This is a collection of works authored by students at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Events from 2021
Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Bat Mortality Caused by Wind-Energy Turbines in Southwestern Minnesota, Rebecca Rosendahl
MSU Student's Use of the MSU Website, Kristin Ruder
Evolution of Terrestrial Behaviors in Aquatic and Amphibious Fishes, Andrew Ruiz
Quality of Drinking Water in the Mankato Area School District: A Pilot Study, Afolabi Runsewe and Andrew Tippins
Methodology for Assessing Quality Software, Teri R. Ryland, Mohammad A. Saad, and Jarrett G. Sharp
Software Programs and Their Impact on Quality Control, Teri R. Ryland and Laura C. Seys
Mythic Rhetoric and the Construction of Paul Wellstone as Sacred Symbol, Cynthia Saba
Simple Cosmic Ray Detector, Jamal Saeed
Individuality and Geometry: The Selective Advantage of Knowing Oneself, Raazesh Sainudiin
Nisin Effects on Bacillus Cereus Endospore Germination, Meshack Sambu
Identification of Personal Characteristics Important in Mate Selection, Kristin Sandberg
Importance of Testosterone, Estradiol, and Dihydrotestosterone in Neurogenesis, Zachary Sandborgh and Brooke Miles
Students' Perception of Professionalism, Christina Sanders, Skylar Williams, Samantha Giannelli, and Teana Krolak
Mental Health Literacy in College Students, Emily Schiltz
The Primary Care Provider’s Role in Screening and Intervening in the Human Trafficking of Adolescents: A Systematic Literature Review, Brittany Schmid
Aquatic Macrophyte Communities in Five Sibley County (Minnesota) Lakes and the Factors that Affect their Distribution, Samuel A. Schmid
Driving the Competition: An Analysis of the Automotive Industry, Scott Schmidt and Keely Zwart
The Affects of Background Music on Word Recall, Tasha Schmidt
Stress: A Study of the Effects of Stress on Different Age Groups, Lacey A. Schulz and Erik Stenersen
Resilience - A Dance on Film, Emily Schumacher
Myles Schwartz Honors Portfolio, Myles Schwartz
Increasing Motivation Among Part-Time Workers, Desiree M. Schwarz, Jonathan L. Wilcox, Terry J. McDaniel, Pete G. Schwane, Lisa D. Breitenfeldt, and Dustin Kroeger
Exploring the Spatial Dispersion of Sub-Terrain Liquids, Elizabeth Sedgwick
Data Mining and Statistics: A Comparison of Data Analysis Techniques, Christina Sedlack
Affect of Consonant Type on Laryngeal Behavior, Allyson Segar and Karen Fatka
Measurement and Comparison of Dielectric Constants for Variations in the Superconductor YBa2Cu3O6+x, Jerry Sell
Ways by Which Extracurricular Activities May Impact English Language Learners (ELL), Paul Selman
Data Mining: Improving the Way We do Business, Megan Senson
Environmental Education Outreach to Hispanic Communities, Suzanne Sentman
Service-Learning Assessment, Julie Sergot and Jeanne Zwart
An Essay on Cultural Imperialism and the Language of Black Folk, Rashad Muhammad Shabazz
Aeolian Sand Stringers in the Upper Midwest, USA: Morphology, Stratigraphy, and Paleoenvironmental Significance, Kenzie L. Shandonay
The Critical Need for a Culturally Sensitive Suicide Risk Assessment Instrument for American Indian and Alaska Native Youth, Courtney E. Shaw
Implementation of Model-Free Adaptive Power Flow Control for Dual-Active-Bridge-Based AC-DC Converters, Qinghang Shen
Effect of Adrenergic Signaling On All-Trans-Retinoic Acid Synthesis In Brown Adipose Tissue, Tsion Sherbeza
What Do the Twitter Sentiments Say About the COVID-19 Vaccine?, Ilma Sheriff
Xtreme-NoC: Extreme Gradient Boosting Based Latency Model for Network-on-Chip Architectures, Ilma Sheriff
Xtreme-NoC: Extreme Gradient Boosting Based Latency Model for Network-on-Chip Architectures, Ilma Sheriff
A Regional Analysis of Radon Levels in Southern Minnesota, Michael Shores
ABC Accounting: The Managerial Effects, Angela Siebenaler
Getting a "Feel" for the Culture of a Spanish-Speaking Country, Marti Sievek
Family Vulnerability: Children, Haley Simonson, Angela Pha, Cassie Sorensen, and Emma Schaefer
Meanings of the "Rider's Song": Immersion in a Spanish Poem, J. Noble Simpson
Navigating Integration: A Grounded Theory of Practicing Clinicians' Experiences Integrating Neuroscience in their Mental Health Clinical Practice, Barbara K. Skodje-Mack
Pre-Methylation of Foreign DNA Improves Conjugation Efficiency in the Fish Pathogen Flavobacterium psychrophilum, Seada Sloboda
Wrestling with Politics: A Multi-Tiered Analysis of Jesse Ventura's Campaign, Seth-Michael Smith
Generation of Most-Probable-Number (MPN) Estimates of Indigenous Freshwater Bacteria Capable of Degrading Hydrocarbons, Sidik Sokwalla
The Eating Habits of a Mid-Western University: A Pilot Study, Jenny Sorenson
