This is a collection of works authored by students at Minnesota State University, Mankato.


Events from 2021

Wireless Data Logger, Eric Holland

Effect of Seat Height on Aerobic and Anaerobic Power in Trained Male Cyclists, Brian Holmgren


Classification of Chess Games: An Exploration of Classifiers for Anomaly Detection in Chess, Masudul Hoque

Forensic Anthropology, Anthony E. Hoyord and Pamela Gregor

The Purpose of Sound, Hui-chi Hsia

Linguistic Differences in Multiple Tellings of a Story, Rebecca Hubbling, Kelly Ritter, Amber Grams, and Meghan Culey


Factors Influencing Contraception Use in Sexual Minority Women: A Systematic Literature Review, Grace M. Hudson


The Creation of the Role of Edward Ferrars in Sense and Sensibility, Ty Hudson

Application of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to Detect the Presence of Phenol Hydroxylase (LMPH) Genes, Ben Hume

Improved River Forecasting Techniques: A One-Dimensional Unsteady Flow Model for the Red River of the North., James C. Husaby, Steven D. Buan, and Wendy Pearson

The Relationship Between Intramural, Club, and University Student-Athletes’ Belongingness and Motivation during COVID-19, Osadolor Louis Ikponmwosa


COVID-19 and Work-Family Conflict: A Gendered Lens Required for Developing Organizational Benefits and Programs, Qendresa Isniqi

Dietary Change Among Hmong People and Cancer Risks, Eri Ito


A Century of Racism in Minnesota, Nicole Jecha

A Century of Racism in Minnesota, Nicole Jecha


Nicole Jecha Honors Portfolio, Nicole Jecha

Family Caregiving Strategies: COVID-19, Morgan Jellinger, Alexa Lacher, Paige Jorgenson, and Isbelle Hillstead


Contraceptive Accessibility and Reproductive Outcomes in Adolescents Seeking Care at School-Based Health Centers: A Systematic Review, Jamie Jenkins


Therapist Multicultural Orientation: Client Perceptions of Cultural Humility, Sexual Identity, and the Working Alliance, Todd L. Jennings

Interpreting Goddesses of Mesoamerica, Lisa Loree Jensen


Reducing Polypharmacy in Older Adults at End of Life: The Outcome on Quality of Life, Melissa Jenson

Effects of Music on Sustained Attention in College Students Who Self-Report High and Low Symptoms of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Angie Jershe and Tina Head

Purification Of Actin Capping Protein α – Subunit Isoform Specific Antibodies, Ben Jilek

Purification of Actin Capping Protein Alpha Subunit Specific Antibodies and Immunolocalization in Murine Tissues, Benjamin Jilek


Mythology of Uncertainty, Connor Johanson

Development of a Biologically Based Control System in a Two-Dimensional Simulation Environment, Adam Johnson

Investigations of the Affect of Ta on Powder-In-Tube Nb3Sn Superconducting Wires, Adam Johnson

Glucose-Induced Enhancement of Spatial Memory in Humans, Adam Johnson and Aprajita Mohanty

End-of-Life Care Conversations: Family Care Partners Share Their Experiences About Their Loved One Living with Dementia at End-of-Life, Chandler Johnson and Abigail Larson

Patterns in Incidence of Tuberculosis in Midwest Prehistoric Populations, Jamie Johnson

An Environmental History of the Good Counsel Complex, 1912-1999, Jonathan D. Johnson, Steven C. Berberich, and Steven A. Silbermann

A Comparison Between Extroverts and Introverts and the Time Involved to take Action in a Staged Dilemma Involving a Timed Test, Laura Johnson

Customer Service in Response to Shopper's Attire, Allison Jones


The After-Visit Summary: An Opportunity for Technical Communicators, Drew Jordan


Directing Atreus: Re-Envisioning Classic Greek Theatre, Yaureybo Jordán Salivia

Comparative Analysis of Two Submaximal Predictive Strength Equations to the One Repetition Maximum Test, Christopher Joyner

Family Vigilance: Hospice Care, Madelyn Junker, Jasmine Mleinek, Macy Lund, and Jessica Nelson


Providing Hispanic Immigrant and Migrant Health Care in America: Could NPs be the Answer?, Hamabwe Kabwe

Be Safe Not Sorry: Safety Belt Use Education for College Students, Kathy Kaduce and Tracie Pernu

An Examination of Secret Legal Settlements and Their Obstruction of Justice, Heather Kaiser

The Elimination of Toxic Schools, Heather Kaiser

The Formula, Heather Kaiser and Chad Kuyper

What's So Funny?: A Reader's Theatre Examining the Reasons Why We Laugh, Heather Kaiser, Chad Kuyper, Mitch Batty, Rebecca Rick, and Cynthia Saba

Electronic Valve Actuation, Robert Kaiser, Conley Johnson, Eric Kaiser, Vong Lor, Brady Ranweiler, and Dennis Dording

Relationship Between Leisure Satisfaction and Mental Health, Melissa Kalm

Comparison of Eating Habits: Students of South Asia vs. American Students, Karishma Kamath and Waqas Jamshed

Standardized Estimation of Technology in Cultural Systems, Gary Kaunonen

Prenatal Experiences Of Hmong Women in Minnesota, Prerana Khatri KC and Gao Ja Yang

Affects of Game Conditioning on Anaerobic Power and Blood Lactate Accumulation in Female Athletes, Megan Kelly, Many Krause, and James Mullenix

Pixilated and Painted Spaces: Exploring Collaborative Process, Letha Kelsey and Andrew Wachholz

Understanding How Notum Promotes Glypican-3 Shedding In Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Meaghan Keohane

