This is a collection of works authored by students at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
The Role of Exercise for Postpartum Depression and Well-being, Maria Gaz
Assessing and Improving Learning Strategies in the Typical MSU, Mankato Student to Increase Student Persistence and Retention in the Academy, Jacklyn Gehling and Rebecca Osborn
Transgender Individuals among an Online Adult Baby Diaper Lover Community Sample: An Exploratory Study, Elizabeth Gibson
MicroRNA Regulation of APOBEC3A and APOBEC3B, Katlyn Gieseke
Technical Direction of Little Women, The Musical, Matt Gilbertson
Ryan Gosling, William Carey University, Program Oral Interpretation Event, Ryan Gosling
Durwan Green, Western Kentucky University, 2018 Dramatic Interpretation Event, Durwan Green
Durwan Green, Western Kentucky University, 2018 Poetry Interpretation Event, Durwan Green
"It's Because You Are White": A Qualitative Study on the Impact of Whiteness and White Privilege in Interracial Relationships, Adrienne Gruenes
MSU-M Social Work Students' Perceptions of Sexual Assault Reporting, Elizabeth Guss
MSU-M Social Work Students' Perceptions of Sexual Assault Reporting, Elizabeth M. Guss
Elizabeth Guss Honors Portfolio, Elizabeth Marie Guss
The Effect of Living Abroad on the Beginning of Inter-Cultural Competency of Pre-Service Teachers, Elizabeth Hall and Mariah Adams
Evaluating Stigmatizing Attitudes among Clinicians Toward People with ABDL and Pedophilic Interests, Katlyn Hanson
Converting Dams to Produce Power, Jonathon Harrington
The Direction of Why Torture is Wrong, and the People Who Love Them, Donald Hart
Ackermann Testing, Christopher Harteau
"We Considered Ourselves a Team:" A View of Co-teaching from the Perspectives of Graduate Teaching Assistants and Students, Alyssa Harter
Isolation and Onboarding: Gender Bias in Aviation Training Documents, William Hart
Biocompatibility of Hydroxyapatite and Cobalt-Chrome Alloys, Mehedi Hasan, Bethany Haus, and Eryn Zuiker
Investigation of Maximum Operating Voltage of a Van de Graaff Accelerator, Oishik Hasan and Lukas Halberg
Improving Mathematical Skill: The Perceptions of Rural Minnesota Mathematics Educators, Michael Haskins
The Effects of Mandibular Orthopedic Re-Positioning Appliances on Resistance Training Performance in College-Aged Men, Michaela Hauer and Jason Hoerle
Self-Healing Concrete, Taylor Hedberg
The Experience of Microaggressions within Cross-Racial Videoconferencing Supervision: A Case Study, Jamie Hedin
Raul Herrera and Gordon Ip, University of Nebraska Omaha, 2018 Duo Interpretation Event, Raul Herrera and Gordon Ip
Does Chronic Dieting Lower Resting Energy Expenditure Below that Estimated by Predictive Equations, Thereby Increasing an Individual's Risk of Becoming Overweight or Obese?, Elizabeth Herrick, Brenna Oberg, and Elizabeth Rummel
Cellulose Insulation, Zachery Heyne
Agricultural Intensification in the Midwest: Impacts on Regional Surface Humidity, Andrew Hill
Correlation of Calmodulin Susceptibility and Cardiac Arrhythmia Mutations, Amanda Hinde
An Educationally Relevant Investigation of Spaced Practice, Brittney Hjelmeland
Sophie Honeyman, Bradley University, 2018 Communication Analysis Event, Sophie Honeyman
Increasing Air Flow Velocity at Low-Mid RPMs in a Restricted Engine, Mitchell Hribar and Khansaa Myran
Greg Huber and Matt Friedhoff, Bradley University, 2018 Duo Interpretation Event, Greg Huber and Matt Friedhoff
Effective Characteristics of Rural English Learner Programs, Sarah Huseby
Sustainability in Art, Sarah Huttner
Bullying in Senior Living Facilities: Resident Perspectives, Kathryn Ira
Self-Disclosure, Gender, and Patient Satisfaction in the Doctor-Patient Relationship, Khadiza Tul Jannat
A Study of the Soft Skills that Contribute to the Success of Newly Graduated Business Students in the Workplace, Promeet Jaswant Singh
Validating the Instructional Hierarchy, Courtney Jensen and Stephanie Winter
Comparing and Contrasting Accredited School Psychology Programs, Megan Johnson
Native American Women in Media, Amber Jones
Subcellular Localization of FAM171B in Mouse Neurons, Brooke Jones
Brooke Jones Honors Portfolio, Brooke Taylor Jones
Effects of Fiber Percentage and Orientation on Fixtures Manufactured by Nylon-Carbon Fiber 3D Printing, Jacob Jones and Travis Goss
Antibiotic Resistant Escherichia coli (E. coli) in Minneopa Creek Collected During Two Storm Events in 2017, Melissa Jones and Caitlin Flynn
Across an Ecotone: An Analysis of Late Prehistoric Artifacts from Southern Minnesota, Jamison M. Jordan
Recovery and Coping: Evaluating the Role of Personal Resources in Police Communications Work, Patrick Josh, Alison Miotke, and Ana Jacome
