This collection contains scholarly articles, reports and other publications authored by faculty and staff members from various departments and units at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
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Submissions from 2025
Rural Behavioral Health Workforce Development. What We Do and Don't Know, and How to Move Forward., Paul Force-Emery Mackie
AI in Our Library: Some Serious Reflections and a Few Curiosities, Evan Rusch and Nat Gustafson-Sundell
Pregnancy & Elite Athletes: Hamby Alleges Discrimination in Suit Against the WNBA and Las Vegas Aces, Erica J. Zonder and Emily J. Houghton
Submissions from 2024
Using "Science Friday" to Promote Pre-Service Elementary Teachers' Science Teaching Self-Efficacy, Trish Arnold
Are Academia and Industry Listening to Each Other? A Citation Analysis of UX Research Methods Resources, Abigail Bakke and Leonard DiBono
Election Guide: Make It Local!, Kellian Clink
The Shelburne Line Allowed up to 200 Airmen to Get Back to England to Fly against Nazi Germany, Kellian Clink
Trapped with No Escape: The Hidden Problem of Sibling Bullying, Kristen Cvancara
Sibling Bullying Reported by Emerging Adults: Profiling the Prevalence, Roles, and Forms in a Cross-Country Investigation, Kristen Cvancara, Esta Kaal, Maili Pörhölä, and M. Beatriz Torres
Introduction to Theory of Flight, Nihad E. Daidzic
A New Conceptualization Model Explaining Incivility Etiology in Undergraduate Nursing Students, Kara De La Fosse and Rachel Schickling
2024 Scholars At Work Conference Program, Kara De La Fosse, Rachel Schickling, Keenan Hartert, Finley Sims, Trish Arnold, Nazli Wodzinski, Jonathan Paver, Brooke Burke, and Kari Sween
EFL Writing Teacher Education and Professional Development: Voices from Under-Represented Contexts, Estela Ene, Betsy Gilliland, Sarah Henderson Lee, Tanita Saenkhum, and Lisya Seloni
Negotiation: One Library Spills the Beans, Nat Gustafson-Sundell
Novelty Visualizations of Collections Data: Real Impact or Comic Interlude?, Nat Gustafson-Sundell and Evan Rusch
Increased Student Employment is Associated with Inferior Biology Exam and Course Performance, Keenan Hartert and Finley Sims
Analysis of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games Media Coverage via Instagram, Emily J. Houghton
Show Them the Money: Ruling Allows Student Athletes to Seek Damages for Title IX Violations, Emily J. Houghton and Erica J. Zonder
Transgender Boy Allowed to Try Out for Tennessee High School Boys' Golf Team, Emily J. Houghton and Erica J. Zonder
The Sociology of Families Reader: Issues, Perspectives, and Debates, Aaron Hoy and Emily M. Boyd
Assessing Writing - What Doesn't Work, But is Used Anyway, Andrew P. Johnson
Being and Becoming Teachers of Writing: A Meaning-Based Approach to Authentic Writing Instruction, Andrew P. Johnson
Emergent Literacy - Concepts of Print and Phonemic Awareness, Andrew P. Johnson
Lucy Calkins, Units of Study, Balanced Literacy, and the Art of Not Being Silly, Andrew P. Johnson
Structured Literacy is Really Controlled Literacy: Units of Study is Not a Balanced Approach, Andrew P. Johnson
The Five-Step Writing Process, Andrew P. Johnson
The LEARN Method: An Interactive Guide for Effective Learning, Karla Lassonde
Developing Rural Behavioral Health Practices Competencies, Paul Force-Emery Mackie and Jaiden Moore
Student Perceptions of Online Course Design Elements in a Post-Pandemic Environment, Carrie Lewis Miller, Michael Manderfeld, Odbayar Batsaikhan, and Adeyemi Adelekun
Fostering Inclusive Excellence: An Antiracist Pedagogy to Online Course Quality, Jonathan Paver and Brooke Burke