The Effects of a High Lipid Diet on the Physiological Functions of Mice, Manscora Khaliq and Pallavi Mynepalli

Harvesting Minds - How TV Commercials Control Children: A Content Analysis, Ishita J. Khan

Family Support: Critical Illnesses, Kelsey King, Madison Hawk, Morgan Mathews, and Samantha Meyer

Alteration of Renal Sodium Excretion During Dorsal Column Stimulation, Danielle Kirkpatrick

Expression of Rat Aortic Fibronectin mRNA Isoforms as a Function of Gender and Maternal Exercise, Danielle Kirkpatrick

The 2002 World Cup and International Technical Communication, Tim Kirk


Defining Plant Ecological Specialists and Generalists: Building a Framework for Identification and Classification, Alex N. Kirsch

The Effect of Birth Order on Introversion and Extroversion, Macy Kissling

Ethnographic Observations of Personal Interaction Styles (The Front Desk Chronicles), Adam Kittelson


Faculty and Dean Attitudes Toward Institutional Civic Responsibility, Mutual Trust, and Civic Mindedness at Two Year Colleges, David W. Kobilka

An Investigation of the Social Acceptability of Adults Exhibiting Tic Disorders, Michelle Koch

An Assistive Mobile Communication Application for Individuals Who Are Mute or Have Speech Impairments, Sashwot Koirala

Physical Therapy Use Among Collegiate Dancers, Vanessa Kotek and Kacey Wachholz


Cannabis as a Prescription Opioid Substitute for Adults with Chronic Pain: A Systematic Literature Review, Lani Kranz

Understanding the Relationship Between Serum Thyroid Hormone Levels and Thyroid Hormone Action in Tissues, Lauren Krieg and Jessica Wimp

Predicting Effective Learning: What Traits Make College Students Receptive to Learning?, Teana Krolak, McKayla Kurtz, Lauren Eckert, and Dalyon Waldner

Development of a Two-Stroke Direct Fuel Injected Engine, Peter Kruchoski, Matt Sandlin, Nick Maki, and Nick Bredemus

Positive Religious Coping: Chronic Stressors and Perceived Stress, Bethany Kunkel

The Effects of Room Color on Stress Perception: Red Versus Green Environments, Teresa M. Kutchma

A Humorous Examination of Current Brain Research and Its Applications, Chad Kuyper

Chromosome Counts for Packera paupercula variety Gypsophila, Chad Larson

Everything Living Dies, Curtis Larson


Assessment of Perceived Levels of Stress and Coping Mechanism Use Among Elementary School Teachers, Lauren Larson


A Dozen To One: An Examination of Workers' Satisfaction in Menial Labor, Colin Larter

Food Habits of the Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus) in Southwestern Minnesota, Michelle A. LaRue

Academic Dishonesty as a Function of Individual Characteristics, Heidi Leaman


Impact of Telemedicine on Heart Failure Readmissions and Mortality: A Literature Review, Stephanie R. Ledvina

University Health Services and Non-English Speaking Patients, Riley Lehmer, Kianna Fladland, Quinlan Brogdon, Maureen Nghambi, and Simale Kadir


Examining Patterns and Drivers of Spatial and Temporal Variability in Playa Hydroperiod in the High Plains Region of Western Kansas, Luis Lepe

The Occurrence of Bound Morphemes in the Speech of Children with Williams Syndrome Compared to Typically Developing Children, Shannon Leppi, Sara Doelger, Christina Carson, and Catherine Armendariz

Physiological and Psychological Effects of Vocal Warm-Up in Performing Artists, Shannon Leppi, Sam Schindle, and Christina Carson

Schwanke Engines E-85 Sealed Engine Project, Chris Lidel, Guy Bernt, Don Kottschade, and Pete Palm

Infanticide and Abortion: Different Responses to Similar Circumstances?, Kristina Lillie

The Number of Mazes in the Retelling of Narratives of Children with Williams Syndrome and Typically Developing Children, Sara Lindquist, Allyson Segar, Mary Skarohlid, and Teresa Weng

Experimental Video, Jack Linell, Autumn Erdmann, Harry Ritchie, Natalie Wagley, Ben Liebl, Trang Nguyen, Hafsa Islam, and Andrew Peterson

Christian Sacred Dance, Megan Lockey

Problems in the American Meat Packing Industry, Suzanne Loen

The Need for Palliative Care in the U.S., Suzanne Loen

Comfort Through Humor: The 9/11 Issue of the Onion, Suzanne V. Loen

Say Anything: A Content Analysis of YM (Your Magazine) Removing Articles on Weight Loss, Suzanne V. Loen

The Potential Mechanism of Leptin on Lipolysis in Brown Adipose Tissue, Lyric Lopez-Kohler


Comparative Analysis of Water Quality Monitoring Procedures in a Small, Eutrophic Lake, South-Central Minnesota, Owen Lott

The Relationship Between Tone and Level of Understanding of Written Instructions by Undergraduate Sorority Women, Karen J. Luepke

Targeting Epigenetic Regulators of Lymphoma via PROTAC Molecules, Shelby Lund

A Record of Wrongs, Kayla Lutes


Joint Religiosity Among Satanists as a Predicator of Sexual Satisfaction, Tayler M. Lyng

The Effects of Exercise in WKY Pregnant Female Rats on Fetus Health, Laura Madsen

The Comparison of Abandoned Utterances in Children with Williams Syndrome and Typically Developing Children, Tracy MaGill, Angie Olson, Donna Eberly, and Elizabeth Gormely

Among the Padded Footsteps, Michael Malmberg