This collection contains scholarly articles, reports and other publications authored by faculty members in the Department of Communication Studies at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
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Submissions from 2024
Trapped with No Escape: The Hidden Problem of Sibling Bullying, Kristen Cvancara
Sibling Bullying Reported by Emerging Adults: Profiling the Prevalence, Roles, and Forms in a Cross-Country Investigation, Kristen Cvancara, Esta Kaal, Maili Pörhölä, and M. Beatriz Torres
Exploring Zoom Fatigue Among International Students in U.S. Virtual Classes, Esther Son and Kristen Cvancara
Submissions from 2022
When Academic Support is Not Enough: Who are the Students Left Behind?, Laura Jacobi
Submissions from 2021
Attitudes toward Co-teaching in Higher Education: An Exploration of the Circular Model of Collegiate Co-Teaching, Alyssa Harter and Laura Jacobi
A Qualitative Exploration of Intercultural Contact between Domestic and International Undergraduate Students, Laura Jacobi
Navigating Political Identity in the Era of Donald Trump, Laura Jacobi and Tony Comer
Submissions from 2020
The Projection of Racial Identity on Social Network, Nolan Brinkman and Laura Jacobi
Seeking to Understand the Impact of Collaboration on Intercultural Communication Apprehension, Laura Jacobi
Queering Communication Studies: A Journal of Applied Communication Research Forum, Jimmie Manning, Godfried Asante, Lydia Moreno, Rebecca Johnson, Benny LeMaster, Li Yachao, Justin Rudnick, Danielle Stern, and Stephanie Young
Images of Identity: Performing Power and Intersectionality, Desirée Rowe, Justin Rudnick, and Leah White
Painted Nails: The Gender(ed) Performance of Queer Sexuality, Justin Rudnick
Bodies that Collide: Feeling Intersectionality, Sachi Sekimoto, Christopher Brown, and Justin Rudnick
Submissions from 2019
Cognitive Learning in Large Lectures of the Basic Communication Course: Does Delivery Format Matter?, Laura Jacobi and Kristen Cvancara
Is it Prose or is it Drama? Distinguishing Events Based on Judging Criteria, Justin J. Rudnick, Anthony Peavy, Balencia Crosby, Alyssa Harter, and Cristy Dougherty
Submissions from 2018
A New Publishing Landscape: The Curiosities, Opportunities, & Pitfalls of Open Access Publishing, Kristen Cvancara, Laura Jacobi, and Heidi J. Southworth
"Experimenting with our Education" or Enhancing it? Co-teaching from the Perspective of Students, Alyssa Harter and Laura Jacobi
"We Considered Ourselves a Team": Co-Teaching from the Perspective of Graduate Teaching Assistants, Alyssa Harter and Laura Jacobi
Are We Winning?! A Team Challenge to Engage Students in the Large Lecture Introductory Communication Course, Laura Jacobi
Dusting off the Curriculum: Making a Difference with Innovative Approaches in the Basic Course, Laura Jacobi
Ethnocentric Attitudes of American and International Students: Assessing the Impact of Collaboration, Laura Jacobi
Making a Difference through Training, Laura Jacobi
Passing the Torch: Coaching Future Coaches in the Contemporary World of Forensics, Laura Jacobi
State of Minnesota Showcase: Connecting Across Two Disciplines: Weaving Literature into the Communication Curriculum, Laura Jacobi
Tailoring Time for Writing: Creative Opportunities in your Hectic Academic Life, Laura Jacobi
What Motivates Students in the Online Communication Classroom? An Exploration of Self-Determination Theory, Laura Jacobi
What Motivates Students in the Online Communication Classroom? An Exploration of Self-Determination Theory, Laura Jacobi
Kevin Spacey's Coming Out and the Politics of Gay Victimhood, Justin Rudnick
Bodies in Dialogue: Arriving at Thresholds of Dialogic Connections, Justin J. Rudnick
Submissions from 2017
Optimizing How We Teach Research Methods, Kristen Cvancara
A Preliminary Investigation of Empirically Based and Spiritually Based Marital Enrichment Programs, Laura Jacobi
Are We Winning?! A Team Challenge to Engage Students in the Large Lecture Introductory Communication Course, Laura Jacobi
Are You Mindful or is Your Mind Full? An Exploration of Nonverbal Communication, Laura Jacobi
Connecting across Two Disciplines: Weaving Literature into the Communication Curriculum, Laura Jacobi
Create Excellence in Academic Advising: Best Practices for Communication Faculty Advisors, Laura Jacobi
Extending Training for GTAs: The Development of Online Training Modules, Laura Jacobi
State of Minnesota Showcase: How Can We Best Prepare Future Teachers of Communication?, Laura Jacobi
Teaching and Coaching through Collaboration, Laura Jacobi
