This is a collection of works authored by students at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Portfolios from 2023
Finley Alexander Honors Portfolio, Finley Alexander
Olivia Amoussou Guenou Honors Porfolio, Olivia Amoussou Guenou
An Exploration of Differences in Perceptions of Gerotranscendent Behaviors Between Younger and Older Adults, Gabrielle E. Anderson
To Capture the Sea, Hannah Anderson
Production Stage Management for A Christmas Carol, Jenna Atherton
Stress Levels of Bisexual Individuals in Mixed-Orientation Relationships, Amanda Bartley
Kallie Bauer Honors Portfolio, Kallie Bauer
Languishing without a Human Touch: Directing In The Next Room or The Vibrator Play, Sarah Belfrage Honerman
Nevaeh Braucks Honors Portfolio, Nevaeh Braucks
Quinlan Brogdon Honors Portfolio, Quinlan Brogdon
Above and Below, Kristen Brown
fourpaintingSomedrawingsandaprintbehindapillar, Sam R. Brown
A Long Road, KenDarian Ortae Carter
A Machine Learning Approach to Deepfake Detection, Delaney Conrad
Delaney Conrad Honors Portfolio, Delaney Conrad
Morgan Cooper Honors Portfolio, Morgan Cooper
Tier II Behavioral Intervention: A Direct Comparison of Two Versions of Class Pass, Madeline Cordle
The Bizzare Fantastic, True Dabill
Queer Void: Autoethnographic Notes on Queer Melancholy and Transgender Shame, Lake Davis
Machine-Learning Based Model Predictive Control for a Three-phase Inverter, Arturo De La Cruz
Tales from Respite, OH, Jake Demers
Developing a Standardized GIS Model Capable of Identifying Areas to Implement Wind Power Generation Infrastructure, Namidu Vishwanath De Silva
Investigating miRNA Regulation of the Human APOBEC3 Enzymes, William Dietrich
Parcels, Holly N. Dodge
Neither Fully Queer Nor Somali?: What Queer Somalis' Narratives Reveal About Space, Identity, and Community in Western Diaspora, Dominik Drabent
Education Based on Graduate Marginalized Perspective, Bryanna Edwards
Professional Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Corrie Eggimann
Rechazos del español: Una comparación de mexicanos monolingües, hablantes de herencia y aprendices de español, Maribel Fernández Moctezuma
Design and Development of Smart Wardrobe Technology, Mikhail Filatov
Determining the Quality of the Evidence Base for Incremental Rehearsal, Emily K. Fischer
Identifying Barriers to Dental Care Among Hispanics in Southwest Minnesota, Lissette Garza
Life History, Resource Allocation, and Phenology of Diploid Flowering Rush (Butomus umbellatus) Collected from Populations in Ohio and New York, Maxwell G. Gebhart
Análisis de La Mujer: Revista Mensual de Literatura y Variedades, la primera revista ecuatoriana escrita por mujeres (1905-1906), María Alejandra González Pástor
New Industry: The Town that Owned the Future, Talitha Greaver
From “The Loss of the Innocents” to “Crisis Actors”: Media Portrayal of Rampage School Shootings From 1998-2021, Justice E. Greene
The Creation of Choreography for Disney's High School Musical, John Greer
“Born Again:” Narrating the Mental Health Journeys of Religious Exiters, Fio Haire
Unlocking User Identity: A Study on Mouse Dynamics in Dual Gaming Environments for Continuous Authentication, Marcho Setiawan Handoko
Development of a Permanent Magnet Spherical Motor with 3 Degrees of Freedom, Eric T. Hanson
Demon Off the Trail, Jack Harris
Utility Lines, Carolyn Hartwell
Location of the Fibronectin Binding Domain on the Fibronectin Attachment Protein of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, Chrissy Rose Hattery
Analysis and Observation of Decomposition of Immature Pigs in the Minnesota Winter/Early Spring, Rachael Herbes
Molly Hill Honors Portfolio, Molly Hill
Kate Holtmeier Honors Portfolio, Kate Holtmeier
Claire Hussey Honors Portfolio, Claire Hussey
Olivia Johnson Honors Portfolio, Olivia Johnson
Not Just Women: Trans Representation in Print News Media Following the Overturn of Roe v. Wade, TL Jordan
Celebrity, Music, and Public Persona: A Case Study of Taylor Swift, Elaina K.M. Junes
