This is a collection of works authored by students at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Events from 2008
Screening for the Presence of a Transgene in Genetically Altered Mice, Der-How Huang and Brad Skrukrud
Design, Construction, and Testing of the 2008 FSAE Car Chassis, Michael Hubert and Adam Barber
Amer, AI-Ani, and Tuggar: Reconstructing the Construction of Contemporary Islamic Identity, Gina Hunt
Deconstructing the Slut: Contemporary Definitions of Female Sexuality Amongst Midwestern College Students, Stacy Huntington
Prevalence, Attitude, and Knowledge of College Students at Minnesota State University, Mankato Regarding Oral Piercings, Kayla Janssen
Cloning and Initial Functional Characterization of Unknown Gene KIAA1946., Kyle Jensen
The Effect of Maternal Aldosterone Levels on the Expression of 11B-HSD Isoenzymes in Normal and Hypertensive Rat Placentae, Nicole L. Jorissen, Theresa Salerno, and James E. Rife
MSU Students' Attitudes and Beliefs towards Vaccinating Youth Against Human Papillomavirus, Kathryn Kamerud
Histological Analysis of Myocardium of Genetically Altered Mice, Joshua Kamrud
Development of a Quick SSCP Method to Detect the Common O Variant Alleles, Kul Karanjeet and Casey Malone
Generation of Rabbit and Chicken Polyclonal Antibodies, Jenna Kastenschmidt
Betty Crocker and the Changing Role of the Homemaker, Britt Katuin
Testing for an Allelopathic Interaction Between Typha latifolia and Typha x. glauca, Kayla Kiecker and Janet Wood
Systemic Racism of the UNICEF Germany's Ads Depicting Children in Blackface, April M. Larson
Future Teacher's Perceptions of Treatment for Challenging Behavior in Autism, Renee Lee
Relationship Between Athletes and Role Models, Kaytlin M. LeMier
Paper to Floor: Linking Space to Movement Through Printmaking and Dance, Staci Lipps (Presenter and Dancer), Nicole Curry (Dancer), Danielle Friedman (Dancer), Kaitlin Johnson (Dancer), and Kelsey McGowan (Dancer)
Sexual Assault Services for People with Disabilities, Angela Losasso
The Effect of Chronic Exercise on Vascular and Kidney Responses to Angiotensin II in the Wistar Kyoto rat (WKY), Brian Lovig
A Comparative Approach to Understanding the Determinants of Social Policy Retrenchment in the United Kingdom and Spain., Justine Ludwigson
Applied Cultural Anthropology and Economic Examination of Potential Mankato Area Marathon, Michael William Luoma
Narratives from the Former Soviet Union to the United States, Kimberly Maas
Institutional Arrangements Make the Difference: A Comparative Study of Health Care Policy and Provision in the Netherlands and France, Nathan J. Madden
The Effect of Corrosion and Cracks on the Safety of Steel Bridges, Christopher M. Marr
Formulation of an X- Ray Opaque Polyurethane Material for Vascular Studies, Charalette Mathwig
Personal Use Policies, William Meyer
Portrayals of Masculinity in Contemporary Romantic Vampire Literature, Amanda Miller
Effects of Impaired Aldosterone Secretion on Hypertension Development in the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat (SHR)., Erica Moore
The Effects of Positive Peer Pressure Among Adolescent Girls: Academic Achievement Motivation and School Engagement, Megan Lynn Moran
Teaching Cultural Prototypes and Detecting Prototypical Errors of L2 Learners, Tina Bennett Mowrey
Examination and Comparison of Modern Teaching Methods, Megan Munneke and Mary Hadley
Coding of Emotions and Logic When Making Decisions, Cassie Nieman and Emily Jax
Impact of Combining Traditional Printmaking with Contemporary Digital Print, Harumi Okoshi
Bringing a Van de Graaff Accelerator to Life, Olivia Rose Oliver, Scott Alexander Clarke, Arbin Timilsina, and John Clymer
Printing Three-Dimensionally: Merging Printmaking and Sculpture, Matthew J. Olson
Identifying Differences Across Computer Users, Casey E. Painter
lmmunofluorescent Analysis of Actin Expression in Genetically Modified vs. Wildtype Murine Ocular Muscle, Aaron C. Peck
Camper Council: A Meaningful Involvement Initiative, Amanda Penning
Does It Matter That Sleeping Beauty Waited for the Prince to Come? Virtues Highlighted in French Fairy Tales, Elisha I. Peterson
Assessment of Women's Presence in International Relations Discourse, Laura Pinilla
Airplane Landing Performance on Contaminated Runways and Adverse Conditions, Saroj Pradhan, Rajeev Shakya, and Juna Shrestha
Identification of SNPs in the Coding Region of Human mtDNA, Cassidy Punt and Elizabeth Smalley
The Relationship Between the Strength and Fatigability of the Back Extensors and the Flexibility of the Hamstrings and Hip Flexors, David Quammen
The Effect of Aerobic Conditioning Versus Resistance Training on Resting Metabolic Rate, Rachael L. Quast and Patrick B. Wilson
Testing the Validity of the Logistic Link Function in Lung Cancer Data, Harrison Quick
