This is a collection of works authored by students at Minnesota State University, Mankato.


Events from 2021

The Semantic Characteristics of Words Recalled in the Retelling of Stories by Typically Developing Children and Children with Williams Syndrome, Christen Conrad

Defensive Disdain, Kelly Coumbe


Advance Care Planning and Palliative Care in Heart Failure: A Literature Review, Laura Dack

Vascular Dysfunction in Rats with Diet-Induced Hyperhomocysteinemia: A Look at Hypertension, T. Dalberg

Gestational Plasma Aldosterone Concentration in SHR and WKY Rats on Normal and Low Sodium Diets, T.J. Dalerg, A. Abraha, and B. Magnuson

Southern Minnesota Writing, Nikki Daver, Allison Vroman, Philip MacKenzie, Brady Dahl, Kris Listine, and Esther Hoffman

What Source of Media are Adult Americans Attracted to for Their Daily News and What are the Reasons for the Attraction to a Particular Source?, Cynthia L. Davis and Ann M. Freier

Weather and Populations of Small Mammals: A Twenty Year Study, Jennifer Deitloff

To Gather Around the Television: College Students Releasing Stress, Andrea S. DeLaRosa


Reclaim, Harris Benjamin Deno

A Rhetorical Analysis of the "Rethinking AIDs" Website, Jennifer Dettmann

The Failure of Genetic Testing, Jennifer Dettmann

Breaking Traditions in Medieval Literature: Finding Parallels in Reynard the Fox and Robin Hood, Brianna Rose DeValk

Investigating miRNA Regulation of the Human APOBEC3 Enzymes, William Dietrich

Function of Ribonucleotide Reductase-Encoding Genes in Flavobacterium johnsoniae, Hunter Doheny

The Neo-Pagan Trend in America, Kristin Doll


The Impact of Social Isolation and Cognitive Decline in Older Adults: A Systematic Literature Review, Jody L. Doll-Wilhelm

Static Dielectric Constants of YBa2Cu3O6+x and HoBa2Cu3O6+x, Ryan D. Dorland

Characterization of Microstructural, Morphological and Mechanical Properties of Electrodeposited Gold Thin-Films as a Function of Grain Refinement Chemistry and Post-Deposition Thermal Treatments, Nick Dorn, Brent Romanesko, Karen Crago, and Dave Read

Expression of Fibronection Isoforms in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat Aorta and Atria as a Function of Age, Gender, and Exercise, Justin Drake and Jeffery Gilbert

Cultural Significance of Body Art, Rhonda Drescher

Female Ownership of the Body: The African American Slave, Women and Issues of Today, Sarah Dzieweczynski

Physical Activity Awareness Training: Interactive Vs. Automated, Sarah Ebensteiner


Abigail Eckert Honors Portfolio, Abigail Eckert

An American Nightmare, Aaron Eckstein

Recommendations for the Future of Madison Lake, Daniel D. Ehrke

IoT-Based Solution to Gather Foot Plantar Pressure for Daily Life Activities, Abdelrahman Elkhatib

The Hair We Wear, Jenny Ellsworth and Jessica Fuhrer

Correlative Analysis of Leadership: A Feminist Study of the Past, and Praxis for the Future, Kristina C. England

Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on the College Students' Experience, Kaylee Engle and Taiylor Hoeft

Dietary Supplements: What You don't Know Can Hurt You, Brice Erichsen


Perspectivas sociolingüísticas y culturales en la conservación lingüística del wayuunaiki, Andrés Gabriel Espejel Fuentes

Automatic Cutting Expert (ACE), Cesar Esquivel, Jeremy Patricelli, Caroline Moore, Daniel Armstrong, and Rachael Johnson


Reducing Disease Exacerbation in Women with Confirmed COPD: A Systematic Literature Review, Jill Essay

Reconstructing Earths Oxygen History from Iron-Rich Rock Samples, Emily Faust

Meriam’s Momentary Metamorphosis: Progressive Education and The Indian New Deal, Abigail Fer


Understanding How Experienced World History Teachers in Minnesota Choose Course Content: A Mixed Methods Study, Kathleen Ferrero

Affects of Regular Voluntary Exercise of Pregnant Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR) on the Development of Hypertension in the Subsequent Offspring, Jenny Fields, Chris Busse, and Madelene Doring


Jonathan Fjeld Honors Portfolio, Jonathan Fjeld

Rhetorically Speaking Danica Patrick and the Wide World of Marketing in Sports, Jonathan Fjeld

Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival Acting Competition, Brian Flanagan, Stephen Kraus, Emily Harvey, Mandy Marquardt, David Tacheny, Patti McGuire, Colin Woolston, and Shannon Zeig

Sueño, Realidad y Destino, Shirley Nieto Flores

The Effects of Solar Ultraviolet-B-Radiation on Growth and Photosynthesis of Avena sativa, Mitchell J. Fogal


Women in Combat Boots: U.S. Servicewomen’s Collective Self-esteem and Adherence to Weight Regulations, Latavia Monét Ford


Taylor Forstner Honors Portfolio, Taylor Lynn Forstner

In-Situ Molecular Adsorption Characterization Via Attenuated Total Reflectance Ft-Ir Spectroscopy, Michael Fralish

Observation of A Gender Difference in the Response Of Mice Given Cyclosporine Treatment for Paraquat Toxicity, Michael Fralish

The Effects of a Broad-Spectrum Fungicide on Photosynthetic Yield at Different Developmental Stages of Corn in an Agronomic Setting, Ashley Frederickson


Caregiver Knowledge and Perceptions of Dementia-Specific Nutritional Approaches, Danielle Freitag

