This collection contains scholarly articles, reports and other publications authored by faculty and staff members from various departments and units at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
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Submissions from 2022
BYOE: Making Connections between Fluid Mechanics and Abstract Painting, Thomas Shepard, Charles Mossey, Jacob Swanson, Colin Huntington, and Mary Murphy
Metal Crystal Structures Lesson in Special Session: Activities with Impact!, Emilie Siverling
Reflections on an Introduction to Project Based Engineering in an Incarcerated Setting, Robert Sleezer, Nicolle Revello, Morgan Round, Kristen O'Connell, Benjamin Orlin, and Andrew Roberts
Mapping South Central Minnesota: An Aerial Photograph Digitization Project, Heidi J. Southworth
"But I'm not an Engineer"...Collaboration between a Librarian and an Upper Division Project-Based Engineering Program, Heidi J. Southworth, Rebecca Bates, and Robert Sleezer
"But I'm not an Engineer"...Collaboration between a Librarian and an Upper Division Project-Based Engineering Program, Heidi J. Southworth, Rebecca Bates, and Robert Sleezer
Perceptions of Future Careers for Middle Year Engineering Students, Catherine McGough Spence, Adam Kirn, and Lisa Benson
Working Full Time and Earning an Engineering Degree: Wellbeing in a Co-Op-Based Engineering Program, Catherine McGough Spence, Luke Nyberg, Justine Chasmar, Jodi Nelson, and Marissa Tsugawa
Libraries and Sustainability: Programs and Practices for Community Impact, René Tanner, Adrian K. Ho, Monika Antonelli, and Rebekkah Smith Aldrich
Changing Climates and Extreme Weather for Minnesota, Patrick A. Tebbe
Essentially: Essays, Richard Terrill
Examination of Ableist Educational Systems and Structures that Limit Access to Engineering Education through Narratives, Marissa Tsugawa, Brady Webster, Sakshi Solanki, Autumn Cuellar, and Catherine McGough Spence
Examining the Provision of School-Based Athletics in Public High Schools Among Girls in the United States, Phillip Veliz and Jennifer Zdroik
The Influence of Disciplinary Background on Peer Reviewers’ Evaluations of Engineering Education Journal Manuscripts, Kelsey Watts, Gary Lichtenstein, Karin Jensen, Evan Ko, Rebecca Bates, and Lisa Benson
Terminated ASU Women's Lacrosse Coach Files Retaliation and Wrongful Termination Lawsuit, Erica J. Zonder and Emily J. Houghton
Title IX at 50: Exploring the Impact of the Law on Cases of Sexual Misconduct and Participation Equity in Athletics, Erica J. Zonder and Emily J. Houghton
The Great Reboot: Succeeding in a Complex Digital World Under Attack from Systemic Risk, Bob Zukis, Paul Ferrillo, and Christophe Veltsos
Submissions from 2021
Empty Stands and Empty Pockets: Revenue Generation in a Pandemic, Suzannah Armentrout, Jennifer Zdroik, and Julia Dutove
Text Classification for L2 Spanish Compositions, Santiago Arróniz and Falcon Restrepo-Ramos
SIGCSE Reads 2021: Using the Stories in Your Classroom, Rebecca Bates, Valerie Summet, Nanette Veilleux, and Judy Goldsmith
Effect of Build Orientation on Mechanical Properties of Fused Deposition Modeling Parts, Nicholas Beattie, Noah Bock, Timothy Anderson, Trevor Edgeworth, Tom Kloss, and Jacob Swanson
Data-Driven Preservation Policy for Wisconsin Bridge Decks, Basak Bektas
Use of Ultrasonic Acoustic Technology for Temporary Deterrence of Bats from Bridges, Başak Aldemir Bektaş, Julie Blanchong, Katelyn Freeseman, and Ahmed Albughdadi
CIVE Program Retention, Basak Bektas, Jeff Pribyl, and Pavan Karra
Keynote and Welcome, Timothy Berry
2021 Scholars At Work Conference Program, Timothy Berry, Basak Bektas, Jeff Pribyl, Pavan Karra, Emily Sauter, Daniel Schwartz, Karen Lybeck, Jessica Schomberg, Kristin Scott, Sarah Ogilvie, Kristi Rendahl, Chelsea Mead, Maria Kalyvaki, Qiang Ye, Rebekah Degener, Susan Schalge, Thad Shunkwiler, Kristen Cvancara, Jameel Haque, Wendy Schuh, Jodi Egeland, Kelly Moreland, Jennifer Turner, Emily Stark, Dan Moen, Chandu Valluri, Andi Lassiter, Samantha Katner, Charles Krois, Alfredo Duplat, Jori Knwenti, and Aaron Hoy
Hazard Ahead: The Impact of Higher Executive Turnover Rates on African-Americans' Navigation of the Professoriate at HBCUs, William Broussard
The More Things Change: The 2020-2021 HBCU Executive Leadership Turnover Report, William Broussard
