sowle
Impact of Self-Determined Motivation on Work Behavior and Response to Cognitive Remediation in Individuals with Schizophrenia, Desmond Spann
Blood Pressure Screening Practices Among Dental Hygienists, Mariah Sullinger
The Effects of Elderspeak on the Mood of Older Adults with Dementia: A Preliminary Report, Kenia Torres-Soto
“Writing is hard, but I think I like it”: Identity (Re)Construction of Female Refugee and Immigrant Adult Language Learners in the US., Svenja Trommler
Working Conditions for Erotic Dancers: A Review of Health and Safety Concerns from a Minneapolis Based Needs Assessment, Alexander Twohy
Effect of Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning (POGIL) on Preservice Elementary Teachers' Understanding of Biological Classification, Mackenzie Volz
The Scenic Design of Bye Bye Birdie, Erin Wegleitner
Burnout Levels of Teachers Within a Selected School District in Minnesota, Adam Whirley
Demography, Risk, and Power: An Examination of the Deceased Patient Population at the Hastings State Hospital, 1900-1978, Dawn T. Whitney
Optimization of Energy Harvesting Mobile Nodes Within Scalable Converter System Based on Reinforcement Learning, Chengtao Xu
Racial Microaggressions and Alienation Among Hmong American College Students, Bruce Yang
Application of Droop Control and Synchronization for Single-Phase Inverters in AC Microgrid Integration, Shuai Yang
Tracing Life Histories Through Biological Manifestations in a 19th-20th Century Midwestern Poor Farm: Asymmetry, Robusticity, and Adaptive Response at the Milwaukee Poor Farm, Samantha Zahn-Hiepler
Documents From 2018
Robust Power Interface for Smart Grid with Renewable Energy Source-to-Grid Functionality, BoHyun Ahn
A Macromorphological Analysis of End Scrapers from Sites Associated with Two Phases of the Oneota Tradition, the Blue Earth and Spring Creek, in Southern Minnesota, Joshua Bradley Anderson
Psychosocial Interventions for Individuals With Infertility, Margaret Bach
Working Mothers: The Relationship Between Intensive Mothering and Work-Family Conflict, Casey E. Baker
Evaluation of a Cognitive Training Program for Older Adults with Mild to Moderate Cognitive Decline, Kelly Bergstrom
American Nursing Students' Immersion Experience in Ghana: A Qualitative Study, Srijana Bhandari
Profile in Scale, Jason Boldt
How Graduate Experience Changes Beliefs in Working with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations: A Survey Study, Stephanie Bove
Racial Identities on Social Media: Projecting Racial Identities on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, Nolan Brinkman
Alton Sterling, My Dad, and Me: an Autoethnographic Exploration of Race Based Trauma, Balencia Crosby
Work-Related Values, Preferences, and Expectations of Millennials: Implications for Long-Term Care Administrators, Cheryl K. Derynck
My Truth, My Telling: Experiences of Black Women Principals in a Poetry-themed Workshop on Race and Gender, Antonia Felix
The Directing of Melanie Marnich's These Shining Lives, Kristin Fox
The Role of Exercise for Postpartum Depression and Well-being, Maria Gaz
Transgender Individuals among an Online Adult Baby Diaper Lover Community Sample: An Exploratory Study, Elizabeth Gibson
Technical Direction of Little Women, The Musical, Matt Gilbertson
"It's Because You Are White": A Qualitative Study on the Impact of Whiteness and White Privilege in Interracial Relationships, Adrienne Gruenes
Evaluating Stigmatizing Attitudes among Clinicians Toward People with ABDL and Pedophilic Interests, Katlyn Hanson
The Direction of Why Torture is Wrong, and the People Who Love Them, Donald Hart
"We Considered Ourselves a Team:" A View of Co-teaching from the Perspectives of Graduate Teaching Assistants and Students, Alyssa Harter
Improving Mathematical Skill: The Perceptions of Rural Minnesota Mathematics Educators, Michael Haskins
The Experience of Microaggressions within Cross-Racial Videoconferencing Supervision: A Case Study, Jamie Hedin
Agricultural Intensification in the Midwest: Impacts on Regional Surface Humidity, Andrew Hill
Effective Characteristics of Rural English Learner Programs, Sarah Huseby
Bullying in Senior Living Facilities: Resident Perspectives, Kathryn Ira
Self-Disclosure, Gender, and Patient Satisfaction in the Doctor-Patient Relationship, Khadiza Tul Jannat
A Study of the Soft Skills that Contribute to the Success of Newly Graduated Business Students in the Workplace, Promeet Jaswant Singh
Across an Ecotone: An Analysis of Late Prehistoric Artifacts from Southern Minnesota, Jamison M. Jordan
The Costume Design of Little Women the Musical, Emily Kimball
Race, Stigma, and the Politics of Black Girls Hair, Vanessa King
The Effects of a Cognitive Training Program for Cognitively Intact Older Adults, Caroline Kinskey
The McClelland Site (21GD258) and the Oneota Tradition in the Red Wing Region, Jasmine Koncur
The Criminalization of Poverty: The Impact of Cash Bail System on Black Women in New Orleans, Salome Kushindana
The Vendor in a Retail Setting: A Survey, Jesse LaPorte
Gender Differences in Development Center Performance in a Healthcare Organization, Samuel Lawson
An Examination of Inattentional Blindness in Law Enforcement, Gregory Lee
Anxiety Reduction in Pregnancy Subsequent to Perinatal Loss, Jessica Lemker
Augmentation of Music, Kyle Lenzen
The Sex/Gender Distinction in Contemporary Gender and Women's Studies Introductory Textbooks, Kyle Lighty
Operational Research: Multi-Period Stowage Policies Within a Multi-Zone Storage Framework., Joseph Loeffler
More than Cracking Backs: Exploring Patient-Careers in Chiropractic Care, Timothy J. Loney
Patterns of Trematode Distribution from Hosts Collected at Lake Winnibigoshish, Minnesota, Scott Malotka
Creating the Role of O'Brien in 1984, Andoni Marinos
What Happens Now? Coaching and Leading Following a Student-Athlete Death - A Phenomenological Study, Peter McGahey
Band Filling and Temperature Effects on Electrical Conductivity in Strongly Correlated Hybridized Electron Systems, Dylan T. Meyer
Car-less Cities, Maryam Moeinian
Modeling of Small-Scale Wind Power System with Virtual Synchronous Generator, Sahithi Nannapaneni
MISFITS, Hanna Newman
The Effects of Surface Albedo and Initial Lignin Concentration on Photodegradation of Sorghum Bicolor Litter, Joshua Niere
Assessment of Stress Related Issues and Coping Mechanisms among College Students, Emeka Okoro
Predicting Invasive Carp Habitat Suitability in the Minnesota River, Minnesota, Melissa Oubre