Web Development for Electronic Publications, Steve Gage, Nathan Graham, and Dave Pagel

Classroom Equity Research, Shivani Gautam, Justin Moua, and Mohammad Ilham Bhuiyan


Socioeconomic and Other Dynamics in the Geographical Distribution of Success in the English F.A. Cup, Edward Genereux

An Analysis of Holocaust Humor and the Jewish Healing Process, Anne Gerbensky

An Analysis of the Visual Rhetoric in the "Ladies of Rylstone Callendar.", Anne Gerbensky

The Silent Epidemic: The Impacts of Hepatitis C in the United States, Anne E. Gerbensky and Joshua J. Kerber

Voluntary Gestational Exercise Decreases Body Specific Gravity and Increases Body Length in Young Rat Offspring, Jeffery Gilbert, Chris Busse, James Mullenix, and Hyon Joo

Effect of Voluntary Gestational Exercise on Body Specific Gravity and Kidney Development in Adult Offspring, Jeffery Gilbert, Jennifer Fields, and James Mullenix


Mackenzie Glaser Honors Portfolio, Mackenzie Glaser

Recess and Play Before and During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Study, Mackenzie Glaser, Jakob Erickson-Thoemke, and Edinatu Thoronka

Evaluating Crisis Intervention Training Received by Mental Health Professionals, Philippe Goetstouwers, Tawiila Hafidh, Daniel McLaughlin, and Matthew Riewe

The Implementation of a Customized Weather Database for Use in MSU's Walter, Douglas Goodrich

Effect of Resistance Training on Running Performance, Meta-Analysis of Current Research, Nathan Goslin-Klemme


Replicant, John Grabko

Portrayal of Traditional and Nontraditional Family Structure in Children's Books, Laura A. Grabow

Linguistic Differences Between Children with William's Syndrome and Typically Developing Children, Amber L. Grams, Stacy Overman, and Chandra Burggs


Why End-of-Life Discussion Matters: A Systematic Literature Review, Emily Grandson

The Affects of Glucose on Memory Tasks in Young Adults, Jennifer Grant

Hydrologic Properties of Lake Bottom Sediments in Mills Lake, Minnesota, Mark Green

Instructional Design for Mathematics Tutoring, Ann Gregerson

Strategies for Teaching History, Sage Grothe


Peoples’ Experiences with Birth Doulas, Emily A. Gunderson

Learning about Global Elder Care Practices Through an International Virtual Collaboration, Sarah Gunderson, Hillary Erih, Megan Kurtz, Morgan Metcalfe, Oluwapelumi Solomon, and Grace Willaby


Creating the Role of Lady Macduff in Macbeth, Ashley D'Lyn Gunn

Exploring How Duration and Mode of Delivery Impacts Outcomes of Literacy Intervention, Rebecca Guss


Rebecca Guss Honors Portfolio, Rebecca Guss

Purification of DNA Polymerase, Janice Haala

The Technological Impact of Quality Production Management in the Twentieth Century, Josh Hackbarth and Aaron Brixius

Exploring Literature from the Spanish-Speaking World, Hannah Hackett

RAD Car: Restructuring of the Chassis, Chris Hadfield, Dale LaRue, and Jason Wilkie

Social Loafing as Affected by Gender, Tawiila Hafidh

Family Coping with Sudden Death, Jessica Haley, Jacqueline Gerovac, Wesley Henderson, and Kylee Jones

Exploring COVID-19 Impact on Social Inclusion in a Dementia Friendly Chorus, Cassidy Hall, Jordan Enevold, Britta Anderson, and Khadija Kamara

The Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Emotional Intelligence Among College Students, Louisa Hall

Should We Humanize Technology? A Question for Modern Society, Wu Hang

Physical Properties of Soil as an Indicator of Restoration Success, Nathan Hanke

Comparison of Lipoxygenase Isoenzymes Found in Specific Soybean Tissues, Jarod Hanson

Abundance and Diversity of Macroinvertebrates in Swan Lake and Middle Lake, Joshua Harbitz

Effects of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone on Reproductive Behavior and Testis Morphology in a Seasonally Breeding Lizard, Jada Harley

Effects of Popular Music on Memorization Tasks, Sarah Harmon and Kristin Sandberg

Examination of the Thermal Resistance of Enterococcus Faecalis and Escherichia Coll and the Possibility of Heat Resistance Transfer, Melissa A. Harms

Ethanol-Diesel Research Project, Andy Harrigan, Chad Samp, Rebecca Wells, and Derick VanDenBroeke

Tracking the Defense of Marriage Act Of 1996: A Feminist Look Into the Congressional Debates, Amanda Hart

A Pilot Study to Determine the Effect of Prenatal Breastfeeding Education on the Intended and Actual Duration of Breastfeeding, Cindy Haugsdal

Disease Mutations and Oxidative Effects on Calmodulin Structure and Function, Ethan Hayes

An Analysis of Ancient Greek Drama as a Transcendental Dance-Drama, John Carl Heimbuch


The Effects of Therapist Expertise and Concerns of Involuntary Hospitalization on the Disclosure of Suicidal Ideations and Behavior, Zane Hensel

Relationship Satisfaction and Dependence in Dating Couples, Jovan Hernandez

Cystic Fibrosis, Laney Hewes, Zeb Kauth, Hailey Johnson, and Abby Malone

A Paleoecological Examination of Temporal Trophic Changes Through Diatom Trend Analysis at High Island Lake, Sibley County, Minnesota, Thomas Higgins

Mask Usage Behaviors Amongst the MNSU, Mankato Community, Molly Hill, Roman Parpart, Brian Swancutt, and Liberty Hombe