Student Focus Groups: Experiences Learning in FlexSync and Online Synchronous Courses, Brooke N. Burk
MRPA Focus Groups: Understanding Member Needs and Expectations, Brooke N. Burk, Carrie Anderson, Janelle Crossfield, Carissa Goebel, Priya Tandon, and Kevin O'Brien
Analysing Self-Directed Learning at Iron Range Engineering: Framework and Preliminary Findings, Nicolaj Riise Clausen, Bart Johnson, and Ron Ulseth
Donde las nubes se unen al mar = Where the Clouds Meet the Water, Kimberly E. Contag
The Hunger Belt: Food Justice and Black Farm Families in the Twentieth-Century South, Angela Jill Cooley
Relationships With School Administrators: Leveraging Knowledge and Data to Self-Advocate, Kyena E. Cornelius and Jinger A. Gustafson
Special Educator Self-Advocacy: Support Your Students and Yourself, Kyena E. Cornelius and Wendy W. Murawski
Social Justice from the Inside Out: Introspection & Interconnection, Kristen Cvancara
Recommended Practice in Whole-Group Instruction: Increasing Child Attention, Cynthia F. DiCarlo, Jennifer J. Baumgartner, Carrie Ota, Aaron R. Deris, and Maureen H. Brooksher
Telling Our Story with Data: From Numbers to a Narrative, Casey Duevel, Jennifer M. Turner, Evan Rusch, and Mark McCullough
Diversifying Geneds: Integrating Spanish into CMST 102 (Public Speaking), Alfredo Duplat
Media Representations of Newly Hired NCAA D1 Basketball Coaches, Mikaela Fischer, Emily J. Houghton, and Michelle M. McAlarnen
Examining Homelessness and Housing in Mankato Area Community: A Report for Partners for Housing, Nancy M. Fitzsimons
Human Ecology: Integrating Urban and Natural Environments, Russell J. Fricano
Urban Agriculture as an Opportunity for Local and Regional Governance, Russell J. Fricano
Attitudes toward Spay Neuter in the US Population: Urban-Rural, Cat-Dog and Demographic Differences, Carol L. Glasser
Belize Student Success and Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Study Report 2020-2021, Ariana J. Groen, Daniel Houlihan, Jacob Wessels, and Collin Estrada
New Developments for Journal Package Analysis and Data Visualization, Nat Gustafson-Sundell, Pat Lienemann, Luwis A.R.R. Andradi, Evan Rusch, and Jeff Rosamond
Crashed Courses: Anti-Muslim Bias in John Green's "Crash Course in World History", Jameel Haque
Maverick Learning and Educational Applied Research Nexus, Elizabeth Harsma, Michael Manderfeld, and Carrie Lewis Miller
Attitudes toward Co-teaching in Higher Education: An Exploration of the Circular Model of Collegiate Co-Teaching, Alyssa Harter and Laura Jacobi
Transformations: Change Work Across Writing Programs, Pedagogies, and Practices, Holly Hassel and Kirsti Cole
Transformations: Change Work across Writing Programs, Pedagogies, and Practices, Holly Hassel and Kirsti Cole
The Mass-Metallicity Relation at z 1-2 and Its Dependence on the Star Formation Rate, Alaina Henry, Marc Rafelski, Ben Sunnquist, Norbert Pirzkal, Camilla Pacifici, Hakim Atek, Micaela Bagley, Ivano Baronchelli, Guillermo Barro, Andrew Bunker, James Colbert, Y. Dai, Bruce Elmegreen, Debra Elmegreen, Steven Finkelstein, Dale Kocevski, Anton Koekemoer, Matthew Malkan, Crystal Martin, Vihang Mehta, Anthony Pahl, Casey Papovich, Michael J. Rutkowski, Jorge Almeida, Claudia Scarlata, Gregory Snyder, and Harry Teplitz
Who's Afraid of Divorce? Perspectives from Unmarried Young Adults in the LGBTQ Community, Aaron Hoy
Divorce Ideation and "Deal Breakers" among Married Gay Men and Lesbians: A Qualitative Exploration, Aaron Hoy, Anfa Diiriye, and Emily Gunderson
Who’s Afraid of Divorce? Sexual Minority Young Adults and Their Willingness to Divorce, Aaron Hoy, Jori Nkwenti, and Sachita Pokhrel
Who's Afraid of Divorce? Sexual Minority Young Adults' Perspectives on Divorce, Aaron Hoy, Sachita Pokhrel, and Jori Nkwenti
A Qualitative Exploration of Intercultural Contact between Domestic and International Undergraduate Students, Laura Jacobi
Navigating Political Identity in the Era of Donald Trump, Laura Jacobi and Tony Comer
Comprehension: Helping Students Create Meaning with Print, Andrew P. Johnson
Comprehension - Study Skill Strategies for Students in Grades 4 and Up, Andrew P. Johnson
Critical Race Theory, Andrew P. Johnson
Designing Meaning-Based Interventions for Struggling Readers, Andrew P. Johnson
