This is a collection of works authored by students at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Events from 2019
Self Regulating Cooler, Devin Kohnke, Matthew Mueller, and Michael Valkos
Mass Wasting Investigation and Assessment in the Midwest: Case Study of the Minnesota River Valley, New Ulm to St. Peter, Minnesota, USA, Melissa Kohout
Emotional Challenges/Symptoms and Learning Experiences of College Students with a Traumatic Brain Injury, Lindsay Kothe, Stephanie Grams, and Jessica Neaton
Cognitive and Learning Challenges of a College Student After Having a Traumatic Brain Injury, Amber Kral, Bri Ciaccio, and Brittaney Kroll
Kimberly Lee, University of Texas at Austin, 2019 Dramatic Interpretation Event, Kimberly Lee
College Students' Length of Time and Canine/Handler Interactions at Drop-In Canine Therapy Program, Madeline Leibham
Hand Grip Strength Among Rock Climbers, Active, and Sedentary Populations, Russell Lindahl and Matthew Heiling
Teacher Awareness and Perceptions of Social Media Use and Cyberbullying in Belize, Abbey Linderholm
The Influence of Semantic Priming on Recall for Slang Language Used on Social Media, Alexis Lofton, Nick Lucke, Dylan Askvig, and Ashley Baumann
Caitlin Lofton, University of Alabama, 2019 Dramatic Interpretation Event, Caitlin Lofton
Deception Detection and the Role of Gender in Determining Truthfulness, Tayle Lyng and Kevin Sperle
Megan Magee, Bradley University, 2019 Poetry Interpretation Event, Megan Magee
Adaptive Smoothing Parameter in Kernel Density Estimation and Parameter Estimation in Normal Mixture Distributions, Sabiha Mahzabeen
Microwave Plasma for Waste Management, Tressa Marquardt, Jonathan Menke, Rquof Abeidi, and Danayit Shewamene
Comparing the Effectiveness of an iPad Intervention to an Analog Intervention, Olivia Marquette
Dyana Martinez, University of Texas at Austin, 2019 Communication Analysis Event, Dyana Martinez
Dyana Martinez, University of Texas at Austin, 2019 Persuasive Speaking Event, Dyana Martinez
Music Experiences: Before vs. After Alzheimer's from the Care Partner's Perspective, Kianna Martinson, Tinotenda Mupambo, and Angeline Jorgenson
Sarah Maul, University of Nebraska Omaha, 2019 Persuasive Speaking Event, Sarah Maul
Assessing Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Hand Hygiene Among University Students, Linda Afia Mbroh
The Effectiveness of Tootling in an Elementary Special Education Classroom, Brennah McCorkell and Mia Hansen
Brennah McCorkell Honors Portfolio, Brennah Rose McCorkell
Selection for Drosophila melanogaster Exposed to Low Dose Gamma Radiation, Lillie McDermott and Heidi Cap
Is Your Dog More "On The Ball" Than You Think?, Mariah McGhan, Kathryn Strobel, and Katlyn Jaeger
Luteinizing and Follicle Stimulating Hormone Receptors in the Seasonally Breeding Green Anole Lizard, Kyle Mercer
Exploring the Decision Making Process of Students Being Dismissed from Speech-Language Pathology Services in Educational Settings, Kaylee Merritt and Abbie Meyer
Cliff-Top Dunes in the Lower Chippewa River Valley of West-Central Wisconsin, Jason Millett
2019 Abstract Booklet, Minnesota State University, Mankato
The Relationship of Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring and Hypertension Control, Durga Mishra
Sarah Moenkedick Honors Portfolio, Sarah Marie Moenkedick
Exploring Parent Perceptions of Services for Children with Literacy Disorders, Sarah Moenkedick and Shelby Voight
Applying Peer-Tutoring to Spelling in an Elementary Classroom, Alyssa Molnar and Nicholas Linell
Madison Morrissette, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2019 Impromptu Speaking Event, Madison Morrissette
Comparison Between Brief Acceptance and Cognitive Interventions: Assessing Public Speaking Performance in Socially-Anxious Individuals, Soultana Mpoulkoura
Assessment of Maternal Risk Factors, Tashinga Mupambo
Visualization of the Vasculature and Aqueous Fluid Outflow Pathway in Porcine Eyes, Hannah Murphy, Keshari Sudasinghe, and Casey Schneider
Rachel Newinski Honors Portfolio, Rachel Janelle Newinski
Case Study Comparison on Literacy Growth Over Time, Alyssa Novak and Ellyssa Hoversten
Juan Nunez, University of Texas at Austin, 2019 Dramatic Interpretation Event, Juan Nunez
Juan Nunez, University of Texas at Austin, 2019 Program Oral Interpretation Event, Juan Nunez
Small Engine Data Logging, Daniel O'Brien
Thyroid Hormone Regulation of Retinoic Acid Synthesis in Brown Adipose Tissue, Charles Olson and Kevin Brunson
Revoicing in Undergraduate Physics Education: A Case Study, Elizabeth Noël Olson
Anjola Onadipe Honors Portfolio, Anjola Babajide Onadipe
Preparing Teachers for a Diverse Classroom, Sean O'Rourke and Jonathon Arndt