Cigarette Advertisements in the MSU Reporter, Ali Ramsey
Aperiodic Tilings: The Relationship between Spectrum and "Bubbles", Ashely Rand
Characterization of Proteins that Interact with the Alpha Subunit of Actin Capping Protein, Ryan Raver
Does Chronic Dieting Lower Resting Energy Expenditure Below That Estimated by Predictive Equations Thereby Increasing an Individuals Risk for Becoming Overweight or Obese, Elizabeth Retzlaff and Lynsey Wetzler
Ms., Mrs., Mr.: Gendered Language in Wedding Invitations, Tavis Riederer
How Guided Inquiry Classes Affect Student's Learning Chemistry, Brendan Roggow
Absence of Presence, Lindsay Roth
Health Behaviors of Somali Families, Amina Salim
Understanding Attitudes Toward Drug Use, Erin Salonek
Examining the Relationship Between Perfection, Control and Anxiety, Katey Scheller
Binding of Topical Skin Preparations to Skin, Kassandra Schleis
Comparison of the Efficacy of Verbal and Pictorial Priming in the United States and Japan, Whitney Mone't Schmidt
The Absolute Magnitude Distribution of F-Turnoff Stars, Jacob Simones
Explosive and Rapid Decompression in Aircraft Cabins, Matthew Simones
Masculinity In Maxim Magazine, Nicole Smith
Improved Storm Data Processing Through Parallel Computing Approaches, Shauna Smith
Self Defense Classes: Teaching Women to Submit, Jessica Soebbing
The Man Behind the Dress, Zeke Sorenson
Effective Motivational Techniques That Successful Leaders Use in an Organization, Justin K. Spio
Determinants of Traffic Fatalities in the U.S., Hanna Stapleton
Qualitative Research of Selected Language Skills of Twin Boys with Autism, Ann Stommer
Protein-Protein Interactions of the J31 and J32 Forms of Actin Capping Protein, Kevin Y. E. Strehler
Protein-Protein Interactions of the β1 and β2 Forms of Actin Capping Protein, Kevin Y. E. Strehler
Nutrition Education for Weight Control Programs for Children 6-12 Years Old., Heather Stueven and Brenna Waack
Characterization of Peripheral Neurovascular Capillary Structure, Adam W. Sudbeck and Michael W. Witthaus
Turbocharged E85 Engine Project, Tadd Swanlund, Thad Olson, and Tim Welch
Political Agendas in the Letters of Hildegard of Bingen, Anne Sweeney
Discovering the Structural Interactions Between Potential Anti-Cancer Agent NSC 652287 and Guanine, Mark Thompson
The Saqqa-khaneh School of the 1960s: Creating a National Iranian Art Identity, Marria Thompson
Asperger's Syndrome Qualitative Study, Alisa Titze
Here Comes the Bride: Analyzing Bridal Magazine Portrayals of American Brides, Erin Trytten
Breaking Social Confinement: An Analysis of Eighteenth-Century Women in the French Economy, Meghan B. Turok
2008 Abstract Booklet, Undergraduate Research Center, Minnesota State University, Mankato
History of the Minnesota State University, Mankato Music Department, Rebecca Unetic
Performance Comparison of Two Processing Techniques for New and Used Multiplate Hester-Dendy Macroinvertebrate Samplers, Justin Valenty
College Students' Attitudes, Thoughts, and Beliefs Towards Marijuana Use, Kaley VanDenBerg
Considering Democracy "An 'Unrealistic' Alternative": The Results of The 1954 American Intervention In Guatemala, Mark Viskocil
The Significance of Red Ochre Found on Skeletal Remains Excavated at the Helget Site (21 BW82), Brown County, MN, Marcy Voelker
College Binge Drinking Advertisements and the Perpetuation of Gender Stereotypes, Stephanie Wager
Examination of Mycobacterium avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis for the Formation of Organic Films in Culture, Cody Waisanen
Spectral Properties of a Class of Bipartite Graphs, Brendon Watts
Design, Construction, and Testing of the 2008 FSAE Cars Engine, Dustin Wayne and Charles Meyers
Instrumentation to Monitor Bridge Foundation on the Crosstown Project, Brian Welch
The Effect of Activated Charcoal on Soil Microbial Communities in Symbiotic Relationships with Invasive Plant Species, Nisajith N. P. Welikadage
Fear of Independence Stereotypes of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Film, Amanda Wilcox
RNA Silencing of Novel Gene Required For B Cell Development, Michael Witthaus
The Comparison of Placental mRNA Expression of 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenases, Chihiro Yagi and Saadia Ranginwala
Events from 2007
Does Maternal Aldosterone Regulate Placental 11-Beta Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Expression in Rats?, Emmanuel Achu and Justin Rocheleau
An Analysis of Recovery from Abuse in Two Women's Autobiographies, Ashely Angerhofer
Plug-In Hybrid Vehicle Analysis, Christopher Bahn, Eric Esselman, Nate Starkson, and Jacob Wilson
Renewable Energy in Minnesota, Brandon Ball, Drew Boland, Tess Christensen, and Joanna Fries
Constructing a Small Engine Dynamometer, Cory Barwald, Tony Dick, Brandon Kraemer, Branden Loesch, and Dan Prihoda