The Acculturation Process for New Speech Coaches and Competitors: Easing the Stress, Laura Jacobi
The Structure of Discussions in an Online Communication Course: What Do Students Find Most Effective?, Laura Jacobi
Performance Studies, Justin Rudnick and Devika Chawla
Hindsight, Justin J. Rudnick
Showing and Telling: A Technique for Teaching Delivery Skills, Justin J. Rudnick
Submissions from 2016
Editor's Section: A Guide to Scheduling the AFA-NIET, Daniel Cronn-Mills
Sibling Research In Communication: 1995-2015, Kristen Cvancara
Testing Role Models' Differential Effect on Use of Aggressive Compliance Gaining Strategies, Kristen Cvancara, Lucas Joseph Youngvorst, Virginia Otto, and Christopher Brown
A Closer Look into Pedagogy: Motivation as the Foundation of Student Engagement, Laura Jacobi
Engaging Students in Large Lectures and Maintaining Consistency in Lecture-Lab Courses, Laura Jacobi
How Can We Best Prepare Future Teachers of Communication?, Laura Jacobi
The Trifecta Approach and More: Student Perspectives on Strategies for Successful Online Lectures, Laura Jacobi
Understanding and Teaching Academic Language in the 5-12 Classroom, Laura Jacobi
Editor's Special Section-Larry Schnoor: A Celebration of His Impact on Intercollegiate Forensics, Richard Paine, Karen R. Morris, Daniel L. Smith, R. Randolph Richardson, JoAnn M. Edwards, Daniel Cronn-Mills, and Larry Schnoor
Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Bullying Among University Students: Perspectives from Argentina, Estonia and Finland, United Kingdom and United States, Maili Pörhölä, Kristen Cvancara, Esta Kaal, Kaja Tampere, and Maria Beatriz Torres
Performing, Sensing, Being: Queer Identity in Everyday Life, Justin J. Rudnick
Submissions from 2015
Communication and Volunteerism: The Potential Impact of Role Models, Maggie Briggs and Kristen Cvancara
Genesis of a Special Issue, Daniel Cronn-Mills
Recognizing College Students of Today: Generational Shifts Prompt Pedagogical Shifts, Kristen Cvancara and Kristen P. Treinen
Infusing Critical Thinking into Communication Courses, James P. Dimock, Kristen P. Treinen, Daniel Cronn-Mills, and Robert S. Jersak
Teaching Communication Studies Online, Laura Jacobi
Developing a Senior Capstone and Portfolio Course, Nanette Johnson-Curiskis, Daniel Cronn-Mills, and Warren Sandmann
To Be or Not To Be Out in the Classroom: Exploring Communication Privacy Management Strategies of Lesbian, Gay, and Queer College Teachers, Tim McKenna-Buchanan, Stevie Munz, and Justin J. Rudnick
The Next 50 Years of Forensics: Acknowledging Problems, Preparing Solutions, Christopher P. Outzen, Lucas J. Youngvorst, and Daniel Cronn-Mills
Submissions from 2014
Putting the Gender in "Gender Parity": Breaking New Methodological Ground in the Debate over Gender Equality in Forensics, Jessica Furgerson and Justin J. Rudnick
Transnational Asia: Dis/orienting Identity in the Globalized World, Sachi Sekimoto
Submissions from 2012
A Multimodal Approach to Identity: Theorizing the Self though Embodiment, Spatiality, and Temporality, Sachi Sekimoto
Submissions from 2010
Review of Contemporary Leadership and Intercultural Competence: Exploring the Cross-Cultural Dynamics Within Organizations, Moodian, M. A., Kristen Cvancara
Submissions from 2009
Goal Blockage and Verbal Aggressiveness, Kristen Cvancara
Cognitions, Coercion, and IPV: Sex Differences in Pursuing Resisted Physical Intimacy, Kristen Cvancara and Terry A. Kinney
Spirituality, Social Skills, and Pro-Social Behavior, Laura Jacobi
Through the Eyes of the Nurse: Spirituality and Well Being in Health Care, Laura Jacobi
Submissions from 2008
Book Review of Contemporary Issues in Interpersonal Communicatino (Orbe & Bruess, 1st ed.), Kristen Cvancara
Submissions from 2006
Essay Review of Family Communication, Kristen Cvancara
Submissions from 2004
Simply Stated: Theory and Practice of Public Speaking, Dianne Blake and Laura Jacobi
Submissions from 2003
A Preliminary Investigation of Empirically Based and Spiritually Based Marital Enrichment Programs, Laura Jacobi
The Trials and Tribulations of Creating and Customizing a Public Speaking Textbooks Authored by TAs, Laura Jacobi
Submissions from 2002
Preliminary Investigation into the Nature of Spirituality, Laura Jacobi
The Influence of Conformity Orientation on Communication Patterns in Family Conversations, Ascan F. Koerner and Kristen Cvancara
Submissions from 2000
They Just Knew: Attributions Association with the Decision to Marry, Laura Jacobi
Submissions from 1996
Emulating Each Other: The Transformation Identities of Thelma and Louise, Laura Jacobi