Exploring the Formation of Interstrand Crosslinks in Calf Thymus DNA with Arginine and Potential Anti-Cancer Agent SOS, Abbigail Osgood
Thévenin Equivalent of Solar Cell Model, Chiedozie Osigwe
Characterization of Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (Igf1) Protein Levels in a Mouse Model that over Expresses Igf1, Anjola Ouadipe
Identification of Genes Involved in Cytophaga hutchinsonii Cellulose Utilization, Barakallah Owolabi, Bersabeh Tafesse, and Shamim Ahmed
George Eliot’s Middlemarch and Florence Nightingale: Friendship and Respect Influences Reform in Sanitation, Hospitals, and the Training of Nurses, Kerrie A. Patterson
Use of an In-Cylinder Pressure Sensor to Increase Engine Performance and Efficiency, Hunter Pauloski
Formulation and Implementation of CRISPR Edited Glioblastoma Cells to Evaluate Triplatin-Proteoglycan Interactions, Morgan Pitcher and Tehut Zewdu
Riccardo Prosdocimi Honors Portfolio, Riccardo Prosdocimi
Role Models as a Resilience Strategy for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Individuals., Nimotallahi Quadri
Evaluating the Effects of Tootling When Implemented in Special Education Classrooms Providing Behavior Supports, Jannine E. Ray
Lauren Reiman Honors Portfolio, Lauren E. Reiman
Flow Fields Past Grain Bins as it Relates to Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Placement Optimization, Jon Richter
Delaney Rietveld Honors Portfolio, Delaney LaSalle Rietveld
Thomas Ritz, Northwestern University, 2019 Communication Analysis Event, Thomas Ritz
The Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Social Communication: A Survey Study, Chey Maree Robertson
The Effect of Exercise on Kidney Salt Excretion in Female Hypertensive Rats, Nickolas Rockenback and Cortney McDonald
Children During the American Steamboat Era - A Museum Exhibit, Emily Ruoff
Exploring the Limitations of Symbolic Analysis to Validate a Dynamical Model, Jamal Saeed
Alexander Salazar Honors Portfolio, Alexander Ronald Salazar
Emergency Preparedness Among College Students, Annabel Sampson and Kayla Erickson
Environmental Data Visualizations: Opportunities for Technical Communication Research, Alissa Schmidt
Now Hear This; Descriptions of Auditory Regions in Select Carnivores, Katie Schmitz
Examining the Potential Effects of Cyberbullying on the Development of Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Colin Seifert
MATLAB GUI Based Educational Simulation Tool Box for Power Analysis, Tharuka Senevirathne
An Examination of the Experiences and Perspectives of Physically Disabled Students, Megan Serratore
Megan Serratore Honors Portfolio, Megan Serratore
Learning about Cognition and Memory Makes You More Intelligent!, Brandy Seth and Esther Okaro
The Effects and Experiences of Stigma in the Minneapolis Strip Club Industry, Machensey Shelgren
Alexis Simmons, University of Alabama, 2019 Poetry Interpretation Event, Alexis Simmons
Developing a Commercial Product Using a Consumer Grade 3D Printer, Calvin Smith
Preparing Teachers for Diverse Classrooms, Tori Smith and Sean O'Rourke
Evaluating the Effects of a Stimulus Equivalence Protocol to Teach Bullying Identification to School-Aged Children, Courtney Sowle
Impact of Self-Determined Motivation on Work Behavior and Response to Cognitive Remediation in Individuals with Schizophrenia, Desmond Spann
Development of a Formula SAE Powertrain, Samuel Stachel, Matthew Skaaland, and Christopher Cox
pH on Metal Conc. in Sediment Associated Water, Hunter Stedman
McLean Stewart, University of Alabama, 2019 Informative Speaking Event, McLean Stewart
Cortland Stone, University of Alabama, 2019 Communication Analysis Event, Cortland Stone
Choose your Topic! An Investigation on How Choice Affects Elementary Students' Writing Productivity, Kaylin Sukowski and Kayla Gross
Spencer Sulflow Honors Portfolio, Spencer Paul Sulflow
Blood Pressure Screening Practices Among Dental Hygienists, Mariah Sullinger
Megan Svir Honors Portfolio, Megan Jean Svir
Phenotypic Analysis of the Developing Retina in Mice Overproducing IGF1, Marissa Swenson
Liesel Theusch Honors Portfolio, Liesel Anna Theusch
Intercultural Competencies Among Undergraduates in the College of Arts & Humanities at Minnesota State University, Mankato, Olivia Thomas and Jonathon Arndt
Jacob Thompson, George Mason University, 2019 Extemporaneous Speaking Event, Jacob Thompson
Teaching Portfolio: Megan Thompson, Megan Patricia Thompson
2019 E-UTV Driveline, Benjamin Thul and Erik Vorwerk
The Effects of Elderspeak on the Mood of Older Adults with Dementia: A Preliminary Report, Kenia Torres-Soto
Emily Trader, Bradley University, 2019 Persuasive Speaking Event, Emily Trader
“Writing is hard, but I think I like it”: Identity (Re)Construction of Female Refugee and Immigrant Adult Language Learners in the US., Svenja Trommler