An overview of Generative AI initiatives at Minnesota State University, Mankato (so far), Evan Rusch and Nat Gustafson-Sundell
Data Visualization, Licensing, and other Generative AI Initiatives at Minnesota State University Mankato, Evan Rusch and Nat Gustafson-Sundell
The Budget Proposal as a Constructive Collections Engagement Tool and Practice, Evan Rusch, Pat Lienemann, Heidi J. Southworth, and Nat Gustafson-Sundell
Teaching and Learning for Intercultural Competence in Pakistan Primary and Secondary Schools, Elizabeth J. Sandell and Malaika Azam
Exploring Zoom Fatigue Among International Students in U.S. Virtual Classes, Esther Son and Kristen Cvancara
Subject-Package Measures to Understand the Value Provided by Journal Packages, Heidi J. Southworth, Evan Rusch, and Nat Gustafson-Sundell
Introducing Zippy: Digitizing Our Collections One Clip at a Time, Heidi J. Southworth and Leah Zacate
DIY: The Wonderfully Weird History and Science of Masturbation, Eric Sprankle
Seasonal phenology and starch allocation patterns in populations of Oxycaryum cubense f. cubense and paraguayense in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida, Allison C. Squires, Ryan M. Wersal, Gray Turnage, Christopher R. Mudge, and Benjamin P. Sperry
Communication Barriers in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community, Kari Sween
User Authentication in a Changing Landscape, Tom Tran and Lisa Baures
Effects of Terminology on Student Performance, Nazli Wodzinski
Fundamentals of Engineering Dianostic Test (FEDT), Nazli Wodzinski
Submissions from 2023
Undergraduate Education: Making the Psychology Major Count for Students, Angelica Aguirre, Bradley Arzsnov, Kristie Campana, Andi Lassiter, and Emily Stark
Creating a Community of Support to Dismantle Microaggressions on Campus, Angelica Aguirre, Sudarshana Bordoloi, Alfredo Duplat, Kerry Diekmann, Pakou Lee, and Jessica Schomberg
Rural Mental Health Matters: Challenges, Opportunities & Resources for Communities, Joaquin Altoro, Paul Force-Emery Mackie, Kellie Kubena, Neil Tilghman, and Thad Shunkwiler
Three-Dimensional Science Instruction: Discovering a High Impact Instructional Practice in Teacher Education, Trish Arnold
Wikimedia and Beyond: Linked Data Projects in Minnesota, Greta Bahnemann, Theresa Berger, Bri Krumwiede, Sara Ring, and Heidi J. Southworth
How the Faculty Fellows Program Supports Faculty's Scholarly Innovations and Teaching Innovations, Aaron Budge and Karen Lybeck
2023 Scholars At Work Conference Program, Aaron Budge, Karen Lybeck, Jonathan Paver, Elizabeth Harsma, Joel Leer, Trish Arnold, Angelica Aguirre, Sudarshana Bordoloi, Alfredo Duplat, Kerry Diekmann, Pakou Lee, Jessica Schomberg, Sarah Ogilvie, Hans-Peter DeRuiter, Naseef Mansoor, Bradley Arzsnov, Kristie Campana, Andi Lassiter, Adam Steiner, Emily Stark, Brian Martensen, Molly Schaefer, Lyudmyla Stackpool, Galkande Premarathna, Pavan Karra, Patrick Tebbe, Megan Mahowald, Danielle Scott, H. Sheen Chiou, Kristi Oeding, Yalda Hamidi, Dan Moen, Nazli Wodzinski, Jeff Pribyl, Lauren Singelmann, Yuezhou Wang, Elizabeth Pluskwik, Nancy Drescher, Kevin Dover, Deepa Oommen, Ivana Guarrasi, Sachi Sekimoto, Elizabeth Sandell, and Ryuto Hashimoto
Montana, Challenged Books and Responses, Kellian Clink
Montana Fire Prevention and Public Libraries, Kellian Clink
Social Studies Standards and Teacher Preparation in Minnesota: An Examination in Relationship to Native American History, Kellian Clink
Refiguring Motherhood Beyond Biology, Kirsti Cole and Valerie Renegar
Proactive Course Crafting: Goal Area 7, Equity 2030, and English 105, Nancy Drescher and Kevin Dover
Benefits and Barriers: Women's Access to Mobile Tech in Iran and the MENA Region, Antonia Felix