Designing Meaning-Based Interventions for Struggling Readers, Andrew P. Johnson
Emotions, Stress, and Struggling Readers, Andrew P. Johnson
How to Teach Critical Thinking and Use Thinking Skills in Reading, Andrew P. Johnson
How to "Teach" Grammar, Andrew P. Johnson
Design-Based Research for PBL Curriculum Development, Bart Johnson and Ron Ulseth
A New Approach to Teaching Programming at Freshman Level in Mechanical Engineering, Pavan Karra
Designing a Western Blot Method Optimized for the Time Constraints of a Biochemistry Teaching Lab, Samantha Katner and Charles Krois
Accustomly Intermarried: Intermarriages and the Negotiation of Family Celebrations, Jori Knwenti
Policing and Human Behavior, Carl Lafata
Collaboration in Scholarship: Combining Teaching and Research to Build Student Engagement, Andi Lassiter
Psychological Myths, Mistruths, and Misconceptions: Curriculum-Based Strategies for Knowledge Change, Karla A. Lassonde and Melissa Birkett
Real-World Paricle and NOx Emissions From Hybrid Electric Vehicles Under Cold Weather Conditions, Chengguo Li, Jacob Swanson, Liem Pham, Shaohua Hu, Shishan Hu, Gary Mikailian, and Heejung S. Jung
Same-Sex Sexuality and the Risk of Divorce: Results from Two National Studies, Andrew S. London and Aaron Hoy
DEI Curriculur Initiatives: Transformational Change or Mere Performance?, Karen Lybeck, Jessica Schomberg, and Kristin Scott
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Program Learning Outcomes Considerations, Karen Lybeck, Jessica Schomberg, and Kristin Scott
Faster than Speed, JP Mackey
Faster Than Speed, JP Mackey
COVID Realities & Opportunities for Rural Behavioral Health Services, Paul Force-Emery Mackie
Game-Based and Adaptive Learning Strategies, Carrie Lewis Miller and Odbayar Batsaikhan
Cien años de soledad: Impunidad, memoria y derechos humanos, Andrés Molina-Ochoa and Alfredo Duplat
Right to the Truth in the Colombian Conflict: Realities and Fiction, Andrés Molina-Ochoa and Alfredo Duplat
Unpacking English 101: What Students Learn About Writing & Information Literacy, Kelly Moreland and Jennifer M. Turner
Families Interviews Guide A School-Based Program for Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and their Families, Sarah Ogilvie
Mentors during the Doctoral Process with Dr. Elizabeth Sandell [Audio podcast episode], Katie Archer Olson and Elizabeth J. Sandell
Intercultural Competence within Focused Diversity Courses: The Role of Cultural Identification and Experiential Learning Activities, Preston Osborn and Elizabeth J. Sandell
The Role of an Executive Leader in Student Affairs at a Historically Black University: Opportunities for Promoting Student Growth and a Pathway to the Presidency, Robert T. Palmer, William Broussard, Gerald K. Johnson II, Ernest C. Evans, and LaToya B. Parker
Is Repeated Reading Evidence-Based? A Review of the Literature, Shawna Petersen-Brown, Megan E. Johnson, JulieAnna Bowen, Ashlee R. Lundberg, Jennifer D. Nelson, Ashley A. Williamson, and Jessica M. Wiswell
Pivoting in a Time of Pandemic: The Faculty Experience, Aaron M. Peterson, Jason A. Kaufman, James LeDuc, and Larry Tate
Learning Preferences of Exercisers Based Upon the Education Resource Assessment (ERA), T. Piper, Jennifer Zdroik, M. Lukkarinen, and T. Smith
Just Work for All: The American Dream in the 21st Century, Joshua Preiss
The Transformation of Victorian Monsters: Wilkie Collins' Heart and Science and Gail Carriger's Neo-Victorian 'Parasol Protectorate' Series, Melissa Purdue
Compassion in Online Teaching and Learning: Before and After the Declaration of the Global COVID-19 Pandemic, Kristi Rendahl, Chelsea Mead, Maria Kalyvaki, Qiang Ye, Rebekah Degener, and Susan Schalge
A Changing Landscape of Voseo in Medellin? The Momentum of Voseo in the Public Signage of the Valle de Aburra, Colombia., Falcon Restrepo-Ramos
A Sociolinguistic Examination of the Dual Usted in Medellin, Colombia: Evidence from Semi-Spontaneous Speech and Implicit Language Attitudes, Falcon Restrepo-Ramos
If Signs Could Talk: The Linguistic Landscape of the Archipelago of San Andres, Colombia, Falcon Restrepo-Ramos
Introducing SEÑAL, a Computational Tool for the Linguistic Analysis of Spanish L2 Compositions, Falcon Restrepo-Ramos
Islander Creole Corpus (ICC) at AILLA, Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America, Falcon Restrepo-Ramos