This is a collection of works authored by students at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Fernbrook Family Center, Inc. Need Identification and Training, Catherine R. Johanneck
Selected Language Skills of Individuals with Fragile X Syndrome, Joelle Johanson
Perceptions of Female Elite Athletes Posing Semi-Nude or Nude, Alicia J. Johnson
Choosing Between Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests, Russ Johnson
What is the Purpose of a Street Outreach Program and How Will it Benefit Lutheran Social Service of Mankato, Minnesota?, Rachel Johnston
Pilot Test of a Quality Rating and Improvement System in Early Education Programs in Magadan, Russian Federation and in Minnesota, United States of America, Vera Grigoryevna Kashin
Purification of Isoform Specific Actin Capping Protein Antibodies and Immunofluorescent Studies, Jenna Kastenschmidt
Analysis of Underage Alcohol Consumption in Blue Earth County, Ann Kincaid, Andrea Bauer, Brooke Woitas, Tony Muchow, Amanda Ulfers, and Alison Buhler
The Relationship Between Women of Third World Countries and the Environment, the Overlap of Oppression and the Role Ecofeminism is Playing, Melissa Kjolsing
Cluster B Personality Disorders Separated by Gender Expectations, Brianna Kloss
Exploring the Potential Reaction Between DNA and 5-HydroxymethyIfurfural, Teddy Kobingi
HIV Support Group Needs Assessment, Jennifer Kolstad
Evaluation of Pretreatment Methods in the Production of Ethanol from Cattail Leaves, Kristen Krahmer and Elijah N. Wreh
Identification of a Reaction By-Product in the Synthesis of Tetradecylchloride., Chad Kratochwill
The Influence of Participation in an Aerobic Conditioning Class in College-Aged Students, BreAnna Kruger and Amanda Trost
The Impacts of Restored Wetlands and Ravines on Water Quality within the Seven Mile Creek Watershed in South Central Minnesota, Caitlin Langer
Tina Key's Parody of Sarah Palin, April M. Larson
Minnesota Health Care Programs: Renville County Human Servics Outreach Project, Bethany Leindecker
A New Look at Nonprofit Online Fundraising: Persuasion Through the Means of Credibility and Psychological Consistency, Kaytlin M. LeMier
The Effect of Red Bull Energy Drink on Attenuating Muscular Fatigue Following Heavy Exercise, Amanda Lipetzky
An Exploratory Study of Hiring Difficulties Among Rural Social Service Staff in Minnesota., Renee A. Lips
The Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant: Nuclear Racism or Business as Usual?, Melissa Lorentz
Investigating Porcelain, Dennis Loucks
Employment Background Checks, Eric Lucker, Brianne Sorensen, Christopher Swol, Brittanie Schafer, and Eric Nagel
The Importance of Worksite Supervisors in At-Risk Youths' Lives, Laura Luna
Where Are They Now? Caretakers Affect on Children Who Have Been Placed in Foster Care, Relative Care, or in Adoptive Homes, Crysta Lynch
Reflections on the Conduct of Research with Human Subjects Across Two Cultures, Kimberly M. Maas
Large Scale Paintings, Amy Magnuson
Fluid Movement Through the Mesabi Iron Range, Minnesota, Kyle Makovsky
Analysis of Pronunciation Variation and Linguistic Structure Using Decision Trees, Tatyana V. Mamchuk
Attributions of Team Performance in a Dispersed Environment, Jennifer Mans and Daniel Regnier
Activation of Behavioral Trait Inferences: Impression Formation in the Reading Process, Samuel Martin
Adolescents in Drug and Alcohol Treatment: Do They Gain Knowledge on Addiction?, Sara Martin
Griots: Transformations in Young Woman of Color, Donna McGhee-Weaver
Cross-Cultural Understanding of Philosophies of Pre-Service Teachers, Katelyn McMahon, Anastasiya Horeva, and Katie Robb
Lesbian Oppression and Love - Historically and Globally, Erin Meyer
Mathematical Modeling of Tick-Borne Encephalitis in Humans, Michael Meyer, Amanda Kriesel, and Geoffrey Peterson
Will the Olympics Impact an Individual's Sense of Nationalism as Well as Attitudes Towards the Host Country?, Hassan Mohamed, Samatha Madhavarapu, and Cory Vaske
Increasing Referrals for Services through Collaboration with Community Agencies, Benjamin Mohr
Experiential Learning and Small Group Dynamics: Working with the Genocide Intervention Network, Krista Monson
Gender Responses to Advertising Content in Male vs. Female Magazines, Jessica M. Morales and Heidi C. Doerr
Completing the Triangle: Alcohol Attitudes and Risk-Taking Behavior, Christina Murphy and Danielle Polzin
Determining Genetic and Clonal Diversity of Typha spp. Using Microsatellites Markers, Monica J. Ngeno
Investigating the Role that Compounds in Vanilla and Cinnamon Play in Preventing Cancer, Vy T. Nguyen
Barriers That Children Experience in Being Placed in Adoptive Homes, Julie Nielsen
Determination of the Antioxidant Potential, Total Phenolic Content and Total Flavonoid Content of Vernonia amygdalina, Cybill E. Okitikpi
LLMHS Elderly Services Outreach Program: Lincoln, Lyon & Murray Human Services, Jamie Olson
Qualitative Research of Selected Language Skills of Individuals with Cornelia de Lang Syndrome, Kelly E. Olson
Frequent Users of the Emergency Department: A Policy Proposal, Tina Ann Olson
Investigating the Pathogenesis Response of Soybean Varieties with High Quality Indices, Paskal Pandey and Anil Thapa
Sexual Violence Education Programs Presented in Public Schools, Teresa Parker
Selling Gender: Gender Role Portrayals in Contemporary Magazine Advertisements, Laura Pelletier
