At Minnesota State University, Mankato, every graduate student completes a capstone for their program. Most programs include a thesis/dissertation or alternative plan paper (APP) option, but many programs provide other capstone opportunities.
Beginning in 2009, graduate students at Minnesota State University, Mankato could elect to have their alternative plan paper, thesis, dissertation or other capstone project made available online through a digital collection platform provided by Library Services. In 2014, these electronic submissions or ETDs were transferred into the Theses, Dissertations, and Other Capstone Projects collection in Cornerstone, the University's new institutional repository.
The development of this collection is ongoing as graduate students continue to elect to provide digital copies of their graduate theses, dissertations or other capstone projects to Cornerstone. If you are a former Minnesota State University, Mankato graduate student and wish to include your work in Cornerstone, please contact us .
Documents From 2021
Women in Combat Boots: U.S. Servicewomen’s Collective Self-esteem and Adherence to Weight Regulations, Latavia Monét Ford
Caregiver Knowledge and Perceptions of Dementia-Specific Nutritional Approaches, Danielle Freitag
Socioeconomic and Other Dynamics in the Geographical Distribution of Success in the English F.A. Cup, Edward Genereux
Replicant, John Grabko
Why End-of-Life Discussion Matters: A Systematic Literature Review, Emily Grandson
Peoples’ Experiences with Birth Doulas, Emily A. Gunderson
Creating the Role of Lady Macduff in Macbeth, Ashley D'Lyn Gunn
Classification of Chess Games: An Exploration of Classifiers for Anomaly Detection in Chess, Masudul Hoque
Factors Influencing Contraception Use in Sexual Minority Women: A Systematic Literature Review, Grace M. Hudson
The Creation of the Role of Edward Ferrars in Sense and Sensibility, Ty Hudson
COVID-19 and Work-Family Conflict: A Gendered Lens Required for Developing Organizational Benefits and Programs, Qendresa Isniqi
Contraceptive Accessibility and Reproductive Outcomes in Adolescents Seeking Care at School-Based Health Centers: A Systematic Review, Jamie Jenkins
Therapist Multicultural Orientation: Client Perceptions of Cultural Humility, Sexual Identity, and the Working Alliance, Todd L. Jennings
Reducing Polypharmacy in Older Adults at End of Life: The Outcome on Quality of Life, Melissa Jenson
Mythology of Uncertainty, Connor Johanson
The After-Visit Summary: An Opportunity for Technical Communicators, Drew Jordan
Directing Atreus: Re-Envisioning Classic Greek Theatre, Yaureybo Jordán Salivia
Providing Hispanic Immigrant and Migrant Health Care in America: Could NPs be the Answer?, Hamabwe Kabwe
Defining Plant Ecological Specialists and Generalists: Building a Framework for Identification and Classification, Alex N. Kirsch
Faculty and Dean Attitudes Toward Institutional Civic Responsibility, Mutual Trust, and Civic Mindedness at Two Year Colleges, David W. Kobilka
Cannabis as a Prescription Opioid Substitute for Adults with Chronic Pain: A Systematic Literature Review, Lani Kranz
Everything Living Dies, Curtis Larson
Assessment of Perceived Levels of Stress and Coping Mechanism Use Among Elementary School Teachers, Lauren Larson
A Dozen To One: An Examination of Workers' Satisfaction in Menial Labor, Colin Larter
Impact of Telemedicine on Heart Failure Readmissions and Mortality: A Literature Review, Stephanie R. Ledvina
A Record of Wrongs, Kayla Lutes
Joint Religiosity Among Satanists as a Predicator of Sexual Satisfaction, Tayler M. Lyng
Among the Padded Footsteps, Michael Malmberg
Risk Communication and COVID-19: An Exploration of Best Practices, Allie Martens
Unveiling Race and Japanese Identity Through Kokusai Kekkon, Manami Matsuoka
Paternal Postpartum Depression Screening: A Critical Measurement that is Long Overdue, Nicholas C. McClellan
Exploring the Opportunity and Archievement Gap: The Capacity of Inclusive Outdoor Adventure Programming in Alleviating Youth Educational Inequity, Sarah E. McDonald
Creating the Role of Crissy in Hair, Yu Miao
Treatment of Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review, Bethanie M. Miller
“Whose Team Is It Anyway?”: Exploring the Impact of Coaching Changes on Forensics Team Culture, Brenton Lynn Mitchell
Comparing Various Robust Estimation Techniques in Regression Analysis, Tracy S. Morrison
Kangaroo Court, Ty Newcomb
Novice Professional School Counselor Development: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Supports and Resources, Lynn M. O'Brien
Spatial Patterns of Crime in District 05, Quito-Ecuador, 2016-2020, Pablo Esteban Ochoa Veloz
The Power of Perserverance: Creating the Roles of Hippodamia and Pythia in Atreus, Lindsey L. Oetken
Proposed Data Governance Framework for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs), Rejoice Okoro
Resident Centered Behavioral Health: A Program Evaluation, Anna Olinger
Comparing the Acceptability of Treatment Rationales for Two Psychotherapies, Marin Gail Olson
The Impact of Cultural Competency on the School Improvement Process: A Phenomenological Study, Michelle deKam Palmieri
Understanding the Implications of HPV Infection: Does Parental Education Impact HPV Vaccination Completion Rates?, Heather A. Pederson
The Impact of Social Media on Teenage Females Self-Esteem, Amanda C. Perkovich
Mediating the German Case System Through Concept-Based Instruction in an Online Learning Environment, Lea Pienkoss