"I Call It Hunting": Centuries of Violence Against Native American Women, Antonia Felix
AI as a License Review Assistant, Nat Gustafson-Sundell
Site Definitions and Transfer Obligations, Nat Gustafson-Sundell
The Library & Generative AI, Nat Gustafson-Sundell and Mark McCullough
The Collections PBI: Interactive Data Visualization for Campus Outreach, Nat Gustafson-Sundell, Evan Rusch, Pat Lienemann, and Jeff Rosamond
The Urgency of Anti-Racist Mentorship: Calling the Elephant in the Ivory Tower by its Name, Yalda Hamidi
Woman, Life, Freedom, and the Question of Multiculturalism in Iranian Studies, Yalda N. Hamidi
Simulated Mechanical Control of Nitellopsis obtusa under Mesocosm Conditions, Alyssa M. Haram and Ryan M. Wersal
Antiracist Teaching Self-Efficacy: A Case Study Needs Analysis, Elizabeth Harsma, Beth Beschorner, and Justine Schultz
Implementing Tootling Interventions: A Practitioner’s Guide to Increasing Peer Prosocial Behaviors, Alexandra Hilt-Panahon and Kennedi J. Alstead
Esports & Title IX: NCAA Program Growth Leads to Title IX Implications, Emily J. Houghton and Erica J. Zonder
Florida Institute of Technology Ordered to Reinstate Men's Rowing after Title IX Complaint, Emily J. Houghton and Erica J. Zonder
LGBTQ, Divorces and Separations, Aaron Hoy
LGBTQ, Marriages and Unions, Aaron Hoy
The Deinstitutionalization of Marriage, Aaron Hoy
A Humpty-Dumptian Approach to Early Literacy Instruction is Ineffective, Andrew P. Johnson
A Pragmatic Way to Address Academic Standard for Writing, Andrew P. Johnson
Assessing Writing: A Healthy Alternative, Andrew P. Johnson
Assessing Writing - Documenting Students' Growth, Andrew P. Johnson
Comprehensive Reading Instruction, Andrew P. Johnson
Emily Hanford, Reading Instruction, and an Age of Clownery, Andrew P. Johnson
How to Prepare Expert Teachers of Reading, Andrew P. Johnson
How to Prepare Expert Teachers of Reading, Andrew P. Johnson
It's Research-Based: Being Responsible Consumers of Reading Research, Andrew P. Johnson
Making Sense Out of Nonsensical Statements: Reading and Whole Language, Andrew P. Johnson
Science of Reading Advocates are Teaching Children to Guess at Words, Andrew P. Johnson
Science of Reading Advocates are Teaching Children to Guess at Words!!!!, Andrew P. Johnson
The Basics of Science and Reading Science, Andrew P. Johnson
The Importance of Art in the Language Arts, Andrew P. Johnson
Understanding Commonly Misunderstood Terms for Literacy Instruction, Andrew P. Johnson
Valid Writing Assessment: Portfolios, Checklists, and Anecdotal Records, Andrew P. Johnson
What's the Deal with the Science of Reading?, Andrew P. Johnson
Whole Language: We do NOT Teach Children to Guess at Words, Andrew P. Johnson
Identifying the Courses Correlated with Success in First Year Gateway Course in ME Program, Pavan Karra
A Case for Nature in Long-Haul Space Exploration, Jason A. Kaufman, T. Elliott Floyd, and Andrew Lenartz
Leadership in Star Trek: Lessons from the Captain's Chair, Jason A. Kaufman and Aaron M. Peterson
Post Cancellation Access Journal Collections to Improve Library Services, Pat Lienemann, Annalis Luck, and Nat Gustafson-Sundell
Impact of Two Courses on Intercultural Competence of Undergraduate Students, Lauren Lindmeier, Ryuto Hashimoto, and Elizabeth J. Sandell
Disrupting Engineering Education, Euan D. Lindsay, Roger G. Hadgraft, Fiona Boyle, and Ron Ulseth
Bridging Leadership and School Improvement: Advice from the Field, Leslie Ann Locke and Sonya D. Hayes
The Thompson Twins: The Minnesota Mysteries, Michael David MacBride and Heidi Wall Burns
Ichabod Strange Bounces Back, JP Mackey
Addressing Ethics as a Rural Behavioral Health Provider, Paul Force-Emery Mackie