You've Got Mail: Identity Perceptions Based on Email Usernames, Laura Pelletier
Should the University Have the Right to Punish Students Who Get Caught Drinking Off Campus?, Chris Perry, Chris Gasner, Connor Nelson, Cornelius Cotton, Bryan Jellinger, and Cliff Dodge
Facilitated Attachment of the N-(3-HydroxypropyI) Urea Unit to a Solid Phase Resin Using 9- Fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (FMOC) as a Protecting and Quantifying Group, Souksavanh Phaengkhouane
Assessment of Parenting Skills of Mothers in Court Ordered Substance Abuse Treatment, Barb Pieske
The Effect of Nutrient Levels on the Allelopathic Ability of Reed Canary Grass {Phalaris arundinacea) on Lettuce, Selina Pradhan
Freedom of Speech, Jillene Preusser, Jason Barnett, Justin Sawyer, Jon Rivers, Jason Goebel, and Jordan Curtiss
Energy Calibration of a Van de Graaff Accelerator, Christopher Prokop, Ryan Wickland, Scott Clarke, Chad Anderson, and Arbin Timilsina
Performance as Advocacy for Abused Survivors, Megan Rae
Hybrid Development and Diesel Emissions Technology, Jayson Ramthun, Aaron Jackson, Matthew Blaha, Michael Dannenberg, Alex Bellus, and David Carroll
Expression of 9/13 Hydroperoxide Lyase in Cucumber Leaves, Samee Ranginwala
Implementation and Data Tracking of School-Linked Mental Health Services at a Rural Mental Health Agency, Jim Redmond
Family Councils, Amanda Reed
The Effects of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on Employers in the Mid-West., Michelle Reiners, Leonette-Ann Riley, Mariel Korton, Melissa Erdman, Marissa Baumann, and Matt Sayre
Risk Factors for Students Attending a Sober School in Mankato, Minnesota Prior to Discharge from School: What Are They?, Shannon Riley
Social Work Ethics Computer-Based Training Minnesota State University, Mankato Department of Social Work, Rebecca Robinson-Wargelin
How Guided Inquiry Classes Affect Students' Learning Chemistry, Brendan P. Roggow
Differentiable Game Theory and Strategic Decision Making in Business, Austen Rud
Strata: Collaging Through Layers, Colin Ruff
Mycobacterium paratuberculosis Carbon Catabolism in Nutrient-Rich and Nutrient-Poor Environments, Eric Russell and Amanda Vaske
Proposal on How to Tax Motorists, Megan Rynda, Melissa Neal, Megan Hejhal, Matt Wills, and Mike Kipke
Effects of Reduced Aldosterone on Resting Blood Pressure in the Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) Rat, Angela Sanderson
Comparison Of Distiller's Grain and Corn Gluten Concentrations on the Germination Of Common Weeds: Common Mallow (Malva neglecta), Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), and Wild Garlic (Allium ursinum), Mark Saxhaug and Brandon Bragg
Are Stereotypes Inherently Negative? Assessing Activation in Memory for Positive and Negative Stereotypes, Amber Scheierl
Gender Differences in Symptoms of Anxiety, Depression, Hyperactivity and Conduct Problems among Children Ages Eight to Fourteen, Jenna M. Schley
Use of Global Guidelines Assessment in Early Childhood Education Settings, Cassandra Schmidt, Anna Kucherenko, Alexandra Shykova, and Anne Kennedy
Stream Profile Analysis of the Le Sueur River Stream Capture Event, Katherine Schroeder
References, Opening the Lines of Communication, Joshua Schultz, Jonathan Elwood, Kristin Ashe, Heather Johnson, Leah Kahler, and David Lindell
The Representation of Women in American Western Film and Literature, Jessica Sebold
Sovereignty and National Identity In Regards To The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, Mohamed R. Seck
Application of Employment At-Will Principles Among College Students, Anthony Seidl, Benjamin Traxler, Bethany Imdieke, Brandon Schlichter, and Brett Thompson
Political Art of the Black Panther Party: Cultural Contrasts in the Nineteen Sixties Countermovement, Melissa Seifert
From a Consumer’s Perspective: What is Helpful for Residents of Four Bed Group Homes to Maintain Good Mental Health, Ronna R. Severson
Adding Flex-Fuel Capability to a Passenger Vehicle Engine Using a Do-it-Yourself System, Shizen Shrestha and Saroj Phuyal
Property for Sale, Ana Silva, Amber Flaten, Amanda Olson, Blane Sharkey, Brent Forslund, and Andrew Paik
Satisfaction of the Referral of Students to an Offsite Special Education Program, Samantha Smith
Comprehensive Sex Education Versus Abstinence-Only, Shawna L. Soper
Characteristics of Evidence-Based Parent-Training Programs, Peggy Sorensen
Test-Retest Reliability on a Survey Measure of School Psychology Practices, Seth Sorensen
Qualitative Research of Selected Language, Speech, and Hearing Skills of Individuals with Moebius Syndrome, Sarah A. Spoor
False Entrapment, Jenny Starken, James Christianson, John Matheson, Jenny Nass, Jared Andrashko, and Ike McWaters
Mixed Messages: The Contradiction of Dove's Real Beauty Campaign Against Their Better-Aging Products, Meagan Steele
Educational Fiscal Policy and Its Effects on How Our Children Learn: Comparing Minnesota and Illinois, Sally Anne Stenzel
Best Practices for Vulnerable Adult Investigation Policies and Procedures at Blue Earth County, Anna Stindt
Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Electric Training Modules, Jennifer Stuehrenberg
Selected Language Skills of Individuals with Aspergers, Amanda Swanson
Qualitative Research of Selected Language Skills of Individuals with Aspergers Syndrome, Katherine H. Thayer