This is a collection of works authored by students at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Effects of Synchronous Group Work on Learning and Community in Online Mathematics at Community Colleges, Carrie L. Naughton
Compilation of Four Different Papers on Different Gender Issues, Minara Nazmin
Discrete Morse Theory by Vector Fields: A Survey and New Directions, Matthew Nemitz
A Four-Port DC-DC Converter for a Hybrid Wind/Solar Energy System, Jiahong Ning
Relationship Between Economy, Education, Population, Healthcare and Prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, Bernard Odelola
Family Language Policy and Heritage Language Development of Children in Transnational Immigrant Families: A Case of Two Nepali Families in the US, Laxmi Prasad Ojha
Probiotics and the Prevention of Clostridioides difficile: A Review of Existing Systematic Reviews, Andrea L. Onstad
Fault Detection and Classification of a Single Phase Inverter Using Artificial Neural Networks, Ayomikun Samuel Orukotan
Expectation Versus Reality: Star Trek, Nyota Uhura, and the Female Role, Cecelia Otto-Griffiths
Sexual Consent in Middle School Sex Health Education: An Analysis of Health Education Standards in Minnesota, Ashley Parent
Caring for Young Adults with Cancer: A Systematic Review, Sarah M. Pelletier
Vegetation Surveys in Southern Minnesota Prairies: Management, Invasive Species and Future Directions, Ainsley Peterson
Rebecca Peterson Honors Portfolio, Rebecca Peterson
Development of Machine Learning Tutorials for R, John Pintar
Alexis Poetter Honors Portfolio, Alexis Poetter
My Mother Gave Me a Man's Name, Connor Poff
Perceptions, Attitudes, Self-Efficacy, and Behaviors of Mouthguard Use Among Collegiate Athletes, Heather Prosser
Intracellular Localization of the Novel PolyQ Protein FAM171B, Dulanjani Rajaguru
Medical Utilization in the Context of Culture: Analyzing the Concepts, Benefits and Drawbacks of Sri Lankan Biomedical and Ayurvedic Healthcare, Miriah Rajaguru
Benefits of Exercise on Mental Health: Literature Review, Angela Ristau
Nickolas Rockenback Honors Portfolio, Nickolas William Rockenback
World Englishes Approaches to the Teaching of Writing: A Survey of Afghan University English Teachers, Abdul Khaliq Sahibzada
Voices of First-Generation Students: An Examination of First-Generation Stories on Collegiate Websites, Jillian Schemenauer
The Monster at the End of This: A Feminist Media Analysis of Coverage of Representative Ilhan Omar, Emma L. Schlei
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection and Vaccine Knowledge and Attitudes among University Students, McKenzie Schmitz
Shayla Schumacher Honors Portfolio, Shayla Rose Schumacher
Barriers to Utilizing Resources for the Dementia Caregiver, Rebecca L. M. Shanafelt
An Investigation into the Perceptions of Elderspeak and How It Effects Mood Among an Assisted Living Population, Paige T. Shoutz
Theory of Principal Components for Applications in Exploratory Crime Analysis and Clustering, Daniel Silva
Overcoming Tools of Oppression: Plain Language and Human-Centered Design for Social Justice, Michela Sims
Assessing Preferences for Montessori-Based Activities in Persons with Memory Impairment, Katelyn Danielle Smith
Alana StCyr Honors Portfolio, Alana StCyr
Predicting Academic Outcomes of Reinstated Technical College Students Following an Academic Suspension, Erica E. Stene Winkler
Homeless Tailored Primary Care and Access to Ongoing Primary Care Services, Jessica J. Stoefen
Automatic Distinction Between Twitter Bots and Humans, Jeremiah Stubbs
Marissa Swenson Honors Portfolio, Marissa Swenson
The Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Treatment of Adults with Obesity, Hallie M. Tiffany
Diverse Teams, Team Effectiveness, and the Moderating Effect of Organizational Support, Hannah Tilstra
Taking a Walk on the Wild Side: Case Studies of Programs that Integrate K-12 Curricula with Adventure Sports and Outdoor Learning, Jonathan Trzepkowski
Characterization of Deiodinase Expression in the Hypothyroid Developing Cochlea, Maria A. Uscategui Calderon
Intercultural Communication Apprehension: A Multidimensional Perspective of Communication Between International and Domestic Students, Christina van Essen
Mason Vlaanderen Honors Portfolio, Mason Dane Vlaanderen
Best Youth Education Methods for Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention, Caitlin F. Walchonski
Dark Tourism in the Midwest, Rachel Walden