Memory Recall: The Role of Visual Aids in Instructions, Theresa R. Spear and Brooke A. Zeisel
A Performance on the Rewards and Frustrations of Teaching, Jason Spitzer
A Performative Program on Healing and the Kent State Tragedy, Jason Spitzer
The Potential of the Brain Pacemaker, Jason Spitzer
Coil Suppression, Samuel Squires
Effectiveness of Behavior-Based Counseling for Weight Loss Maintenance: A Systematic Literature Review, Jaime V. Stanczyk
“Positive” Student Behavior: Investigating Educator Perceptions of Student Behavior in Terms of Willingness to Reward and Magnitude of Reward, Kelsey Stangler
Removal of Triorganotin Halides from Reaction Mixtures, Justin Stewart and Luis Yanez
Creation of a Scalable Production Server Model, Patrick St. John
The Determination of a Threshold Level of Exogenous Methyl Jasmonate Effecting an Increase in Peroxidase Activity in Protoplasts of Avena Sativa, Dwight R. Stoll
An Initial Exploration of the Relationship Between Political Repression and Family Violence, Tom Stutsman
Effects of Voluntary Exercise on Pressure-Induced Natriuresis in Hypertensive Female and Male Rats, Keshari Sudasinghe
Development of Techniques for the Genetic Manipulation of the Fish Pathogen Flavobacterium psychrophilum, Lankesha Sudasinghe
The Influence of People's Anticipated Outcome on Their Information Seeking Behavior, Steve Sullivan
Bringing the High Redshift Universe to Instagram, Wen Sun
Brian Swancutt Honors Portfolio, Brian Swancutt
Genesis: The Problem with Oral Tradition, Kathryn Sween, Jennifer Owen, Melissa Stauffer, and Josephine Belina
A Study on the Housing Experiences of Somali Immigrants in Mankato, Sharifun Syed
Cultural Assimilation Seen in Islamic Architecture, Kozue Takahashi
Anthropology, Race, and Ethnicity in the Case of Japan, Azumi Takeda
Identification of Specific Phenol Hydroxylase Genes in Freshwater Bacterial Isolates, Masae Takezaki
Comparison of Sexual Risk Behaviors Between Junior Male and Female Students at Pierz High School, Sandy Tautges
A Critical Look at Archaeoastronomy and the Anasazi Culture of the American Southwest, Jennifer Taylor
The Amazons: Warrior Women of Ancient Greece, Myth or Reality?, Jennifer K. Taylor
Perceived Barriers and Facilitators to Cervical Cancer Screening in Asian American Women, Bouathong Thepsombath
Predicting Mental Health Counseling Professionals’ Willingness to Discuss Sexuality Issues with Clients, Becca L. Thompson
Physical Activity Levels and Coping Skills during the COVID-19 Transition to Online Learning in College Students, Alison Tokkesdal, Kaitlyn Vomhof, Zoe Stone, and Anja Enervold
Jacqueline Tomas Honors Portfolio, Jacqueline Tomas
Annalisa Tostenson Honors Portfolio, Annalisa Tostenson
Effects of Bisymmetrical and Bilateral Symmetrical Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Designs, Annalisa Tostenson and Peyton Wolf
Costume Preference Related to Gender: Does a Child's Gender Reflect Their Choice in Costumes?, Tracy Traetow
Gypsy Moth Survey, Carrie Trytten
Influence of the Media on Body Self-Image, Marie E. Tutewohl
Impact of Tire Temperature on Grip in a Racecar, Val Urman
Duncan, Dunham and Graham: A Comparative Study, Tracy Vacura
Diversity of Culturable Bacteria Isolated from Freshwater Sediments, Kimberly Van Denmark
PCR Detection of Clostridium botulinum Type C1 Toxin Gene from Swan Lake and Middle Lake Sediment Samples, Kimberly Van Denmark
Function of the Glycoside Hydrolase Family 8 Endoglucanases in Cytophaga Hutchinsonii Cellulose Utilization, Chouakou Vang
An Analysis of Migration Ability and Effects of Carboplatin and Cisplatin on Glioblastoma Cells with Proteoglycan Knockouts, Rachel VanKeulen
Because Wonder Will Always Get Us There: Directing Lauren Gunderson’s Silent Sky, James C. Van Oort
RPM Limiting System, Arjun Veerwal
Impact of Intake Air Charge Cooling from Upstream Auxiliary Fuel Nozzle, Gabe Villalpando
Skinwalkers and Gender Roles, Marius Vold
Prairie Potholes: How Isolated Wetlands are Affected by Human Decisions, Emma Volz
Assessing and Forecasting Chlorophyll Abundances in Minnesota Lake using Remote Sensing and Statistical Approaches, Ben Von Korff
Understanding Resident-to-Resident Conflicts in Long Term Care Settings from the Perspective of Administrative Staff, John F. Walker
Analysis of Three-phase Rectifier via Three Different Control Methods and Switch Power Loss Comparison, Yichao Wang
Ethics of Document Design: A Survey of Technical Communication Students, Josha Weaver
Optimizing an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer for a Food Industry Application, Brent Weisbrod
Corn and Beans, Symbiotic or Competitive?, Sara Wenner