Suchinder Kalyan, University of Texas at Austin, 2018 Impromptu Speaking Event, Suchinder Kalyan
Suchinder Kalyan, University of Texas at Austin, 2018 Informative Speaking Event,, Suchinder Kalyan
Air Kamal, Wiley College, 2018 Poetry Interpretation Event, Air Kamal
College Students' Perceptions of Sex Work and Sex Trafficking, Gretah Kangas and Sedona Kintz
Population modeling for the reintroduction of Mexican gray wolves as predators to decrease the feral hog population in the Southern United States., John H. Kauphusman III
Mineralogical and Elemental Composition of Carbonaceous Meteorite Allende by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy and SEM/EDS, Rohil Kayastha
The Costume Design of Little Women the Musical, Emily Kimball
Expression of Follistatin-Like 1 (Fstl1) in the Cochlea: A Potential Deafness Gene, Eunwon Kim and Lauren Hesser
Race, Stigma, and the Politics of Black Girls Hair, Vanessa King
The Effects of a Cognitive Training Program for Cognitively Intact Older Adults, Caroline Kinskey
Academic and Non-Academic Stress of College Students Enrolled in Physical Activity Classes, Lauren Kizlik
Aaron Klein, University of Florida, 2018 Extemporaneous Speaking Event, Aaron Klein
Effect of Non-Nutritive Sweeteners (Artificial Sweeteners) and Nutritive Sweeteners on Fat Mass (FM) and Fat Free Mass (FFM) in Rats, Jill Knepprath
The McClelland Site (21GD258) and the Oneota Tradition in the Red Wing Region, Jasmine Koncur
The Language of Signage, Berry Kone
Evaluating Public Speaking Performance: A Quest to Discover an Empirically-Supported Public Speaking Task, Quincey Krein
YWCA - Ready to Learn Program Review and Data Analysis Project, Quincey Krein and Linh Hoang
The Impacts of UV-B Radiation and Litter Placement on the Microbe Community Structure of Typha angustifolia Detritus., Kaitlyn Kuehn
Sex Trafficking and Misleading Research: A Critical Analysis, Elliott Kunerth and Kelsi Pettit
The Criminalization of Poverty: The Impact of Cash Bail System on Black Women in New Orleans, Salome Kushindana
Impact of Recreational Activity Before Literacy Intervention with Elementary Students, Emily LaCasse and Meghan Gavin
The Vendor in a Retail Setting: A Survey, Jesse LaPorte
Gender Differences in Development Center Performance in a Healthcare Organization, Samuel Lawson
An Examination of Inattentional Blindness in Law Enforcement, Gregory Lee
Anxiety Reduction in Pregnancy Subsequent to Perinatal Loss, Jessica Lemker
Augmentation of Music, Kyle Lenzen
The Sex/Gender Distinction in Contemporary Gender and Women's Studies Introductory Textbooks, Kyle Lighty
Comprehensive Modelling of the Microwave Plasma Biomass Gasification Process Utilizing the COMSOL Multi-Physics Platform, Benjamin Lindquist, Gustavo Lahoud, Tressa Marquardt, and Carl Hobus
Branden Lindsey, William Carey University, 2018 Program Oral Interpretation Event, Branden Lindsey
Operational Research: Multi-Period Stowage Policies Within a Multi-Zone Storage Framework., Joseph Loeffler
More than Cracking Backs: Exploring Patient-Careers in Chiropractic Care, Timothy J. Loney
Communicative Strategies: Usage and Factors Among People with Severe Aphasia, Jordyn Ludemann and Elayna Howton
Applying Tootling to Special Education, Jenna Macziewski
Patterns of Trematode Distribution from Hosts Collected at Lake Winnibigoshish, Minnesota, Scott Malotka
Creating the Role of O'Brien in 1984, Andoni Marinos
The Importance of Leader Confidence for Group Member Satisfaction, Natosha McClain
A Comparison of Mindfulness Techniques to Reduce Anxiety in a University Setting, Brennah McCorkell
What Happens Now? Coaching and Leading Following a Student-Athlete Death - A Phenomenological Study, Peter McGahey
Case Study: Hearing the Collective Student Voice in Online Courses, Caroline McGowan
Steroid Hormone Induced Plasticity in the Forebrain Region of Green Anole Lizards, Kyle Mercer and Mohamed Alhuwaish
Band Filling and Temperature Effects on Electrical Conductivity in Strongly Correlated Hybridized Electron Systems, Dylan T. Meyer
Car-less Cities, Maryam Moeinian
Moderate Resistance in "A Call for Unity": A Historical Perspective on Martin Luther King Jr.’s Prison Epistle, Noah D. Moore
Sam Moore, Western Kentucky University, 2018 Prose Interpretation Event, Sam Moore
Madison Morrissette, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2018 Extemporaneous Speaking Event, Madison Morrissette
Exploring How Recreation Impacts Behavior and Outcomes of Literacy Intervention, Madison Mueller and Mackenzie McCarthy
Vascular Morphology in Normotensive and Hypertensive Rat Eyes, Hannah Murphy and Keshari Sudasinghe
Modeling of Small-Scale Wind Power System with Virtual Synchronous Generator, Sahithi Nannapaneni