Redefiniendo la Protesta Indígena en los Andes: Representaciones en (y a Través de) la Literatura y los Medios Audiovisuales, Adriana Milena Rojas Castro
The Primary Care Provider’s Role in Screening and Intervening in the Human Trafficking of Adolescents: A Systematic Literature Review, Brittany Schmid
Aquatic Macrophyte Communities in Five Sibley County (Minnesota) Lakes and the Factors that Affect their Distribution, Samuel A. Schmid
Aeolian Sand Stringers in the Upper Midwest, USA: Morphology, Stratigraphy, and Paleoenvironmental Significance, Kenzie L. Shandonay
The Critical Need for a Culturally Sensitive Suicide Risk Assessment Instrument for American Indian and Alaska Native Youth, Courtney E. Shaw
Implementation of Model-Free Adaptive Power Flow Control for Dual-Active-Bridge-Based AC-DC Converters, Qinghang Shen
Xtreme-NoC: Extreme Gradient Boosting Based Latency Model for Network-on-Chip Architectures, Ilma Sheriff
Navigating Integration: A Grounded Theory of Practicing Clinicians' Experiences Integrating Neuroscience in their Mental Health Clinical Practice, Barbara K. Skodje-Mack
Effectiveness of Behavior-Based Counseling for Weight Loss Maintenance: A Systematic Literature Review, Jaime V. Stanczyk
“Positive” Student Behavior: Investigating Educator Perceptions of Student Behavior in Terms of Willingness to Reward and Magnitude of Reward, Kelsey Stangler
Effects of Voluntary Exercise on Pressure-Induced Natriuresis in Hypertensive Female and Male Rats, Keshari Sudasinghe
Comparison of Sexual Risk Behaviors Between Junior Male and Female Students at Pierz High School, Sandy Tautges
Perceived Barriers and Facilitators to Cervical Cancer Screening in Asian American Women, Bouathong Thepsombath
Predicting Mental Health Counseling Professionals’ Willingness to Discuss Sexuality Issues with Clients, Becca L. Thompson
Because Wonder Will Always Get Us There: Directing Lauren Gunderson’s Silent Sky, James C. Van Oort
Assessing and Forecasting Chlorophyll Abundances in Minnesota Lake using Remote Sensing and Statistical Approaches, Ben Von Korff
Understanding Resident-to-Resident Conflicts in Long Term Care Settings from the Perspective of Administrative Staff, John F. Walker
Analysis of Three-phase Rectifier via Three Different Control Methods and Switch Power Loss Comparison, Yichao Wang
Too Illegit to Quit: The Impact of Illegitiate Tasks on Turnover Intentions and Well-Being, Jacob Wessels
Examining Differences in Rural, Micropolitan, and Metropolitan School Psychologists Roles and Delivery of Mental Health Services, Ashley A. Williamson
Novaturient, Robert Tyler Willmore
The Relationship Between the Stigmatization of Mental Illness, Communication Apprehension and the Willingness to Communicate, Madeleine Louise Winkler
Cannabis Treatment of Autism in Children: A Literature Review, Mai Xiong
Younger Hmong People’s Willingness to Communicate About Depression, Wa Yang
Conflict Communication in Law Enforcement, Don Zheng
The Impact of a Plant-based Diet on the Prevention and Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Megan E. Ziola
Apeman Lake, Jesse Zucker
Choosing Between Medical Surveillance and Preventive Surgical Interventions Among Asymptomatic BRCA Positive Women, Hillary Zupan
Documents From 2020
Comments, Gifts and Kudos: Community and Gift Economy in Harry Potter Fanfiction, Deanna Almquist
Indoor Navigation for Visually Impaired Person Using Inertial and Geomagnetic Information, Jayanth Ammanabrolu
Understanding Communication Dynamics in Group Home Setting, Jacinta O. Anyanwu
“A Chilling Effect for Sexual Assault Survivors”: An Examination of Campus-Based Advocacy and the Proposals to Title IX Under the Trump Administration, Hunter J. Beckstrom
Directing Nocturne, Trevor Belt
Exploring Artificial Intelligence-Mediated Communication (AIMC) as a sub-field of Communication Studies. A Textual Examination, Md Nurul Karim Bhuiyan
The Impact of Medicaid Expansion Under the Affordable Care Act on Accessibility and Availability of Primary Health Care, Aaron Amaning Boaitey
An Evaluation of a Brief Mindfulness and Values Training on Cyber Bullying Behavior in College Students, Emily M. Boduch
Disparities Within School Discipline: An Examination of Race, English Language Learner Status, & Suspension, Serena Boyce
Comparison of Minnesota Teachers’ Sex Education Instructional Practices with Professional Preparation and Development, Lisa Brichacek
Higher Education and Police Officers: The Effects on Citizen Complaints, Evan D. Brown
Screens, School District Employees, and Sleep: Is There a Relationship?, Mary Kay L. Bruihler
Social Justice Scholarship Informing Visual Communication Practices, Alicia Campbell
Disabled Women in a Dictatorial regime: Sexual Assault and Disability in Zimbabwe, Paidamoyo Chikate
Performing the 2nd Witch’s Character in Macbeth, Martha Juliana Cubillos Caceres
A Systematic Review of the Literature: Defining Child Sex Trafficking, Chelseanne Luella Davidson
The Difference in Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Between Men and Women in the 45-55-Year Age Group, Maren Christina Davis
Know Before You Play: Associations Between Race, Education, and HIV Susceptibility, Anfa Mohamed Diiriye
A Four-Port Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy System and Microgrid, Xia Du
The Effects of Cognitive Training on Behavioral Functioning in Persons with Dementia, Abigail J. Dye
The Impact of Yoga on Symptom Management in Adults with Depression, Laura S. Eggen