The Biological Manifestation of Health, Culture, and Disease in Turn of the Twentieth Century San Francisco, Trisha Walker
Sarah Wall Honors Portfolio, Sarah Wall
Nellie Welsh Honors Portfolio, Nellie Agnes Welsh
Teaching Portfolio: Nick Whalen, Nick Whalen
The Effectiveness of Cannabidiol in Rheumatic Disease Pain: A Systematic Review, Mary C. Wiczek
Metformin’s Role in the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes in Individuals Diagnosed with Prediabetes: A Systematic Literature Review, Jillian Williamson
Effects of Aromatherapy on Academic Success, Perceived Stress, and Coping Skills of Graduate Students, Lakisha S. Witter
Managing Students as Volunteers: Community Organizations’ Perspectives of Service-Learning Placements, Bradley Wolfe
Control of a Grid-Tied Single-Phase Inverter for Renewable Energy Integration, Dianzhi Yu
Prey and Predators, Roberta Zamma Gallarati
Teaching Portfolio: Gerry Zelenak, Gerry Zelenak
Christopher Zuelsdorf Honors Portfolio, Christopher James Zuelsdorf
Eryn Zuiker Honors Portfolio, Eryn Zuiker
Events from 2019
Targeting the City: A Proposal to Open a Micro-Target Store in East Town, Milwaukee, Shamsudeen Adediji, Riccardo Prosdocimi, and Taylor Kemper
Assessment of Perceived Levels of Stress and Coping Mechanisms Among University Students, Nancy Adomako-Saahene
Eco Friendly Clay - Lessons from Ayurveda, Shveta Agarwal
The Effect of Dorsal Rhizotomy on Renal Sodium Excretion Following Dorsal Spinal Stimulation, Tanko Tijani Ahmed
The Concept of Substrate Integrated Circularly Polarized Horn Antennas, Venkata Naga Kalyan Ram Akunuru
Katherine Albers Honors Portfolio, Katherine Christine Albers
Developing a Testing Instrument to Evaluate the Performance Of 3D-Printed Body-Powered Prosthetic Hands, Araz Al-dawoodi
Steroid Hormone Effect on Neurons of the Amygdala and the Preoptic Area in the Brain of Green Anole Lizards, Mohamed Alhuwaish, Georgia Meulken, and Spencer Savannah
Optimum pH to Flocculate Construction Sediment, Mohsen Alibrahim
Subcellular Localization of PolyQ Protein FAM171B, Farah Almeer and Alaina Oakley
Andrea Ambam, Western Kentucky University, 2019 Informative Speaking Event, Andrea Ambam
Andrea Ambam, Western Kentucky University, 2019 Persuasive Speaking Event, Andrea Ambam
Andrea Ambam, Western Kentucky University, 2019 Poetry Interpretation Event, Andrea Ambam
Andrea Ambam, Western Kentucky University, 2019 Program Oral Interpretation Event, Andrea Ambam
Organic Label's Effect on Sensory and Hedonic Evaluation of Popcorn, Michael Anderson, Hannah Thompson, Abeer Albakri, and Kris Olson
Intercultural Competencies among Undergraduates in the College of Arts & Humanities at Minnesota State University, Mankato, Jonathon Arndt and Olivia Thomas
Steven Arriaza Honors Portfolio, Steven Arriaza
Investigation of Multigenerational Gamma Radiation Exposure in Drosophila Melanogaster Using an AN-400 Particle Accelerator, Alexis Arsenault
Jordan Auzenne, University of Texas at Austin, 2019 Communication Analysis Event, Jordan Auzenne
Jordan Auzenne, University of Texas at Austin, 2019 Persuasive Speaking Event, Jordan Auzenne
Modeling Common Midwest Crops as Roughness Elements, Tyler Bache and Nathan Gebhardt
Development of a Sensing System for Underground Optic Fiber Cable Conduit Mapping, Sherif Bakr
Sara Baranczyk Honors Portfolio, Sara Marie Baranczyk
FSAE Ergonomics, Kevin Barrett, Nathan Anderson, and Dylan Henning
Employing 2-D CFD & LRB Model Around Trees to Improve VAWT Placement, David Chukwuebuka Bassey
Joshua Beckles, Bradley University, 2019 Poetry Interpretation Event, Joshua Beckles
Mental Health and Nursing Homes, Heidi Belkholm
Identification of Proteins Interacting with the Alpha Subunits of Actin Capping Protein, Ryan Bennett
Hunter Berbrich Honors Portfolio, Hunter Scott Berbrich
Long-Term Urban Forest Cover Change Detection with Object Based Image Analysis and Random Point Based Assessment, Raoul Blackman
Andreea Bogdan Honors Portfolio, Andreea Ioana Bogdan
Formation of DNA Adducts with 2,5-Thiophenedicarboxaldehyde and Arginine, Shelby Bonnemier
The Impact and Perception of Choral Engagement Before and After Individuals Have Acquired Alzheimer's Disease: A Self-Reported, Qualitative Study, Alle Bowman, Ashton Lee, and Jordan Anderson
Josephine Braaten Honors Portfolio, Josephine Therese Braaten
Incentive-Use in Worksite Wellness Programs in MN Government Agencies, Sandra Bromley
Cyberbullying Prevention and Intervention: Perspectives of School Psychologists and School Counselors, Rachel E. Burlet