Removing Barriers and Establishing Gender and Sexuality Alliances in Schools: A Qualitative Analysis of GSA Advisor Experiences, Maxwell L. Keller
Studying and Troubleshooting Lubricity Test on Pressure Wire X Proximal and Distal Coatings, Usama A. Khan
Family Caregiving of the Elderly in the U.S. and Nepal, Barsha Kharel
Combining the Word Box Intervention and Syllabication to Support the Acquisition of Advanced Decoding Skills, Elizabeth Kinsey Hawley
Emma Knutson Honors Portfolio, Emma Knutson
Vanessa Kotek Honors Portfolio, Vanessa Kotek
Logan Kuskie Honors Portfolio, Logan Kuskie
Detecting Overlapping Gene Regions Using the U-Net Attention Mechanism, Samuel Lemma
Partisan Selective Exposure on Social Media During the 2020 Presidential Election, Grayce Lemon
Age-Related Microaggressions: A Follow-Up Descriptive Study, Hannah M. Lewis
Public Perceptions of Exonerees’ Deservingness of Compensation and Expungement, Elizabeth Jeanne Lopez
Inkblot, Jayden Lopez
A Comparison of Highly Disturbed Agricultural Soil and Natural Forested Soil as it Affects Decomposition, Haley Madden
A Mexican American Stuck in Egypt: Poems about everyday Chicano expatriate life in the Cradle of Civilization, Thomas Maldonado
The Role of Insulin-Like Growth Factor I in the Development of the Cerebellum in Euthyroid and Hypothyroid Mice, Prathibha Mangedarage
Revisiting the Blue Earth Oneota Taxon, Samuel Marcucci
Novel Amino Acids Dictate Differences in SIVmac239 and HIV-2 ROD9 Vpx Cellular Localization, Hunter D. Mayhew
Tradiciones, Selena Medellin
The Application of Interpersonal Concepts to Reframe Instructor Misbehaviors, Jonathan A. Mendoza
Justice-Impacted Black Males’ Perceptions of How Life Skills Coaching Helped Overcome Barriers to Housing, Healthcare, and Employment, Isreal W. Moses IV
Above & Below, Kelly N. Munson
Marketing Ploy or Mental Health Crisis? An Analysis of Fan Responses to Celebrity Narratives, Kayla M. Ostrander
Good People: A Collection of Short Stories and Essays, Cordis Paldano
Isabella Pearson Honors Portfolio, Isabella Pearson
Environmental Heterogeneity as a Driver of Understory Vegetation Composition in Midwestern Oak Savannas, Jean Pengra
What Does a Rooster Say?, Kim Pfeffer
The Transient, Pritika Pradhan
Development of a Reinforcer Assessment: A Measure of Potential Reinforcers in the Lives of Older Adults, Nicole A. Praska
Navigation: One Woman's Quest to Hitchhike Around the World on Sailboats, Glenda Reed
Teacher-Led Active Classroom Breaks to Improve Student On-Task Behavior: A Dose-Response Study, Abbey M. Riese
Creating the Role of Richard III for Richard III, Travis Grey Robertson
Intellect Does Not Have an Accent: The Lived Experiences of Women Native Speakers of Spanish with Professional Leadership Positions in United States and Have an Accented English Speech, Isabel E. Rodriguez-Mendoza
Investigating Emerging Bilingual Learner Related Field Experiences in School Psychology Graduate Training, Austin Rogers
An Archeozoological Analysis of the Vosburg Site in Southern Minnesota, Madison M. Rutter
Seeking Translation, Taryn Sakry
Application of the Fine Sediment Biotic Index to Three Drain Tiled and Ditched Agricultural Systems in Southern Minnesota, Bailey Sanders
APOBEC3 Regulation by Thyroid Hormone, Michelle Santiago
"Effects of Chronic Clothianidin Exposure on Various Aspects of Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout) Development", Jacob Schmid
Graduate Student Awareness of Student Services, Shayla Schumacher
Biogeography of functional traits and fire regimes in oak species (Quercus) across the United States, Ashley Selee
Teaching Culture in the Argentinian EFL Classroom: Beliefs, Practice and Challenges, María Mercedes Sempé
The Satanic Ritual Abuse Panic: Correlates and Implications for Therapists, Mariah Severud
Making Data-Driven Decisions for Investing in Restaurant Business: A Case Study Based on Zomato Dataset, Rachna Shah
THE BODY OF A FROG A Memoir on Searching for Ways to Love an Unconventional Self, Aarron Sholar
From Farm to Table to Factory: Paths of Cambodian American Foodways, A. C. Smith